Hicks: Honors English II
Lesson Plans
8/2/16 / WEDNESDAY
8/3/16 / THURSDAY
8/4/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Discuss the central message of the novel in an essay. / Essential Question:
What are the expectations for this class? / Essential Question:
Analyze the building blocks of rhetoric. / Essential Question:
**In-Service / Essential Question:
Analyze the building blocks of rhetoric.
N/A: Summer Reading assignment / Standard:
N/A: Class syllabus and expectations / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard: / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6
Summer Reading Essay
“About Me” Lettter / Homework:
-Class Supplies
-Signed Syllabus
Summer Reading Essay
“About Me” Lettter / Homework:
-Signed Syllabus
Rhetoric Flipbook / Homework:
Assessment: / Homework:
Rhetoric Flipbook/ Jobs Speech
8/8/16 / TUESDAY
8/9/16 / WEDNESDAY
8/10/16 / THURSDAY
8/11/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
How does Steve Jobs’ speech apply to the rhetorical triangle? / Essential Question:
How does Jobs appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos? / Essential Question:
How can you effectively write a chunk paragraph? / Essential Question:
Compare and contrast the diction and tone in Jobs’ and Kutcher’s speeches. / Essential Question:
Analyze the importance of your group’s assigned rhetorical device(s).
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Rhetorical triangle diagram / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Chunk paragraph / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Chunk paragraph (exit ticket) / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
-Study rhetoric flipbook / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Rhetoric Flipbook/ Jobs Speech
8/8/16 / TUESDAY
8/9/16 / WEDNESDAY
8/10/16 / THURSDAY
8/11/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
How does Steve Jobs’ speech apply to the rhetorical triangle? / Essential Question:
How does Jobs appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos? / Essential Question:
How can you effectively write a chunk paragraph? / Essential Question:
Compare and contrast the diction and tone in Jobs’ and Kutcher’s speeches. / Essential Question:
Analyze the importance of your group’s assigned rhetorical device(s).
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6 / Standard:
CCSS RI.10.5-6
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Rhetorical triangle diagram / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Chunk paragraph / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Chunk paragraph (exit ticket) / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
-Study rhetoric flipbook / Homework:
-Study rhetoric flipbook
Rhetoric Flipbook/ Jobs Speech
9/5/16 / TUESDAY
9/6/16 / WEDNESDAY
9/7/16 / THURSDAY
9/8/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
LABOR DAY / Essential Question:
Differentiate between the dynamic and static characters so far in the novel. / Essential Question:
How can you effectively write write an argumentative research paper? / Essential Question:
What is your research topic? / Essential Question:
How can you conduct research?
**in library with Mrs. Callais**
Standard: / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.3 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1
Homework: / Homework:
-Finish CE #1
-Continue JP reading / Homework:
-Continue JP reading / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Begin finding article for CE#2 / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Work on CE#2
Assessment: / Assessment:
-Group characterization charts
-JP RCQ / Assessment:
-Group sample essay annotation task / Assessment:
-Research paper essential ?’s / Assessment:
-Source sheets
Writing Task: / Writing Task:
-Chunk paragraph in response to EQ / Writing Task:
-Chunk paragraph evaluating sample argumentative essays / Writing Task:
-Pose a research paper question with possible claims and counterclaims / Writing Task:
-Answer a 3-2-1 in response to the EQ
9/12/16 / TUESDAY
9/13/16 / WEDNESDAY
9/14/16 / THURSDAY
9/15/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
How can you effectively take a position in an argumentative essay? / Essential Question:
How can you effectively take a position in an argumentative essay? / Essential Question:
Evaluate appropriate reasons in support of your claim. / Essential Question:
What is your research topic? / Essential Question:
How can you avoid making errors in citation?
