University of Colorado Denver Student Government Association
Election Code - Spring 2010
Additional Forms:
[Candidate Information & Eligibility Form]
[Petition of Candidacy Form]
[Candidate Expense & Revenue Tracking Form]
[Petition for Referendum Form]
On this day (March 12th, 2010) we, the Election Commission, hereby affirm that this revised & approved edition of the UCDSGA Election Code includes all amendments to date and is the Code, which the UCDSGA Election for (Spring 2010) shall follow. NO further changes made to this Code shall take effect until after this election.
University of Colorado Denver Student Government AssociationElection Code
Amended Spring 2010
Article I - Section One (1) – Purpose
1.1The purpose of this Election Code is to outline the process and procedures for all elections held under the jurisdiction of the University of Colorado DenverStudent Government Association (“UCDSGA”) Election Commission, as provided by Article XII- of the University of Colorado Denver Student Government Association Constitution.
Article I - Section Two (2) – Definitions
2.1Ballot: A Ballot is the physical, or electronic, form that UCD Student Association members use to vote during paper or electronic voting for all elections.
2.2Campaign Team: The Campaign Team includes the candidate, campaign associates, and all volunteer workers helping a candidate in his or her election efforts. The Campaign Team may include individuals supporting or opposing a referendum question.
2.3Chief Justice Candidate:The Chief Justice Candidate is an individual running for the Chief Justice position of the UCDSGA Judicial Council. The Chief Justice Candidate is a popularly elected representative of the UCD Student Association.
2.4Election Window: The Election Window is the time period during which voting takes place, as designated by the UCDSGA Election Commission.
2.5Executive Ticket: The Executive Ticket is comprised of two (2) individuals running for the positions of President and Vice-President of the UCDSGA Executive Council. The running mates (comprising a President and Vice-President) of each Executive Ticket are required to designate which position in the ticket they are running for. Executive Ticket Candidates are popularly elected representatives of the UCD Student Association.
2.6Expense: An expense is defined as thematerial cost or professional service cost required to obtain goods or services for the purpose of conducting a candidate’s campaign.
2.6Final Election Results: The Final Election Results are comprised of all votes placed during the Election Window. The Final Election Results may be announced only when the deadline for appeals to the election has passed and no appeals have been filed (as stated in this Code), or the Judicial Council (the moderators of the election) have resolved all appeals.
2.7Finance Board Senator Candidate: The Finance Board Senator Candidate is an individual running for one (1) of three (3)voting seats on the UCDSGA Executive Council. Finance Board Senator Candidates are popularly elected representatives of the UCD Student Association.
2.8Legislative Committee Senator Candidate: The Legislative Committee Senator Candidate is an individual running for one (1) of three (3) voting seats on the UCDSGA Executive Council. Legislative Committee Senator Candidates are popularly elected representatives of the UCD Student Association.
2.9Mandatory Candidate Meeting: A formal meeting between a candidate and the UCDSGA Election Commission. All candidates are required to attend at least one of the scheduled candidate meetings. All candidate applications (including any additional documentation) will be submitted to the Election Commission no later than the final scheduled candidate meeting prior to the start of the election.
2.10Poll Watcher(s): The Poll Watcher(s) is an individual who will act as an observer of the election proceedings and vote tabulation in the event of paper ballot voting. The poll watcher(s) will not engage in any campaign activities of any form, and will not have any affiliation with any candidate or campaign team. This individual shall report any and all violations of the UCDSGA Election Code to the Election Commission immediately. Reported violations may be grounds for disqualification of a candidate or the invalidation of election results after the close of voting.
2.11Public Relations Committee Senator Candidate: The Public Relations Committee Senator Candidate is an individual running for one (1) of four (4) voting seats on the UCDSGA Executive Council. Public Relations Committee Senator Candidates are popularly elected representatives of the UCD Student Association.
2.12Referendum: A Referendum is the submission of a proposed student fee or constitutional amendment, in the form of a yes/no question, taken to a direct vote of the UCD student body.
2.14Revenue:Revenue shall be defined as any donations, contributions, or any other form of campaign assistance coming from someone other than the candidate.
2.13SACAB Candidate: The SACAB Candidateisan individual running for one (1) of two (2) seats designated for UCD Student Association representation on the Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board.
