
Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project (Phase 1)

Medical Equipment: Endoscopy Systems



10:00 a.m.
May 15, 2012
General Services Agency
Room 1107, 11th Floor
1401 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612 / 2:00 p.m.
May 16, 2012
Social Services Agency
Shooting Star A, #637
24100 Amador Street
Hayward, CA 94545
Additional Information: Please allow enough time for parking at metered street parking or public parking lot and entry into secure building / Additional Information: Free parking available at on-site parking lot, etc
For complete information regarding this project, seeRFQ posted at or contact the person listed below. Thank you for your interest!
Contact Person:Kai Moore, Contracts Specialist II
Phone Number: (510) 208-4882
E-mail Address:



2:00 p.m.


June 20, 2012


Alameda County, GSA–Purchasing

1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907

Oakland, CA 94612





Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project (Phase 1)

Medical Equipment: Endoscopy Systems


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  1. Intent 5
  2. Scope 5
  3. Vendor Qualifications...... 5
  4. Specific Requirements...... 6
  5. Requirements Checklist Guidelines...... 8
  6. Debarment / Suspension Policy...... 9
  7. General Environmental Requirements...... 10
  8. Deliverables/Reports...... 12


  1. County Contacts...... 12
  2. Calendar of Events...... 13
  3. Networking/Bidders Conferences...... 14
  4. Submittal of Bids...... 14
  5. Response Format...... 16
  6. Notice of Intent toAward...... 16
  7. Bid Protest / Appeals Process...... 17


  1. Term / Termination / Renewal...... 19
  2. Brand Names and Approved Equivalents...... 19
  3. Quantities...... 20
  4. Pricing...... 20
  5. Award 21
  6. Method of Ordering...... 22
  7. Invoicing...... 22
  8. County Provisions...... 23
  9. Online Contract Compliance System...... 26
  10. Compliance Information and Records...... 27
  11. Account Manager/Support Staff...... 27
  12. General Requirements...... 28





Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project (Phase 1)

Medical Equipment: Endoscopy Systems


Page 2 of 2


Exhibit A – Acknowledgement

Exhibit B – Bid Form

Exhibit C – Insurance Requirements

Exhibit D1 – Current References

Exhibit D2 – Former References

Exhibit E – SLEB Certification Application Package

Exhibit F – Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Partnering Information Sheet

Exhibit G – Request for Bid Preference

Exhibit H – First Source Agreement

Exhibit I – Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments

Exhibit J – Standard Services Agreement Template

Exhibit K – Environmental Certification

Exhibit L – RFQ Vendor Bid List

Exhibit M – Response Content and Submittals Completeness Checklist

Exhibit N – Debarment and Suspension Certification

Exhibit O-1 – Requirements Checklist Endoscopy Video Processing Mobile Workstation System

Exhibit O-2 – Requirements Checklist Bronchoscope Mobile Workstation System

Exhibit O-3 - Requirements Checklist Maintenance Unit and Leakage Tester

Exhibit O-4 - Requirements Checklist Scope – Upper GI

Exhibit O-5 - Requirements Checklist Scope – Lower GI

Exhibit O-6 - Requirements Checklist Scope – ERCP

Exhibit O-7 - Requirements Checklist Scope – Bronchoscope - Pediatric

Exhibit P- ProductSubstitution Request Form

Specifications, Terms & Conditions

for Highland Hospital ATR Project (Phase 1) Medical Equipment: Endoscopy Systems


Unless otherwise noted, the terms below may be upper or lower case. Acronyms will always be uppercase.

Bid / Shall mean the bidders’/contractors’ response to this Request
Bidder / Shall mean the specific person or entity responding to this RFQ
BOD / Basis of Design refers to the documentation and specifications that were established to represent the design decisions made to meet the user’s requirements for the project.
Contractor / When capitalized, shall refer to selected bidder that is awarded a contract
County / When capitalized, shall refer to the County of Alameda
Environmentally Preferable Products / Products manufactured in a manner such that the impact on the environment is minimized throughout the entire lifecycle of the product by implementing sustainable practices during material sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, and by providing products that can be used and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner
EPA / United States Environmental Protection Agency
Federal / Refers to United States Federal Government, its departments and/or agencies
F.O.B. / Shall mean without charge for delivery to destination and placing on board a carrier at a specified point (Free On Board)
Labor Code / Refers to California Labor Code
MSDS / As used herein shall refers to Material Safety Data Sheets
OSHA / Refers to California Occupational Safety and Health Administrations
OSHPD / Refers to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development and its requirements for medical facilities in California.
PBTs / Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxins including compounds such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, and mercury as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and listed on the EPA’s website at
Proposal / Shall mean bidder/contractor response to this RFQ
PO / Shall refer to Purchase Order(s)
Quotation / Shall mean bidder’s response to this RFQ
Request for Quotation / Shall mean this document, which is the County of Alameda’s request for contractors’/bidders’ proposal to provide the goods and/or services being solicited herein; also referred herein as RFQ
Response / Shall refer to bidder’s proposal or quotation submitted in reply to RFQ
RFQ / Request for Quotation
SLEB / Small Local Emerging Business
Source Reduction / Refers to products that result in a net reduction in the generation of waste compared to their previous or alternate version and includes durable, reusable and remanufactured products; products with no, or reduced, toxic constituents; and products marketed with no, or reduced, packaging
State / Refers to State of California, its departments and/or agencies



It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions todescribethe medical equipment products required for the Phase 1, Satellite Building, as part of the Highland Hospital Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project.