CCSS W.10.1,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8
-Continue JP Reading
-Continue work on CE#2 / Homework:
-Continue work on CE#2
-Continue JP reading / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Continue work on CE#2 / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Continue work on CE#2 / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Continue work on CE#2
-whole group discussion
-individual conferences
-JP RCQ / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-individual conferences / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-individual conferences / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-individual conferencess / Assessment:
-Source sheets
Writing Task:
-Student research paper topic proposal rough draft / Writing Task:
- Student research paper topic proposal revisions / Writing Task:
- Student research paper topic proposal revisions--reasons / Writing Task:
-Student research paper topic proposal revisions--counterclaim / Writing Task:
-Answer a 3-2-1 in response to the EQ
9/19/16 / TUESDAY
9/20/16 / WEDNESDAY
9/21/16 / THURSDAY
9/22/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
How can you effectively gather database sources? / Essential Question:
Evaluate the reasoning in the article. / Essential Question:
How can you effectively embed source quotes into your writing? / Essential Question:
How can you change your own syntax to improve sentence fluency? / Essential Question:
How can you effectively gather database sources?
CCSS W.10.1,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8,9 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,7,8
-Continue JP Reading
-Continue work on CE#2 / Homework:
-Finish CE#2
-Continue JP reading / Homework:
-Continue JP reading / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Begin finding article for CE#3 / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Continue work on CE#3
-whole group discussion
-individual conferences
-JP RCQ / Assessment:
-article summaries
-article citations / Assessment:
-H.O.T. Seat questions
-whole group discussion
-article quotation guided practice / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-individual conferencess / Assessment:
-Source sheets
-individual conferences
Writing Task:
-Student research paper topic proposal rough draft / Writing Task:
- Citation and chunk paragraphs / Writing Task:
- Students create sentences stems introducing quotes from the article. / Writing Task:
-Students create sentences using the strategies from the presentation. / Writing Task:
-Students gather research and write it on source sheets with proper source citations.
9/26/16 / TUESDAY
9/27/16 / WEDNESDAY
9/28/16 / THURSDAY
9/29/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
How can you compose an argumentative essay outline? / Essential Question:
How can you revise your writing to enhance sentence fluency? / Essential Question:
Compose an argumentative essay outline. / Essential Question:
Compose an argumentative essay outline. / Essential Question:
How can you best edit your outline?
CCSS W.10.4,5 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.5 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,5,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,5,7,8 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.5
CCSS SL.10.1
-Continue JP Reading
-Continue work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Continue JP Reading
-Continue work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Continue work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Continue work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Continue JP reading
-Continue work on CE#3
-whole group discussion
-Outline template
-Source citation sheets / Assessment:
“Write Like a Pro” task chart
-Small group discussion / Assessment:
-individual conferences / Assessment:
-individual conferences / Assessment:
-Peer reviews/ evaluations
Writing Task:
-Student will begin composing an annotated outline for their research paper. / Writing Task:
- Students will create sentences using the grammatical techniques covered in the lesson and also implement them within their own research papers. / Writing Task:
- Students will continue work on annotated outlines for their research paper. / Writing Task:
- Students will continue work on annotated outlines for their research paper. / Writing Task:
-Students will perform a peer review using the outline rubric.
10/3/16 / TUESDAY
10/4/16 / WEDNESDAY
10/5/16 / THURSDAY
10/6/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
How can you effectively participate in a Socratic discussion? / Essential Question:
How can you write an effective introduction paragraph? / Essential Question:
How can you properly format your essay? / Essential Question:
How can you properly format your essay? / Essential Question:
How do character flaws contribute to the fate of Jurassic Park in Crichton’s novel?
CCSS SL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.1,4 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.6 / Standard:
CCSS W.10.6 / Standard:
CCSS SL.10.1
-Continue JP Reading
-Continue work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Continue JP Socratic seminar prep.
-Finish work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Continue JP Socratic seminar prep. / Homework:
-Continue JP Socratic seminar prep.
-Begin finding article for CE#4 / Homework:
-Type final draft (due October 17)
-whole group discussion
-characterization chart / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-funnel paragraph practice / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-individual conferences / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-individual conferences / Assessment:
-Socratic discussion
-peer evaluations
-Personal discussion reflections
Writing Task:
-Student will begin creating claims in response to the Socratic seminar EQ. / Writing Task:
- Students will write a rough draft of an introduction paragraph for their research papers. / Writing Task:
- Students will begin typing their rough drafts after they have learned how to format their papers in Microsoft Word. / Writing Task:
- Students will begin typing their rough drafts after they have learned how to format their papers in Microsoft Word. / Writing Task:
-Students will reflect on the discussion with guided questions.
