Independent Assignment Log: August/September 2015
Achieve3000 Articles /
Completed /
Wordly Wise Lesson / Date
Completed / IXL Language Arts Assignments / Dates
August 17-21 /
“Earliest Peoples: Saving the Paintings"and “Wanted: More Women in Top Jobs” /
Level 7, Lesson 1
Finish passage. Test Thursday/Friday! /
Second Grade A, B, and C
August 24-28 /
“Going Green in New Orleans” and “Farmer Bot?” /
------/ Level 7, Lesson 2.
Finish pre-test and all exercises. /
Second Grade D and E
August 31-September 4 /
“What’s in a Name” and “Get in the Game: Trainers Needed” /
Level 7, Lesson 2
Finish passage. Test Thursday/Friday! /
Second Grade F and G
September 7-11 /
“Want to Help People Hear” and “Bye-bye Writing by Hand”
------/ Level 7, Lesson 3.
Finish pre-test and all exercises. /
Second Grade H and I
September 14-18 /
“The Cats are Coming Back” and “What Would You Do” / ------/
Level 7, Lesson 3
Finish passage. Test Thursday/Friday! /
Second Grade J, K, L.1, and L.2
September 21-25 /
“The New ASIMO” and “Send in the Clowns” /
------/ Level 7, Lesson 4.
Finish pre-test and all exercises. /
Second Grade L.2, L.3, L.4, M.1, M.2
September 28-October 2 /
“Steps to Good Health” and “The Brain Question” /
Level 7, Lesson 4
Finish passage. Test Thursday/Friday! /
Second Grade M.3, M.4, M.5, M.6
Test on Thursday/Friday!
Students will be expected to complete the following assignments at the Independent station for the assigned weeks. If a student does not finish the work at Independent, they must complete the work for homework. Students may be given additional assignments as needed. Achieve3000 articles that are italicizedmust have both the activity and Thought Question completed.
Rubric Score /Achieve3000
SWBAT read and comprehend literary nonfiction by scoring 75% or higher on Achieve3000 articles and by accurately responding to Thought Questions attached to the articles. /
Wordly Wise
SWBAT analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone by developing academic vocabulary through completion of Wordly Wise activities and assessments. /
IXL Language Arts
SWBAT demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking by accurately completing IXL assignments.
Student completes article with a score of 80% or higher on the first and second attempts. Thought Questions are answered with responses that are free of grammatical or spelling errors. Thought Question responses are thoughtful and show thorough comprehension of the article. /
Student scores 80% or higher on the post-test and scores 70% or higher on activities throughout the program. /
Student completes each IXL assignment for the set with mastery score of 100.
Remember, the IXL will be reviewing basic convention skills. As a result, the required mastery score will be higher than on your other assignments.
Student completes article with a score of 75% or higher on the first and second attempts. Thought Questions are answered with responses that are mostly free of grammatical or spelling errors. Thought Question responses are thoughtful and show thorough comprehension of the article.
Student scores 70% or higher on the post-test and scores 60% or higher on activities throughout the program. /
Student completes each IXL assignment for the set with mastery score of 80.
Student completes article with a score of 60% or better on the first or second try. Student attempts to answer the Thought Question and shows minimal understanding of article.
Student scores 50% or higher on the post-test and scores 50% or higher on activities throughout the program. /
Student completes each IXL assignment for the set with mastery score of 70.
Student scores below 60% on first or second try. Student attempts Thought Question but does not appear to understand it. /
Student scores less than 50% on the post-test and on activities throughout the program. /
Student completes each IXL assignment for the set with mastery score of 60 or below.
Student does not complete the assignment. /
Student does not complete the assignment. / Student does not complete the assignment.