How to Get Started in Twitter

Twitter is a social networking and microblogg tool. To get started:

1.  Create a Twitter account

2.  Compose a Tweet

3.  Insert a photo or a link

4.  Search and Tweet by hashtag (#)

1.  Create your Twitter account at .
Enter your name and email address. Create your password and select Sign up for Twitter. If you already have an account Sign in with your email and password.
Tip: Sign up with a different email to create a second Twitter account--keep your personal tweets separate from class tweets.
Check your email for confirmation. Select Confirm your account now to have full access to Twitter. Twitter will use this email address for notifications.
New? Walk thru the Twitter Teacher for a 60 second interactive tutorial. Select Next.
2.  Compose a Tweet.
On the Home page type your message in the dialogue box. Select Tweet to share.
Tip: Tweets are Twitter messages limited to 140 characters—the number counter adjacent to the Tweet button tells you how many characters remaining.
3.  Insert a photo
Select the camera icon and browse for your photo. A thumbnail of your image appears. Select Tweet.
Selecting Hide photo or Expand to change the view.
Tip: All of your Tweets appear on your profile page and on the pages of the people who follow you.
3.  Insert a link
To link to a web page, type it directly into the Tweet dialogue box or copy (Ctrl+C) the URL from your web browser's Address field and paste it (Ctrl+V).
To link to a specific Tweet select Details. This will open up the specific Tweet window. Copy the URL and paste it into the Tweet Dialogue box.
4.  Search by hashtag (#).
Type #CyberMonday in the Search box to find all tweets on this topic.
Tip: Twitter uses a system called hashtags (#) to organize posts. Messages with the hashtag and the same word/phrase will be grouped together—like a discussion thread.
4.  Tweet by hashtag (#).
In the Tweet dialogue box type #CyberMonday before your message to add your Tweet to this group.
1 / Last Update 1.24.2014