Highlights of the 2015-2016 NJEFP Membership Year

July–Newsletter emailed to all members

September – Newsletter emailed to all members

September 9th–NSFA*Webinar "Annual Fund Campaigns"

September 15th–Members renewing by this date receive a voucher for two free NJ Devils’ tickets

September 29th – Webinar “Art of the Ask”

October 2nd - Members given four free tickets to NJ Devils preseason game.

Devils host dinner meeting for members to discuss upcoming NJEFP Night with the Devils.

October 22nd–MembershipConference call with the Devils to discuss ticket sale fundraiser

October 29th – Members invited to attend webinar given by DepositAGift.com on “#GivingTuesday”

November 10th-Membership Meeting at Investors BankRobbinsville branch

“Marketing Strategies to Build Awareness of Your Foundation”

December – Newsletter emailed to members

December 1st – NSFA Webinar “Stepping Up: The Nation’s Top K – 12 Education Foundations”

January – Newsletter emailed to all members

January 14th– Membership Meeting at Liberty Science Center in Jersey Cityon “Crowdfunding”

February 18th – Webinar given by EdBacker discussing “Online Fundraising, Donor data base

Management and Communications for Non-Profits”

February 24th- NSFA Webinar “Preparing For and Making the Major Gift Ask”

February 26th–Membership Meeting in Newark at Prudential Center

-“Sharing Best Practices, Successes and Challenges”

-Followed by dinner and attendance at the Devils game

-Celebration of NJEFP Night at the game

March –Newsletter emailed to all members

March 31st – NSFA Webinar “Recruiting Effective Board Members”

April – Newsletter emailed to all members

May–Newsletter emailed to all members

May 2nd– NSFAWebinar“Four Pillars of Donor Relations”

May14th-Membership Meeting at the Lawrence Community Center in Lawrenceville

-“Attract, Retain and Energize Board Members”

June 7th– Webinar “Strengthening New Jersey’s Education Foundations”

During the 2015-16 school year NJEFP experienced tremendous growth. The highlights included:

-Conducted a workshop at the New Jersey School Boards Association annual convention in Atlantic City which was attended by over 75 people.

-Had a booth on the NJSBA convention floor

-"Creating a Local Education Foundation" manual developed by NJEFP made available to all members for purchase

-Representation at the National School Foundation Association conference

-Continued our partnerships with sponsors ETS, PSEG, Investors Bank, NJ Devils, Withum Smith + Brown and New Jersey Manufacturers.

*NSFA is the National School Foundation Association. Your membership dues with NJEFP automatically make you a member of NSFA and entitled to attend all of their webinars for free.