HESA MA SITE EVAL 2017-2018Page 1

Higher Education & Student AffairsM.A. (Student Affairs Track) Student Evaluation

The professional competency outcomes sought for graduates of the HESA M.A. align with the Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners established by ACPA and NASPA.

Site supervisors of HESA students should engage in ongoing formative evaluation of the student’s professional performance and learning through regular supervisor/student meetings. Additionally, site supervisors are required to complete an end-of-year (GA or internship) or end-of-semester (practicum) summative evaluation of the student using a personalized version of this form and discussing it directly with the student. Students will also complete a self-evaluation using the personalized form and bring that to their evaluation meeting with the supervisor.

This form is flexible and should be personalized to the professional competency areas available for development at each site. If your functional area uses another set of competencies (e.g., NODA, AFA), supervisors and students are welcome to modify this document to include the competencies that best fit with the experience. The HESA program does not expect our students’ practical experiences to incorporate learning across all professional competency areas. Each student and supervisor pair should work together to personalize the evaluation document to construct an evaluation that best meets the experience. For example, if the experience does not allow for the student to improve zir competency in “law, policy, and governance,” simply type “not applicable” in that section of the evaluation.

Please use the publication,ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies Rubrics, to assist in your evaluation of the HESA student’s competencies. Identify the student’s strengths in each applicable competency area, and also ways the student can continue to develop in each applicable area. As lifelong learners who are early in their professional development, master’s students should strive for the foundational outcomes of each competency area.

Assistantship/internship supervisors will complete this formal evaluation twice for each HESA student: once at the end of the student’s first year (including a supervisor/student meeting) and once at the end of the student’s second year (including a supervisor/HESA faculty/student meeting). A copy of each evaluation should be sent to Jodi Linley, HESA Program Coordinator, for the student’s program file.

Practicum supervisors will complete this formal evaluation once for each HESA student at the end of the semester during which the student completes the practicum. Supervisors should meet 1-on-1 with their practicum student to review the evaluation prior to the HESA faculty/supervisor/student meeting. A copy of the evaluation should be sent to Jodi Linley, HESA Program Coordinator, for the student’s program file.

Thank you for your investment in HESA students’ professional development!


Type of Experience (circle/highlight):

  • Year 1 Assistantship/Internship
  • Year 2 Assistantship/Internship
  • Practicum
  • Advanced Practicum

Site/Office of Experience:

Site Supervisor Name:

Site Supervisor Signature:

Student Name:

Who completed this particular evaluation? Supervisor or Student

Date of evaluation meeting:


Students: In this section of the document, please copy and paste the goals you established in consultation with your supervisor for this experience. Your goals should align with the ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies and reflect your plans for professional development and preparation for a career in higher education and student affairs.

GOALS (copy/paste from document prepared early in the semester/year):

Each Competency Area has multiple Skill Areas. For each Skill Area, identify the student’s level of competency based on theACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies Rubrics. Again, our expectation is that master’s students strive for foundational outcomes. Evaluations of ‘intermediate’ and ‘advanced’ should be reserved for only those skills and areas where supervisors observed exceptional development. Please elaborate when possible whenever students display “Not Demonstrated,” “Intermediate,” or “Advanced.” The ACPA/NASPA publication linked above includes descriptions of outcomes at each competency level.

Use the following competency levels:

  • Not Demonstrated
  • Foundational
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Competency Area: Advising and Supporting

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Interpersonal Skills
Professional Development
Group Dynamics
Partnering with Others
Conflict & Crisis Situations

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Assessment, Evaluation & Research

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Terms and Concepts
AER Design
Methodology, Data Collection, and Data Analysis
Interpreting, Reporting, and Using Results

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Law, Policy and Governance

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Laws and Legal Systems
Ethical and Inclusive Application of Policy
Civic Engagement

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Leadership

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Foundational and Theoretical Principles of Leadership
Self-Awareness and Continual Reflection
Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills
Change Management and Innovation

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Organizational and Human Resources

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Assessment, Advocacy, and Networking
Skill Development
Hiring and Staffing
Supervision, Communication, and Conflict Resolution
Crisis and Risk Management
Resource Management, Stewardship, and Sustainability

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Personal and Ethical Foundations

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Wellness and Healthy Living
Ethical Codes and Professional Standards
Self-Assessment and Reflection

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Social Justice and Inclusion

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Understanding of Self and Navigating Systems of Power
Critical Assessment and Self-Directed Learning
Engaging in Socially-Just Practice
Organizational Systemic Advocacy

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Student Learning and Development

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Understanding Theory
Design and Application
Assessment and Integration

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Technology

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Technical Tools and Software
Data Use and Compliance
Digital Identity and Citizenship
Online Learning Environments

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Competency Area: Values, Philosophy, and History

Skill Area / Not Demonstrated / Foundational / Intermediate / Advanced / Not Applicable
Historical Foundations
Theoretical Foundations
Societal/Cultural Context
Professional Service
Campus and Civic Engagement

Strengths within this competency area (please reference specific skill areas where possible):

Areas for continued development in this competency area:

Overall Evaluation

Overall during this evaluation period, this student’s performance as it relates to Professional Competencies in Student Affairs has been:

___ Outstanding (above my expectations for a student at this level)

___ Satisfactory (on par with my expectations for a student at this level)

___ Unsatisfactory (below my expectations for a student at this level)

Additional Feedback or Comments:

APPENDIX B: Verification of HESA Practicum Site

This form documents the agreement to a practicum site and supervision between the following student and site supervisor:

Student Name (Printed or Typed): ______

Student Signature: ______

Supervisor Name (Printed or Typed): ______

Supervisor Signature: ______

Semester of Practicum: ______

Site/Agency Name: ______

Site/Agency Address: ______

Short Description of Practicum:

Submitting this form to the HESA program coordinator implies that there is agreement between the student and the site supervisor about the specific terms of the practicum experience. This form is due December 10 for spring practicum experiences and May 10 for fall practicum experiences.

APPENDIX C: Sample Time Log

Susan Sample

Career Leadership Academy

Spring 2015

Date / Activity / Direct Contact / Total / Administrative Work / Total
January 20 / Orientation to office / 9-12:30 / 3.5
January 21 / Shadow Kelley in advising appt / 1:00 – 4:00 / 3.0
Meet with Kelley to discuss advising appt / 4:00 – 5:00 / 1.0
January 22 / Drop-in hours for CLA students / 11:00 – 1:00 / 2.0
Staff meeting for CLA Staff and interns / 2:00-3:00 / 1.0
Semester Total / 5.0 / 5.5