HiddeniteElementary School


21st Century Strategic Plan

School Improvement and Title I Plan

2015 – 2016



HiddeniteElementary School’s Mission

At HiddeniteElementary School, our mission is to provide the highest quality education in a secure, positive, and challenging environment for all students fostered by a cooperative effort between school, home, and community. We will provide an atmosphere of cooperation with respect for individual differences and community values.


Our vision is to create a positive 21st century learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through the development of appropriate differentiated instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. Hiddenite Elementary students will realize that learning is a life-long commitment supported by dedicated staff and parents, but only filled to its fullest potential as the learners become responsible for the learning themselves.

Value Statement

Staff and students have the right to a respectful, nurturing, and a safe educational environment that promotes self-discipline, a strong work ethic, and confidence in one’s ability to excel in becoming a productive citizen.

Belief/Collective Commitments

HiddeniteElementary School is committed to:

  1. A belief that all students can achieve at high levels.
  2. A belief that all students can learn and must be taught effectively according to their individual needs and differences.
  3. A respect for each individual that is fundamental to teaching and learning.
  4. An education that must be measured in terms of individual achievement relative to ability.
  5. That learning should be active, enriching and have application o the world we live in.
  6. Help students develop trust, responsibility, tolerance, and the necessary problem solving and critical thinking skills to succeed in a diverse and ever changing society.
  7. Continuous improvement is essential to providing excellence in education.
  8. Educational earning by building a collaborative community using pen continuous communication o inform, inspire and seek input toward the common goal for student learning.
  9. The belief that students benefit academically in a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment.
  10. The belief that students learning, attendance, and behavior improve when they are actively engaged in meaningful work.
  11. The belief that education is a shared responsibility with a partnership between the home, school and community.


Yours, Mine, & Ours

HiddeniteElementary School

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

To be utilized for School Improvement activities in the

Strategic and Title I Plans


Achievement Summary (EOG Data)

Hiddenite / 2010-2011 / 2011-12 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014 / 2014-2015
Subject / Grade Level / Percent Proficient / Percent Proficient / Percent Proficient / Percent Proficient / Percent Proficient
Math / 88.7 / 93.4 / 45.2 / 67 / 53.2
3rd / 88.0 / 95.89 / 58.4 / 67.8 (51.1) / 64.79
4th / 91.3 / 92.4 / 41.6 / 66.7 (58.7) / 65.17
5th / 86.7 / 92.39 / 35.1 / 66.2 (56.8) / 53.33
Reading / 76.2 / 77.9 / 41.2 / 55 / 61.3
3rd / 66.3 / 73.97 / 46.8 / 57.8 (46.7) / 52.11
4th / 80.4 / 74.68 / 42.9 / 54.7 (37.3) / 56.18
5th / 81.1 / 83.69 / 33.8 / 51.4 (40.5) / 50.67
Science / 72.2 / 85.9 / 45.9 / 70.3 (45.9) / 65.33 (57.33)
5th / 72.2 / 85.9 / 45.9 / 70.3 (45.9) / 65.33 (57.33)
School Composite / 81.0 / 85.7 / 43.58 / 62.8 (48.9) / 58

(College and Career Ready)

Subject / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014 / 2014-2015 / GROWTH
Reading / 77.9 / 45.2 / 55 / 53 / -2
Math / 93.4 / 41.12 / 67 / 61 / -6
Science / 85.9 / 45.9 / 70 / 65 / -5
Overall Composite / 85.7 / 43.58 / 62 / 58 / -4

