Ageing Better in Camden

Proposal for Tendering and Selection Processes for ABC Delivery Partners

ABC has provisionally been awarded £4.46million to deliver a programme of activities as set out in our bid submitted earlier this year. Final confirmation of the funding is subject to approval of a detailed Project Plan to be submitted by 22/12/14. We will not know the outcome until end March 2015.

However as the programme is scheduled to start in June 2015 ABC will start the process of tendering and selecting Delivery Parties early in 2015 but no contracts will be confirmed until we receive final approval from BIG Lottery.

The programme was drawn up by the ABC Strategic Partners, following broad consultation and discussion with older people and other partners across the borough. The bid sets out the activities to be delivered in order to achieve the agreed outcomes. Therefore it is not possible to add or change any of the agreed activities, however there is still a lot of detail to be developed and scope for creative interpretation of the plans.

The bid included named delivery partners for some elements of the programme, namely:

  • Kilburn Voice and Choice Model
  • Part of the intergenerational activities
  • RecommendMe on line search engine
  • Pharmacy based Community Health Champions
  • Programme Management

Although these elements will not be subject to open tender the providers will need to submit a delivery proposal which will be assessed against an agreed specification by the Evaluation Panel.

All other elements will be open for organisations to bid to deliver the activities.

The BIG Lottery has set requirements for our procurement process which must be a competitive process and ensure that all contracts are procured equitably, robustly and with a strong focus on providing quality services and value for money. In relation to ABC and its elements this has the implications set out below.

Given that BIG have indicated that they require the Project Plan to describe the first 2 years of the programme in greatest detail, and that this should be followed by a review and update to the Plan every two years we will be inviting organisations to bid for 2 year contracts

Scheduling and Considerations by Activity

This list covers the elements of the project that need to be in place either at the start or during Year 1.

Activity / Provider: As indicated in Bid / Implications / Timescale
Community Connectors / None indicated / £1,352,706 BIG funding across 6 years.
Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £479,056.
12 months funding in Year 1. / Invitation to tender January 2015. Panel evaluates tenders in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
Partnership Development, incorporating Partnership Events and Older Voices Ageing Better Network / None indicated / £364,839 + £27,500 + £27,500 BIG funding across 6 years.
Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £ 117,442 + £10,000 + £10,000. / Invitation to Tender January 2015. Panel evaluates tenders in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.See also Training below.
LGBT Active Involvement Model / None indicated / £131,562 BIG funding across 6 years. The budget provides 12 months funding in Year 1. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £46,169. / Invitation to Tender January 2015. Panel evaluates tenders in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
Digital Inclusion / Tablet Training / None indicated. Delivery by several providers is envisaged / £161,394 BIG funding across 6 years. The budget provides 12 months funding of £17,571 in Year 1. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £34,411
ABC considering options for tender:
  • Annual contracts
  • Divide total into 3 lots so option to bid for one part or all three lots
  • Consortium option
/ Invitation to Tender January 2015. Panel evaluates tenders in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
Men’s Action Groups / None indicated / £160,450 BIG funding across 6 years.
The budget provides 12 months funding of £21,045 in Year 1. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £42,511.
ABC considering options for tender:
•Annual contracts
•Divide total into 3 lots so option to bid for one part or all three lots
•Consortium option / Invitation to Tender January 2015. Panel evaluates tenders in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
Intergenerational ABCD / GoodGym indicated in Year 1 (£10,000). None others indicated. / £160,450 BIG funding across 6 years. The budget provides 12 months funding of £21,045 in Year 1. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £42,511.
GoodGym agreed to provide in year 1.
Further specification to be developed for remaining work / The Bid implies that delivery will commence at the start of the programme.
Evaluation of GoodGym’s Proposal by Panel would therefore happen by May 2015. Contract would be awarded and delivery commence June 2015.
Would need to issue Invitation to Tender in approx. Jan 2015 in relation to additional Year 1 activities (value = £11,045). Panel evaluates tenders by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
Training / None indicated / £75,035 BIG funding across 6 years. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £24,240.
Strategic Partnership Board to consider whether to incorporate this element within either the Partnership Development or Programme Management Service Specifications. / a) Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
b) If incorporated within Programme Management would be included within its Proposal before the May 2015 panel.
c) If incorporated within Partnership Development would be included within tenders before the May 2015 panel.
Pharmacy Healthy Living Champions / Camden & Islington Local Pharmaceutical Committee (sub-contracting to individual pharmacies?) / £400,623 BIG funding across 6 years. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £140,592. As Camden & Islington LPC was included within the bid there should be no need to tender the contract (assuming C&ILPC has the appropriate legal status). However, the implications of their sub-contracting with individual pharmacies will need to be explored. In the interests of co-production, and of ensuring maximum fit to ABC requirements and intended outcomes, C&ILPC could still be required to submit a proposal in relation to the Service Specification. / Panel evaluates Proposal in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
RecommendMe Activities Online / UCL (working with Age UK Camden, Camden Council and OurCamden) / £70,200 BIG funding across 6 years. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £50,000. As UCL were included within the bid there should be no need to tender the contract. In the interests of co-production, and of ensuring maximum fit to ABC requirements and intended outcomes, UCL could still be required to submit a proposal in relation to the Service Specification. / Panel evaluates Proposal in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
Evaluation / £185,000 BIG funding across 6 years. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £85,000. Six year contract appropriate/ required/ desirable?
SPB to develop and agree specification for local evaluation. / Panel evaluates Proposal in May 2015 and contract awarded. Delivery commences approx. June 2015.
Kilburn Active Involvement Model / KOVE / As a partner identified within the bid to be undertaking delivery then no tendering is required. In the interests of co-production, and of ensuring maximum fit to ABC requirements and intended outcomes, KOVE will be required to submit a proposal every 2 years in relation to the Service Specification. These would be assessed by the Tender Evaluation Panel. / The Bid indicates that delivery will commence at the start of the programme (June 2015). Evaluation of KOVE’s Proposal by Panel in relation to Years 1 + 2 would therefore happen by May 2015. Contract would be awarded and delivery commence June 2015.
Programme Management / Age UK Camden / £360,305 BIG funding across 6 years. The budget provides 12 months funding in Year 1. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £115,990. As Age UK Camden is identified within the bid to be undertaking delivery then no tendering is required. In the interests of co-production and of ensuring maximum fit to ABC requirements and intended outcomes AUC could still be required to submit a proposal every 2 years in relation to the Service Specification. These would be assessed by the Tender Evaluation Panel. / Panel evaluates Proposal in relation to Years 1 + 2 by May 2015. Delivery commences approx. June 2015. See also Training above.
St Pancras Somers Town Active Involvement Model / None indicated / At £238,915 (BIG funding across 6 years) the budget in relation to this activity is one of the programme’s largest. The budget provides 6 months funding in Year 1. Years 1 + 2 BIG funding = £70,735. / Allow at least 3 months in relation to tender process. Issue Invitation to Tender by August 2015. Panel evaluates tenders and contract awarded approx. Nov 2015. Delivery commences approx. Dec 2015.