Hi everyone,
Below are some tips/tricks that I personally use to prepare for midterms and I just wanted to share a few of them with you all!

1. Take Reading Notes. There’s nothing worse than trying to read 5 chapters the day before the test. Instead,space out your readingand take detailed notes on the chapters. That way instead of having to read all of the chapters over again, you can just skim over your reading notes. Focus on the parts of the chapters that were coveredin lecture, it’ll help solidify the information plus if it’s being gone over twice, it’s probably important.

2. Make Flashcards.Go through your notes and make a flashcard for any term, concept, fact or whatever you think is important. That way you can cycle through them and see what you know well and what you need to review more.

3. Make your own examples- For every concept try to make up or find an example that really shows the idea. Look at your family members, pets friends and fictional characters for ideas. Don’t worry about it being kind of ridiculous, sometimes the really silly examples are the ones you end up remembering best.

4. Explain it to someone else. Try to study in a group and take turns explaining the different terms and concepts that were gone over in lecture. If group studying isn’t really your style, still try to talk out the major ideas. Talk to your cat,siblings, hairbrush, roommates, yourself or whoever. While other people may think you’ve gone crazy, if you can explain it clearly to someone else, you’ve probably got a good grasp on the idea

5. Interact with the information. Try to make up your own test questions, make charts, diagrams, lists, draw pictures and what ever will help you see the material in a new way.

6. Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Everyone’s heard it a million times, but it really is important to sleep before a test. Memory consolidation happens during sleep, so make sure to plan to get plenty of rest.

7. Space out your studying. Try studying a little bit every day instead of cramming the night before. Hopefully you’re not reading this the night before the midterm. If you are, don’t freak out, just look at #1-6.

There’s no wrong way to study for midterms and this list is by no means comprehensive. If you have any questionsfeel free to email me or stop by office hours.

Good Luck studying!