Ford Middle School Science

Ford Middle School Science 2014-2015

Welcome to Ford Middle School! The goal of the science department is to ensure each student is successful and become life-long learners. We want to share our enthusiasm for science with students. Please read the information below and always feel free to contact us if you have questions.

Lab Safety

Science is a hands-on laboratory class. Safety in the classroom is the #1 priority. To ensure a safe science classroom, expectations and safety procedures will be discussed in class. Students will be asked to sign a safety contract. Any violation of this safety contract may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, alternate assignment, and/or appropriate consequence.

  1. I will follow all school and class expectations regarding behavior.
  2. I will not eat, or drink in the laboratory.
  3. I will report any accidents or unsafe behavior to the instructor immediately.
  4. I will not touch any equipment, glassware, or chemicals upon entering the laboratory until told to do so.
  5. I will dress appropriately to perform labs (apron, goggles, hair pulled back, etc.)
  6. I will clean my work area and equipment when through with the day’s activities.
  7. I will not remove any chemicals or other materials from the laboratory.
  8. I will handle living organisms or preserved specimens only when authorized by the teacher.

Grading Policy

Grade Calculations


·  Daily: 25%

·  Quiz: 35%

·  Test: 40%


·  Daily: 20%

·  Quiz: 30%

·  Test: 50%

Late Assignments Policy

Regular students may turn in assignments up to 3 days late with a maximum grade of 70%.

Pre-AP students may turn in assignments up to 2 days late with a maximum grade of 60%.

Missed Work Policy

-If you are going to have a planned absence (school activity, doctor appointment, etc.) it is your responsibility to inform the instructor in advance to obtain the missed work prior to absence.

-In the event of an unplanned absence, you are still responsible for the missed work! (Always check the website BEFORE coming to class and also see the instructor upon your return)

-You have 1 day to get, do, and turn in missed assignments for each day absent.

Re-do Work

-Only assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects that result in a failing grade can be made up.

(Mid-terms and finals are excluded)

-Must be completed within 5 school days

-Must attend an opportunity for intervention before re-doing

-Maximum grade earned= 70%


Pre-AP students cover the same content curriculum as regular classes. Differences between the classes include pacing, depth, and rigor. More information about science fair is forthcoming.


Morning tutoring begins at 7:45 am and is offered every day of the week except Mondays. Afternoon tutoring begins at 3:35 pm and generally ends at 4:15 pm; however there is no afternoon tutoring on Fridays. Students may attend tutoring with ANY science teacher. If your child needs tutoring beyond the regular scheduled times, he or she needs to see their teacher to schedule an appointment. Check the Ford website for the most up to date schedule.


Allen I.S.D. science department will be using the HMH Fusion textbook beginning this school year. The students will receive a paperback consumable textbook, but will also be able to access an online version of the textbook. Students will be provided training on how to access and navigate the online version.

Academic Dishonesty

Allen ISD Policy states academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and/or unauthorized communication. Any student suspected of academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade and disciplinary penalties.

Middle school students may receive a less severe consequence for academic dishonesty and be required to complete the assignment, redo the assignment or complete an alternative assignment for a grade of no more than a 60 on the work.

Discipline Hierarchy

·  Verbal redirection (warning)

·  Teacher/student conversation

·  30 minute detention with parent contact

·  1 hour detention with parent contact

·  Office Referral with parent contact

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy

In some cases, students may find it beneficial or might be encouraged to use personal telecommunications or other personal electronic devices for instructional purposes while on campus. Students must obtain prior approval before using personal telecommunications or other personal electronic devices for instructional use. Violations of the user agreement may result in withdrawal of privileges and other disciplinary action. Refer to Student Handbook for further information

Rules for Devices in the classroom:

1.  Make sure all devices are charged before class!!

2.  Devices should be used for instructional purposes only.

3.  The school district is not held responsible for any lost/stolen/broken devices, so take care of your own technology.

4.  Devices are encouraged but not a requirement in the classroom and will not be tolerated as an acceptable excuse for any late/missing work.

Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the classroom is an exciting new idea that many teachers in Allen are trying, to engage students and take them to a deeper level of understanding. Flipping is basically taking the notes that used to be given in class and making them into a video that students can view at home. When students come to class we have more time to discuss the concepts, answer any questions they may have, and work on activities/practice while the teacher is there to help. Please understand this is a new endeavor with unforeseen kinks. However we believe through open communication flipping will be beneficial to our students.

Once again our goal in the science department is to ensure that all students are successful and that they are exposed to the amazing world of science. If you have any questions concerning the science curriculum, science policies, or any other questions, please feel free to check out our website or contact us.

Ford Middle School (972) 727-0590


7th Grade

Bridget Dill x5314

Emily Helvey x5214

Ben Jones x5202

Tiffany Kiser x5302

7th Grade Course Overview

Fall 2014 Semester

Unit 1- Safety and Nature of Science

Unit 2- Scientific Method & Graphing

Unit 3- Cell Theory & Structure

Unit 4- Human Body Systems

Unit 5- Biochemistry & Digestion

Unit 6- Heredity

Unit 7- Physics

Spring 2015 Semester

Unit 8- Plants

Unit 9- Biodiversity

Unit 10- Energy

Unit 11- Identification, Variation, & Adaptations

Unit 12- Impact of Natural & Human Activity on Organisms

Unit 13- Effects of Space & Earth’s Atmosphere on Organisms

7th Grade Science Tutoring Schedule
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / N/A / Dill / Jones / Dill / Kiser
Helvey / Kiser
PM / Jones / Jones / Helvey / Helvey / N/A
Kiser / Dill
Teacher / Mr. Jones / Mrs. Dill / Ms. Helvey / Mrs. Kiser
Room / B102 / C114 / B114 / C102