The County intends to award a two-year contract (with option to renew) to the bidder(s) selected as the lowest responsible bidder whose response meets the County’s requirements.


The County of Alameda is currently underway with the ATR Project, located in Oakland, California. This new facility will function as a specialty and urgent care clinic with administrative offices, as part of the existing medical center campus. The clinic building occupancy is an Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development “OSHPD 3” designated facility. The specified medical equipment was selected upon the Basis Of Design (BOD) of the project’s program and requirements. These specifications are intended to establish the quality, design and dimensional requirements stipulated by the BOD.


Primary vendor must meet the following minimum qualification criteria:

  1. Vendor must either be a manufacturer, or manufacturer representative, authorized to distribute the specified medical equipment or be a competing manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative able to provide an “approved equivalent”.
  1. Vendors submitting products for consideration as an equivalent will be required to submit a substitution request form, which will be included in the RFQ.
  1. Vendor must be regularly and continuously engaged in the business of providing the specified medical equipment for a minimum of five (5) years.
  1. Vendor shall possess all permits, licenses and professional credentials necessary to supply the specified medical equipment required under this RFQ.
  1. Vendor must have the ability to comply with the federal Davis-Bacon Act, if necessary, due to any vendor installation and/or assembly of medical equipment.
  1. Vendor must provide a two-year warranty on all medical equipment supplied.
  1. Vendor’s warranty must authorize the transfer of that warranty from the County (as purchaser of the equipment) to the Alameda County Medical Center (operator of the facility) without voiding the warranty. The warranty shall start with first patient use of the product.


1.The specified medical equipment was selected upon the Basis Of Design (BOD) of the project’s program and requirements. These specifications are intended to establish the quality, design and dimensional requirements stipulated by the BOD.

Exhibit / Item Description / Manufacturer / Qty.
O-2 / BRONCHOSCOPE MOBILE WORKSTATION SYSTEM / Olympus Corp. Endoscopy Division / 2
O-3 / MAINTENANCE UNIT & LEAKAGE TESTER / Olympus Corp. Endoscopy Division / 2
O-4 / SCOPE, GI – UPPER / Olympus Corp. Endoscopy Division / Up to 10
O-5 / SCOPE, GI - LOWER / Olympus Corp. Endoscopy Division / Up to 10
O-6 / SCOPE, ERCP / Olympus Corp. Endoscopy Division / 2
O-7 / SCOPE, BRONCHOSCOPE, PEDIATRIC / Olympus Corp. Endoscopy Division / 1

For complete specifications of items above, refer to Requirements Checklists Exhibits O-1 through O-7, which are contained in this RFQand must be submitted with the bid response.

2.For quality assurance, the following requirements shall apply:

a.Code Compliance - All medical equipment supplied shall comply with the State of California seismic bracing codes and requirements and, as required, seismic anchorage kit(s) shall be supplied by the Vendor. The Vendor shall provide the OSHPD pre-approved number(s) for anchorage, if required.

b.Complete Equipment/Systems - Items or accessories that are not included in the specifications, but are essential to the proper use of the product, shall be supplied by the Vendor. The Vendor shall provide all necessary product components and accessories for utility services and connections.

c.Current Product Models-The vendor shall bid the product specified. In the event that a product has been superseded by a new model, vendor shall bid the new model and provide specification information. It is the intent of the County to purchase the latest equivalent model known to be available at the time of shipment. Specification information for the new model shall include technical advances relevant to the specified product in this RFQ.

d.Delivery Method- Delivery of this medical equipment shall be specially arranged with the vendor by the County’s General Services Agency (GSA).

3.Delivery of Medical Equipment:

  1. Shipping - Unless otherwise set forth in this RFQ, all items shall be suitably packed and marked. The Purchase Order Number must appear on all shipping documents and in a visible location on the exterior of all shipping containers.

(1)Delivery shall be made to the Highland Hospital ATR Project, 1141 East 31st Street, Oakland CA 94602.

(2)All deliveries must include a packing list. A manifest must be included if the packing list does not show itemized contents. Vendor or carrier shall contact the County contact (to be named in contract) 48 hours in advance of the delivery date.

  1. Schedule -The medical equipment to be acquired under this RFQ is for use in a new hospital facility, currently under construction, on an existing site. Therefore, the delivery date for the medical equipment will be closely coordinated by the County with the vendor.

(1)The anticipated timeline for delivery is February/March 2013.

(2)The vendor shall confirm and coordinate the specific delivery date and location with the County, preferably within five (5) to seven (7) days prior to shipment.

(3)The County may request a change in the delivery date from the anticipated schedule. The vendor will be required to indicate the necessary lead time, and the effects of schedule changes, if required, in the Contract.