Cohort Data

3rd Grade / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014 / 2014-2015 / GROWTH
Reading / 73.97 / 46.8 / 57.8 / 52.11 / -5.69
Math / 95.89 / 58.4 / 67.8 / 64.79 / -3.01
4th Grade / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014 / 2014-2015 / GROWTH
Reading / 92.4 / 42.9 / 54.7 / 56.18 / +1.48
Math / 74.68 / 41.6 / 66.7 / 65.17 / -1.53
5th Grade / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014 / 2014-2015 / GROWTH
Reading / 83.69 / 33.8 / 51.4 / 50.67 / -0.73
Math / 92.39 / 35.1 / 66.2 / 53.33 / -12.87
Science / 85.9 / 45.9 / 70.3 / 65.33 / -4.97
K-3 / 2013-2014 TRC (Mclass)
(% on Grade Level) EOY / 2014-2015 TRC (Mclass)
Kindergarten / 76 / 65 / NA/-11
1st grade / 74 / 62 / -14/-12
2nd Grade / 78 / 43 / -31/-35
3rd Grade / 70 / 83 / +5/+13
K-3 / 2013-2014 Math Assessment
(% on Grade Level) EOY / 2014-2015 Math Assessment
(% on Grade Level) EOY / GROWTH
Cohort/Grade Level Easy CBM
Kindergarten / 76 / 77 / NA/+1
1st grade / 62 / 79 / +3/+17
2nd Grade / 84 / 89 / +27/+5
3rd grade / 78 / NA/-6

Staff PLC Implementation Rubric

Membership Participation / Agenda / Minutes / Data / Administration / Goals / Instructional Strategies
Implementation Level / Proficient / Beginning / Basic / Basic / Proficient / Proficient / Proficient

Office Referrals

Kinder / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th
Bus / 5 / 4 / 10 / 6 / 5 / 6
ODRs / 21 / 17 / 25 / 14 / 20 / 25


  • 80% of staff believes that Hiddenite has developed a vision for technology through effective collaboration among stakeholders.
  • 95% of staff believes administrators model effective use of technology.
  • 95% of staff believes that the amount of money budgeted for technology is not sufficient to replace outdated systems.
  • 70% of teachers need more professional development in ways students can use technology in the classroom.

Student Success

Successes / Needs
4th grade reading EOG proficiency growth from 2013-2014. / Math scores have dropped.
Low quartile of 4th graders grew in Math and Reading / Reading scores are below state and county averages.
MTSS process is fluid and based on data / Geometry is an area of weakness in math according to data in all grade levels.
Measurement and Data low in 3rd grade.
Grade Level transitions are improving as common tools and resources are being used throughout the school. / 31% of students are transient.
26% of students have missed 14 days or more.
Data Days help target students individual needs. / ODRs doubled
Grade levels planning and working together / More leadership opportunities for students.
PLC meeting need to be used to evaluate CFAs

Lifelong Literacy

Successes / Needs
3rd grade EOY McLass at 80% on grade level / 3rd grade informational Text low
5th grade balanced informational text and literature / 3-5 below ACS and NC on EOG
Dibels scores grown / Vocabulary week in K-5
All students remediated or enriched in literacy during R&E

Professional Excellence

Successes / Needs
Instructional Assistants work with students / Teachers need to analyze core
Teachers coming in the summer to work with students / Data interpretation Professional Development
Low teacher turnover / Leader in Me professional development for staff
Staff PD on vocabulary rich classrooms for ESL population
Teacher leading professional development based on expertise and needs.

Collaborative Community

Successes / Needs
Leadership Day planned for community / Involved community to raise funds for specific needs
Student led conferences to be integrated / Limit fundraisers
Find ways to get parents here for learning nights

Transformational Technology

Successes / Needs
Staff have access to appropriate technology / Need budget to sustain technology
Upgrading of infrastructure planned / Need to upgrade
Vision matches need for technology and 21st century skills / Training on how students can use technology
Teach technology standards

Optimal Operations

Successes / Needs
Learning Environment is Safe / More active Extra MILE club
Addition of buzzer and all doors locked / Too many staff absences
26% of student miss more than 14 days
Budget needs to align with mission and vision

