High-level statement EU Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete


Mr. President,


Distinguished delegates,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon,

Throughout this year, we have seen growing momentum for an ambitious HFC agreement. Now it is crunch time.

In Paris, last December, we agreed to keep global temperature rise this century to "well below" 2 degrees, and pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5.

We have a golden opportunity to take action here in Kigali to tackle the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Together we could knock off up to half a degree of warming by the end of the century.

We cannot afford to let this unique moment pass us by.

The Paris Agreement has created a strong momentum for action. As you know, the EU ratified the Agreement last week, triggering its entry into force.

This will happen before we meet for the climate conference in Marrakesh in November – faster than anyone ever expected.

Just days after we deposited our ratification, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreed a Global Market-Based Measure (GMBM) to help achieve carbon-neutral growth from 2020.

This is an important first step and a first in addressing CO₂ emissions in a specific sector of the economy.

These events are a clear sign that the global shift to low-emission and climate-resilient societies is now real.

ALL countries and ALL sectors will be required to play their part.

An ambitious HFC amendment would be the next important step to take towards implementing the Paris Agreement.

Given the emission savings possible, this is the single biggest thing we can do for the climate this year.

Taking action on HFCs is clearly a smart choice

Let me give you three reasons why:

1. It is a fast and cost-effective way to achieve significant HFC emission reductions;

2. It will lead to considerable energy efficiency savings as a co-benefit; and

3. Most of the technologies we need are already available at very moderate costs.

What's more, taking HFC action together under the Montreal Protocol will ease the effort needed from each one of us.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In Dubai last year we all agreed we wanted a global HFC phase-down this year.

We have worked hard and made very good progress under the Dubai Pathway.

We have generated many solutions to the challenges faced by developing countries.

The EU Member States remain committed to providing financial and technical support through the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol to help developing countries comply with their HFC obligations.

I am also pleased to announce today 3 million euros of additional funding by the European Union to kick-start early action on replacing HFCs in Latin America and the Caribbean. This is on top of the 8 million euros we are already spending on similar projects in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

This clearly shows our determination to support our friends in the developing countries to prepare for and meet their commitments.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We have a blueprint for an HFC amendment in front of us. All we need now is to agree the final details.

Our long and successful cooperation under this Protocol tells me we can come to an agreement that is satisfactory to all.

We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to be as ambitious as possible.

The most critical issue is to find a mechanism through with the level of ambition is high and realistic for all developing and developed countries. I would like to underline that the EU is willing and open to consider all ideas brought to the negotiation table. We need to bridge the gap between those who can move early and those able to move only later.

Each one of us must show leadership and flexibility and go the final stretch to agree a historic HFC phase down.

Now is not the time to wait. Now is the moment act. Now is the time to take ambitious action for the climate.

Thank you