Simple Machines- Inventors Project Rubric
Which option did you pick? / A / B / C / DModel / Invention uses 2 simple machines.
Machine solves a problem. Work is creative and neat. / Invention uses 2 simple machines.
Machine solves a problem. / Invention uses just one type of simple machine. Machine does not solve a problem. / Invention uses just one simple machine in its design. Machine does not solve a problem.
Drawing / Poster is colorful and well-illustrated. Invention is showcased and clearly labeled. Highlights how this machine will make work easier for the user. There are no grammatical/
spelling errors. / Poster is illustrated Invention is showcased. All simple machines are identified. Does not highlight how it will make work easier for the user. Contains 1 or 2 grammatical/
spelling errors. / Poster is illustrated Invention is showcased. Just one simple machine is identified. Contains 3 or 4 grammatical/spelling errors. / Poster is poorly illustrated and does not showcase the invention. Simple machines are not identified. Contains more than 5 grammatical/ spelling errors.
Essay / Essay is well developed and includes vivid details about how the invention will work and how it will make work easier for the user. Both simple machines are discussed. There are no grammatical/
spelling errors. / Essay is well developed and includes a few details about how the invention will work and how it will make work easier for the user. Both simple machines are discussed. There are 1 or 2 grammatical/
spelling errors. / Essay is poorly developed and includes a few details about how the invention will work and how it will make work easier for the user. Both simple machines are identified. There are 3 or 4 grammatical/ spelling errors. / Essay is poorly developed and hard to understand. Simple machines are not identified. Essay contains more than 5 grammatical/ spelling errors.
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