2.14Tri-Campus Elections: Tri-Campus Elections are elections held for the purpose of Auraria Campus student body voting and approval.
2.15UCD: University of Colorado Denver shall be referred to as UCD.
2.16UCDSGA Member: A member of the UCDSGA is defined as any active member of theUCD Student Association, enrolled at UCD and paying mandatory student fees, who is elected to the Student Government Association.
Article II - Section One (1) – Composition
1.1The UCDSGA Election Commission shall consist of one (1) Election Commissioner and one (1) Assistant Election Commissioner. The Election Commissioner and Assistant Election Commissioner must be currently registered, mandatoryfee-paying students.
1.2The salary for the membersof the UCDSGA Election Commission and all costs associated with the election shall be proposed to the UCDSGA Finance Board for approval.
1.3The term of the UCDSGA Election Commission is subject to ratification by two-thirds (2/3) vote of UCDSGA, present and voting members.
Article II - Section Two (2) – Responsibilities
2.1TheUCDSGA Election Commission will be accountable to the UCDStudent Association for the fair and just conduct of elections. The UCDSGA Election Commission willconduct all elections according to the rules and regulations as outlined in the University of Colorado Denver Student Government Association Election Code.
2.2The UCDSGA Election Commission shall prepare and submit for approval a budget for the election thirty (30) days prior to any regularly scheduled electionand fifteen (15) days prior to a special election. In the event that the UCDSGA Election Commission is unable to prepare and submit the budget within the given time frame, the Finance Board Chair shall assume responsibility for creating the election budget. The UCDSGA must approve the final election budget by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
Article III - Section One(1) – Fall Semester Elections
1.1The UCDSGA Election Commission will determine the start and end date of any fall semester elections. Fall semester elections are to be held during the second full week of October, unless otherwise designated by the UCDSGA Election Commission.
1.2The Mandatory Candidate Meetings shall concludea minimum of one (1) week prior to the start of the election. The UCDSGA Election Commission shall designate the date and time of all Mandatory Candidate Meetings.
Article III - Section Two (2) – Spring Semester Elections
2.1The UCDSGA Election Commission will determine the start and end date of any spring semester elections. Spring semester elections are to be held during the second full week of April, unless otherwise designated by the UCDSGA Election Commission.
2.2The Mandatory Candidate Meetings shall concludea minimum of one (1) week prior to the start of the election. The UCDSGA Election Commission shall designate the date and time of all Mandatory Candidate Meetings.
Article IV - Section One (1) – Formation of the Commission
1.1The Election Commission shall be assembledno later than the third week of February. When a special election is called, the Election Commission must be assembledno later than thirty (30) days before the scheduled election. If theElection Commission has not been assembled by the prescribed deadlines, the Judicial Council may begin to arrange election activities until an Election Commission has been assembled.
Article IV - Section Two (2) – Time Period for Amendments to this Code
2.1All amendments to this Code must receive final approval by the UCDSGA Executive Council at least three (3) weeks before the election. In the case of a special election, all amendments to this Code must receive final approval by the UCDSGA Executive Council at least two (2) weeks before the specialelection. Any amendments made after these dates shall not be recognized until after the election and will not be applied retroactively.
2.2A copy of this Code (including all candidate forms) and any information related to referendum questions shall be made available upon request in the UCDSGA offices (Tivoli 301) to candidates and any interested parties.
2.3The cover of this code shall include the following affirmation:
I herby affirm that this day,______(month, date, year), this revised & approved edition of the UCDSGA Election Code includes all amendments to date and is the Code, which the UCDSGA Election for ______(term & year)shall follow. NO further changes made to this Code shall take effect until after this election.
Article IV - Section Three (3) – Announcements
3.1Three (3) weeks before the start of the election and each week thereafter, the UCDSGA Election Commission, or its designee, shall make all formal announcements in relation to this Code.
3.2Formal Announcements shall include candidate names and position candidate is running for (to date – subject to verification), a complete wording of all referendum questions (to date – subject to verification), applicable voting information, and contact information for the Election Commission.
Article IV - Section Four (4) – The Candidate Application Packet
4.1The Candidate Application Packet shall be comprised of the Candidate Information & Eligibility Form and the Petition of Candidacy Form.
