High School ComputerScience – Week 2.5

Microsoft Excel – F602 Spreadsheet PowerPoint

How to Write a Winning College Application

Documentation – F602 Spreadsheet PowerPoint Online

Project - RESUME DUE TODAY 2/03/17

Homework – F603-01 Use Formula’s, Format & Enhance Data

F603-02Use Formulas; Format and Enhance Data;
Copy Formulas; Align Data

F603-03Use Functions; Absolute Reference;
Conditional Formatting; Sort

Computer Memory

Memory Types (Memory Pyramid)

CPU Register


Level 1

Level 2

RAM(Random Access Memory)

Physical RAM


How Stuff Works animations on DRAM and RAS/CAS addressing


Virtual Memory (Hard Drive)

Video Memory

ROM(Read Only Memory)

BIOS(Basic Input/Output System)

Removable Memory

Flash Memory (Flash Drive)

Memory Sticks

RAM Videos

Homework – Memory Quiz Online

Activity F603-01

Use Formulas; Format and Enhance Data

Directions: Use your spreadsheet program to complete the following spreadsheet:

  1. Open invoice
  2. Enter the new labels Subtotal and Discount in the cell locations shown.
  3. Calculate the Amount for each item in column F.
  4. Use Autosum to add the Amounts for the first Subtotal.
  5. Enter a formula to calculate the tax on the first Subtotal at 7%.
  6. Use Autosum to add the tax and shipping to the first subtotal amount for the second subtotal.
  7. Enter a formula to calculate the Total. (No value for Discount)
  8. Format all money amounts to include a comma and two decimal places; format the Total for currency with a $.
  9. Center and bold titles and column headings.
  10. Sort rows 5 through 8 in ascending order based on the item number.
  11. Place a border around the calculated Total. (You select thickness and color)
  12. Save the file as invoice2 and email to instructor.

Activity F603-02

Use Formulas; Format and Enhance Data;
Copy Formulas; Align Data

Directions: Use your spreadsheet program to complete the following spreadsheet:

  1. Open payroll.
  2. Enter the new labels Date and Totals in the exact location shown.
  3. Calculate gross pay; enter a formula in cell E5 to multiply hourly rate by hours worked.
  4. Copy the formula in E5 to E6:E11.
  5. Calculate social security tax: 7.65% of gross pay.
  6. Copy the formula from F5 to F6:F11.
  7. Calculate federal withholding tax: 20% of gross pay.
  8. Copy the formula from G5 to G6:G11.
  9. Calculate net pay; subtract taxes from gross pay.
  10. Copy the formula from H5 to H6:H11.
  11. Calculate Totals: use Autosum to add the values and copy the formula to the appropriate locations.
  12. Determine the largest and smallest amount of gross and net pay by using the MAX and MIN function as illustrated.
  13. Format titles and column headings as center, bold, sans serif font.
  14. Format money amounts in columns with a comma and two decimal places; format totals for currency
  15. Insert today’s date in A2 in a month, day, year format, bold, and italicize.
  16. Save as payroll2 and email to instructor

Activity F603-03

Use Functions; Absolute Reference;
Conditional Formatting; Sort

Directions: Use your spreadsheet program to complete the following spreadsheet:

  1. Create the worksheet by entering data and labels as illustrated.
  2. Enter a formula in F4 to calculate initial stock cost; use the fill handle to fill column.
  3. Enter a formula in H4 to calculate current market value;Using the current share price given or look up today’s current share price and calculate value with actual data. Fill the formula down.
  4. Enter a formula in I4 to calculate gain or loss. Fill the formula down and apply a conditional format that will display negative values in red. Click on Format, select Conditional Formatting, and set the condition to display negative values in red.
  5. Enter a formula in J4 to determine each stocks’ percent of total portfolio value. Fill down. (If an error message occurs, determine what must be done to the formula to correct this.)
  6. Determine average of columns D through I.
  7. Determine the highest and lowest values in columns D through J.
  8. Sort stocks by name in alpha order.
  9. Merge and center title in 14 point sans serif font, bold.
  10. Bold and center column headings and labels in A11:A13.
  11. Format money to two decimals.
  12. Format total amounts as currency and two decimals.
  13. Format column J as a percent and zero decimals.
  14. Save as stock.
  15. Save in landscape orientation with gridlines and column/row headings. Be sure the document fits on one page.
  16. Email to instructor.