Dear Parents/Carers

Re: 5CAvisit to Ice Skate Birmingham – Monday 11 December 2017

We have arranged for the students in 5CA to visit Ice Skate Birmingham, which is located opposite Millennium Point in Birmingham city centre, on Monday 11December 2017. The students will have the opportunity to Ice Skate and totake a spin on the Observation Wheel.

As with all school trips, it is necessary to ask for voluntary contributions from parents/carers. The voluntary cost of the visit is £6.50 per child which will include transport and admission. We require a voluntary contribution from parents/carers in order to run the visit. We do not wish any student to be excluded for financial reasons and parents/carers who wish their son/daughter to take part but feel unable to make this contribution should contact the school.If sufficient funds are not received then we may have to cancel this trip.

We aim to leave school at approximately 09:30 am by school minibus and will return in time for the end of school day and school transport. Please ensure your son/daughter wears comfortable, warm clothes and brings a pair of gloves to wear during Ice Skating. As the visit is during the school day all students will require a packed lunch or alternatively students can purchase their lunch on the day if they wish. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals please indicate below if you would like the school to provide your child with a packed lunch.

Please complete and return the consent form together with the voluntary contribution by Tuesday 5 December 2017.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Claire Amos

KS5 Co-ordinator

Reply Slip: 5CA visit to Ice Skate Birmingham – Monday 11 December 2017

I ……………………………………………………. give consent for my son/daughter …………………………………………………………… to visit Ice Skate Birmingham on Wednesday 11 December 2017.

I enclose a voluntary contribution of £6.50 (please make cheques payable to WCC)

I have paid online using Payments4 Schools – reference number …………………………………………………..

My son/daughter is in receipt of free school meals and will require a packed lunch

Signed: ………………………………………………………Dated: ………………………………………………………