High Iron Diet

Example Meals

Example High Iron Meal Ideas


Iron enriched cereals with low-fat milk (read label)

1 cup cut or whole fruit (citrus preferred)

2 pieces enriched wheat toast with jam

Enriched whole grain bagel with peanut butter

1-1.5 cups orange juice

Breakfast burrito: enriched tortilla, beans, egg whites, salsa, cooked cubed potatoes (skin on)

Lunch options:

  • Chicken, beef and /or bean, rice and cheese burrito with tomato salsa and 100% fruit juice (with vitamin c)
  • Turkey Burger on enriched whole grain bun with broccoli and cut fruit
  • Low-fat chili, low fat crackers, canned fruit in own juices
  • Black bean soup with 100% fruit juice and crackers

Snack Options: Raisins, roasted soy nuts, almonds, dried fruit

Dinner options:

  • Spaghetti with extra lean ground beef and tomato sauce, steamed broccoliand a whole grain roll
  • Pork chop, baked beans, steamed mixed veggies, 100% fruit juice
  • Vege-burger on enriched wheat bun fruit salad, hummus with cut veggies
  • Beef and veggie stir fry. Use lean meat, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower and other personal favorites

Consider the following:

  • Vitamin C from citrus fruit, juice and tomato products will help increase iron absorption from food.
  • Cooking in iron skillets will add more high quality iron to your diet
  • Food Sources of Iron: For example, fortified cereals like Total are very high in iron. And, extra lean ground beef is a very high dietary source of iron that is well worth considering.
  • It may be necessary to take an iron supplement to boost iron status and stores. However, you WILL need to learn to maintain iron stores through dietary changes.
  • It can take 3-6 MONTHS to restore iron status if an athlete has been diagnosed as deficient
  • It is best to educate athletes on how to maintain iron stores
  • Calcium from very high milk/dairy intakes and/or calcium supplements can decrease iron absorption
  • Do not avoid dairy if you are trying to increase iron stores
  • Consume high iron foods away from high calcium foods/supplements
  • Do not trade greater iron intake for decreased calcium intake
  • Follow up with your Athletic Trainer, Sports Dietitian, and medical doctor for routine follow-up checks to establish compliance with dietary or supplementation protocols and to track improvements in iron status.

Ingrid Skoog MS, RD, CSSD