HiddeniteElementary School Improvement Goals

School Improvement Plan Smart Goal / Strategic Priorities / Strategies/Action Steps / Timeline / Persons Responsible / PD Needed / Budget Considerations
Leader in Me process and habits will be implemented and combined with PBIS to increase positive relationships with families and community and decrease office referrals and discipline incidents. / Student Success, Professional Excellence, Collaborative Community, Optimal Operations / 1. Staff completes book student and blog on Leader in Me by Steven Covey 2. Provide staff with monthly 7 habits training 3. Develop a Lighthouse committee to decide on roll out of Leader in Me habits 4. Create school leadership opportunities for students 5. Plan community leadership day to share school wide goals and successes 6. Implement Extra Mile club for Men to be on campus weekly 7. Create morning leadership opportunities for students with truancy issues and involve them in small social groups. 8. Students will complete student led conferences one time this school year. / 2015-Ongoing / Principal and all staff members / *Leader in Me book study *PD on 7 habits *PD on PBIS integration with Leader in Me / *Leadership day items to share with community $500 *Data Notebook Materials - $300 *Leader in Me displays *$800 *7 Habits Books for classrooms $500 *Leadership Conference and School visits $1500
MTSS process will be implemented to fidelity to meet the needs of all students as evidence in growth in the area of the MTSS Readiness Instrument and other staff surveys. / Student Success, Lifelong Literacy, Professional Excellence, Optimal Operations / 1. Provide staff with ongoing staff development for a detailed understanding of MTSS process. 2. Use data to develop Tier I paperwork as based on data in each grade level. 3. Create a schedule that allows for R&E time daily for all grade levels. 4. Develop a schedule for PLC and SST meetings on weekly/biweekly basis and a process for documenting the meetings. 5. Use the RIOT model with solving problems through the MTSS process both for the grade level, school, and individually. / 2015-2016 / Principal, SST chair, Instructional Coach, School Counselor, SST Team, PLC teams / PD on MTSS, PD on PLCs, PD on Data Analysis / *Remediation and Enrichment materials Writing/Reading/ Math - $600 *Professional Development on Remediation/MTSS - $300 *Teacher devices to begin 1 to 1 training and focus - $18,000
Increase reading proficiency scores through continued implementation of Guided Reading and individualized remediation and enrichment as measured by Mclass benchmarks, County benchmarks, and EOG ELA testing. / Student Success, Lifelong Literacy, Professional Excellence, Transformational Technology / 1. Implement Guided reading in all classes K-5 2. Utilize Comprehension Tool Kit effectively and train all staff monthly on the strategy of the month 3. Select school wide prefix/suffix/root word of the week to highlight 4. Vertically align K-5 vocabulary instruction in all content areas using academic vocabulary from the Common Core Standards. 5. Meet with PLCs weekly to discuss Common Assessments and student’s individual needs for R &E and reading groups. 6 Use Data Wall to track students reading levels and bottom 10% students 7. Utilize all support staff for focused remediation based on students data needs. 8. Summer reading program to benefit literacy needs of our school during the summer months to help prevent "summer loss" and increase parent support. / 2015-2016 / Principal, Instructional Coach, Teachers, Interventionists / PD on Literacy Instructional Focus Calendars integration, PD on Guided Reading, / *Literacy instructional materials $600 *Remediation Materials $800 *Summer Program $800 *Letterland Materials - $500 *AR/Star Reading and Math- $7500 *Flocabulary - $2000 *Ed helper - $900 *Discovery Ed - $2600 *Brainpop - $ $3000 *IPads/IPods for remediation and enrichment K-2 - $5000
Increase math proficiency scores through the implementation of math curriculum maps and research-based programs that are vertically aligned. / Student Success, Lifelong Literacy, Professional Excellence / 1. Study and implement the 8 mathematical practices and practice of the month. 2. Implement EngageNY utilizing the CountyMath pacing guides to guide math instruction 3. Complete Math CFAs by the due date 4. Review CFA data within PLCs 5. Utilize all support staff for focused remediation based on students data needs. / 2015-2016 / Principal, Instructional Coach, Teachers, Interventionists / PD on reviewing Math CFAs to create instruction, / *Engage NY materials - $4000, *Math remediation Materials $700 *Substitutes for vertical alignment planning - $2500