(4)The ongoing construction and the delivery of equipment for this project require extensive coordination for use of the streets to access the site, receiving dock/areas, and elevators. The awarded vendor will be required to cooperate fully with the County and its General Contractor in this coordination.

(5)The County will provide the vendor with site/building plans for truck access. All trucks must have hydraulic lift gates and any specialized unloading equipment required. Semi-trucks are not able to directly access the receiving dock for this project.

(6)The vendor shall supply rigging or specialized tools required for delivery and any associated costs shall be stated as part of the delivery charge.

  1. Rules and Regulations – Vendor (including its representatives and personnel) shall comply with all the on-site safety requirements for construction of the project and the safety and infection control requirements of Highland Hospital. Specific requirements and compliance documents will be provided to the vendor at contract.

4.Acceptance Testing

a.Vendor must conduct a final acceptance test and provide a performance report(s) of the entire medical equipment/system(s), showing the results of every function and any variation from the expected results.

b.The final test and/or performance report(s) must be accepted and approved, in writing, by the County, before final payment will be released. In the event that final test/performance results do not satisfy the requirements in Section H, below, the vendor must provide a proposed solution, including a schedule that will satisfy the requirement and is acceptable to the County.


Vendors must submit, with their response, fully completed Requirements Checklists, Exhibits O-1 through O-7. Responses submitted without the Requirements Checklists will be disqualified.

A “Yes” response to a specification sentence in the “Complies?” column will mean that the vendor intends to comply with the exact specification, as described in the “Requirements Checklist.” If the vendor is able to comply with the specification stated, and states “yes” in the “Complies?” column, no further action is required.

A “No” response to a specification sentence in the “Complies?” column will mean that the vendor is unable to comply with the specification provided by the County.

If a vendor intends to submit a Request for Substitution, the vendor is to state “No” in the “Complies?” column and “Yes” in the “Request for Substitution Submitted?" column. Vendormust then provide a completed Exhibit P, Product Substitution Request Form for each product for which the vendor stated “No” in the “Complies?” column. Vendor must clearly reference each product to be substituted by its corresponding item number from the “Number” column. The County, at its sole discretion, shall have the right to deem acceptable any proposed equivalents submitted by the vendor on the “Product Substitution Request Form”.

A response of “N/A” or no response to any specification column will mean that the vendor is unable to comply with the specification provided by the County.

In the “Requirements Checklists,” Exhibits O-1 thru O-7, references to specific brand names are intended to describe components that have been determined to best meet operational, performance, or reliability standards of the County, thereby incorporating these standards by reference within the specifications. These specifications are not meant to limit the vendor; they are guidelines to minimum qualifications. The vendor shall indicate their compliance or non-compliance for each line of the specification as described in the previous paragraphs of the Requirements Checklist section. An “equivalent or better” may be offered by the vendor, subject to evaluation and acceptance by the County. It is the vendor’s responsibility to provide, at vendor’s expense, samples, test data, or other documentation that the County may require to fully evaluate and determine acceptability of an offered substitute. The County reserves the sole right to reject a substituted component that does not or will not meet or exceed County standards.

Please refer to “IV. Brand Names and Approved Equivalents”, Section Q for further information on brand names and approved equivalents.


1.In order to prohibit the procurement of any goods or services ultimately funded by Federal awards from debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded parties, each bidder will be screened at the time of RFQ response to ensure bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded by the United States Government in compliance with the requirements of 7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 3016.35, 28 CFR 66.35, 29 CFR 97.35, 34 CFR 80.35, 45 CFR 92.35 and Executive Order 12549.

a.The County will verify bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not on the Federal debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded list of vendors located at and

b.Bidders are to complete a Debarment and Suspension Certification form, Exhibit N attached, certifying bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded by the United States Government.

G.GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: The requirements outlined in this section apply to all product categories contained in this bid.

1.Measure D Requirements:

It is the objective of the County to purchase products with the lowest overall environmental impact from manufacturing through end of life and to procure services that achieve this same objective. To meet this objective, environmental factors and product attributes are evaluated in the procurement process. The County is mandated under Measure D to divert at least seventy five percent (75%) of material from landfill through recycling and source reduction and to encourage markets for environmentally preferable goods through its procurement process.

2.Regulatory Compliance:

Manufacturers and service providers will be in compliance with all local, state, and federal worker health and safety regulations that apply to their operation.

3.Recycled Content:

All products for which the EPA has established minimum recycled content standard guidelines, such as those for printing and janitorial papers, construction, parks and recreational materials, etc., will contain the highest post-consumer content practicable, but no less than the minimum recycled content standards established by the EPA Guidelines. See the EPA website at a list of recycled content guidelines.

4.Source Reduction and Packaging:

The County has a strong commitment to source reduction, minimizing waste generation, and reducing the County’s expenditure on waste disposal and recycling. Bidders shall provide bulk packaging, reusable, or minimal packaging in providing products to the County. Packaging will be both made from recycled materials and be recyclable. Contractors should explore and provide opportunities for the reuse of packaging materials. In the bid response, Bidders shall include a written summary of their planned efforts to minimize the amount of packaging and shipping materials and should describe the post-consumer recycled content of those materials. Please see Exhibit K (Environmental Certification)