10/17/16 / TUESDAY
10/18/16 / WEDNESDAY
10/19/16 / THURSDAY
10/20/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Why is it important to study Shakespeare? / Essential Question:
What is significant about the Globe Theater? / Essential Question:
What conflict begins to emerge in the first act of the play? / Essential Question:
What conflict begins to emerge in the first act of the play? / Essential Question:
What conflict begins to emerge in the first act of the play?
CCSS RL.10.10 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.10 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1
-Work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Work on CE#3
-whole group discussion
-Shakespeare guided notes / Assessment:
-Globe Theater model / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions
Writing Task:
-Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- continued / Writing Task:
10/24/16 / TUESDAY
10/25/16 / WEDNESDAY
10/26/16 / THURSDAY
10/27/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play.
CCSS RL.10.10 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.10 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1
-Work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Work on CE#3 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-turn in CE3
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions
Writing Task:
-Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ
10/31/16 / TUESDAY
11/1/16 / WEDNESDAY
11/2/16 / THURSDAY
11/3/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Compose your own 2-sentence horror story. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
What conflict begins to emerge in the first act of the play? / Essential Question:
What conflict begins to emerge in the first act of the play? / Essential Question:
What conflict begins to emerge in the first act of the play?
CCSS W.10.3 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4
-whole group discussion
-peer reviews / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions
Writing Task:
-Student will compose a 2-sentence horror story. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ
11/5/16 / TUESDAY
11/6/16 / WEDNESDAY
11/8/16 / THURSDAY
11/9/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play.
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4
-whole group discussion
-Shakespeare guided notes / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions
Writing Task:
-Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
-Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ.
11/14/16 / TUESDAY
11/15/16 / WEDNESDAY
11/16/16 / THURSDAY
11/17/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the play to analyze the emerging themes in the play. / Essential Question:
Why did Shakespeare choose to write Hamlet using the plot, theme(s), and characterization that he did? / Essential Question:
**Gone to NCTE / Essential Question:
**Gone to NCTE
CCSS RL.10.10 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.10 / Standard:
CCSS SL.10.1 / Standard: / Standard:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework: / Homework:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-Hamlet guided reading questions / Assessment:
-Socratic Discusiion (whole group)
-Peer evals and observations
-Claims Sheet / Assessment: / Assessment:
Writing Task:
-Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- N/A / Writing Task: / Writing Task:
11/21/16 / TUESDAY
11/22/16 / WEDNESDAY
11/23/16 / THURSDAY
11/24/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Explain the historical context surrounding To Kill a Mockingbird / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the chapter to analyze the emerging themes in the novel. / Essential Question:
**Thanksgiving / Essential Question:
**Thanksgiving / Essential Question:
CCSS RL.10.10 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard: / Standard: / Standard:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework: / Homework: / Homework:
-whole group discussion
-TKAM intro. notes / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-TKAM task packet / Assessment: / Assessment: / Assessment:
Writing Task:
-Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task: / Writing Task: / Writing Task:
11/28/16 / TUESDAY
11/29/16 / WEDNESDAY
11/30/16 / THURSDAY
12/1/16 / FRIDAY
Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the chapter to analyze the emerging themes in the novel. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the chapter to analyze the emerging themes in the novel. / Essential Question: / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the chapter to analyze the emerging themes in the novel. / Essential Question:
Cite specific evidence from the chapter to analyze the emerging themes in the novel.
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
EOC PART I / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1 / Standard:
CCSS RL.10.1
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework: / Homework:
-Work on CE#4 / Homework:
-Work on CE#4
-whole group discussion
-TKAM intro. notes / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-TKAM task packet / Assessment: / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-TKAM task packet / Assessment:
-whole group discussion
-TKAM task packet
Writing Task:
-Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task: / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ. / Writing Task:
- Student will compose a chunk paragraph in response to the EQ.