List of Sanctions

After school club – no PE kit

Appropriate to behaviour, e.g. can’t sit still – practise sitting still, didn’t do work – finish in detention, insulted someone – letter of apology

Ask children to sit silently and go to break one minute after other children

Ask them what would be a fitting punishment then carry it out

Batphone – patrol system

Boring/manual labour

Break time detentions

Bring them in from games

Call home and ask for help from parents

Changing seating plans

Choices and consequences – choose to misbehave, you lose golden time

Clean up duty

Comment in diary

Comment on planner

Detention book – to head

Detentions for Year 6

Detentions if students aren’t doing enough work or after marking books if they haven’t read comments, get them to copy something up, at the end of the detention screw it up and ask them to explain how they feel about their work not being read or even acknowledged

Dots warning system

Egg timer to show time wasted

Extra homework

Formal apology – spend lunch writing a letter

Four legs or two (chairs)

Get children to write letter of apology into homework book and get parents to sign

Green, orange, red card

Hold teacher’s hand, e.g. Year 4

Instant action

Instant sanction – preferably straight after lesson

Last in line

Last to go for lunch (i.e. table)

Leave class discussion, i.e. carpet area to their seat


Losing golden time

Losing rewards

Losing play time

Loss of kids’ zone

Lunchtime litter pick

Make the student phone home to explain to their parents/carers

Make the student stand up for the lesson – making them stand out to peers

Meaningless task

Minutes behind

Miss break to do work they didn’t do

Miss golden time – five minute sections

Move to another classroom

Movement around class

Moving away from classmates

Moving away from situation

Name on board x2 = miss one minute of break

Never let them work it off

Not allowed to go on school trips

Not allowed to participate in enjoyable activities

Notes in diaries for parents

Notes in planners

Phone calls home

Practical lessons – tidy up

Practise lining up

Put sad face on board

Red and yellow cards (red = 5 mins HT/DHT, yellow = 5 mins in partner class)

Reflection room

Reminder book

Removal of privileges/no school teams

Removal of treats

Removing break time


Seating plan

See head teacher

Sent to parallel class for time out

Share disappointment with class/school/other teacher

Short detentions

Shorter lunch time/playtime

Silent working

Sin bin/time out

Sitting in silence for 2 minutes

Sitting on floor


Smiley face/sad face

Sports – poor attendance/attitude/attainment, remove after school activities rights

Standing outside staffroom

Stop ‘fun’ lesson, do theory lesson

Sureity not severity

Take away enjoyable part of the lesson

Take star off chart

Talking to them and sorting out what is wrong

Target card for behaviour

Ten minutes after school

Thinking chair or move to different seat

Threat of seating plan as sanction

Three lives on the board – if they are all wiped off = whole class misses one minute of break

Time out chair/table with egg timer and explain why they are sitting there

Time out from fun activity

Time out in class

Time out table

Time wasters – stay behind

Varying degrees of sanctions from least intrusive to most intrusive

Velcro-ed names on pyramid

Visit other classes to see how they behave

Writing lines

Yellow/red card