4.2The Candidate application packet shall only be made available during spring semester elections, unless otherwise deemed necessary. A completed and verified Candidate Application Packet is required for all candidates running for the following UCDSGA positions: Chief Justice, ExecutiveTicket, Finance Board Senator, Legislative Committee Senator, Public Relations Committee Senator, and SACAB Representative.
4.3The Candidate Information & Eligibility Form shall include a request for the following information from each candidate:
- Candidate Name (as it is to appear on the official ballot)
- Current Mailing Address (as registered with the UCD Registrars Office)
- UCD Student Identification Number (or last 4 digits)
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Position Sought
- The Candidate Information & Eligibility Form shall include a list of qualifications for candidates as follows:
- Currently registered for a minimum of six (6) credit hours for undergraduate students, three (3) credit hours for graduate students
- A minimum of a 2.00 cumulative GPA
- Meet all other requirements in accordance with the UCDSGA Constitution
- SACAB candidates must meet requirements as listed with the Auraria Board
- Candidates must undergo a University of Colorado Denver staff background check
- The Candidate Information & Eligibility Form shall include a statement of candidate eligibility as follows:
All students who are registered at the University of Colorado Denver, and pay all mandatory student-fees, are considered members of the Student Association of the University of Colorado (UCD) and are eligible for election to the offices of UCDSGA Executive Council or SACAB in accordance with the UCDSGA Constitution and the UCDSGA Election Code. NO candidate shall be charged a registration or petition fee.
By signing below, the candidate affirms that he/she has read the UCDSGA Constitution and the UCDSGA Election Code and further agrees to abide by all the terms set therein. In addition, the candidate affirms that he/she meets all the requirements of eligibility set forth in Article IV, Section 4 of the UCDSGA Election Code.
4.6 The Petition of Candidacy Formshall include the following language to outline the eligibility of the signer of the petition, candidate name, and election term and year. It shall be written in the following manner:
The individual who has signed his or her name to this petition, a registered and mandatory student-fee paying individual at the University of Colorado Denver, affirm support for ______(candidate name, as it will appear on the official ballot), who is a candidate for one of the following positions with the University of Colorado Denver Student Government Association: Chief Justice, Executive Ticket, Finance Board Senator, Legislative Committee Senator, Public Relations Committee Senator, or SACAB Representative in the Election of ______(term & year).
4.7The Petition of CandidacyForm shall include spaces for petition signatures. One petition signature shallbe comprised of the printed name, signature, and last four (4) digits of the student identification number of the supporting UCD student body member. Signatures and printed names must include both first and last names. The printed name and the last 4 digits of the student identification number must be legible. Each Petition of Candidacy Form may serve for only one (1) of the following positions with the UCDSGA: Chief Justice, Executive Ticket, Finance Board Senator, Legislative Committee Senator, Public Relations Committee Senator, and SACAB Representative.
4.8Each Chief Justice, Finance Board Senator, Legislative Committee Senator, Public Relations Committee Senator, and SACAB Representative must have a minimum of fifty (50) signatures from UCD registered and fee paying students to be considered a candidate. Each Executive Ticket must have a minimum of one hundred (100) signatures from UCD registered and fee paying students.
4.9The Candidate Application Packet must be delivered to the Election Commission or the UCDSGA Office Manager (Student Government Office, Room 301, Tivoli Student Union) by no later than the final scheduled Mandatory Candidate Meeting. Candidate Application Packets will not be accepted past this time - NO EXCEPTIONS.
4.10Any contested candidate who fails to appear at scheduled debates or fails to send a pre-authorized representative chosen by the candidate shall not be placed on the ballot of the election for which he or she has submitted for candidacy. Candidate Application Packets shall be made available on the Monday at least three (3) weeks before the start of the election. In the case when a special election is called, petitions will be made available no less then (10) days before the start of the election.
Article IV - Section Five (5) – The Campaign Contract
5.1The “Statement of Candidate Eligibility” found on the Candidate Information & Eligibility Form will act as the Campaign Contract. The candidate and the Election Commissioner will sign the Campaign Contract no later than the close of the final scheduledMandatory Candidate Meeting.
Article IV - Section Six (6) – Petition for Referendum Form
6.1The UCDSGA shall make available petition forms for referendum and shall be formatted in a Yes/No question in the following manner:
We, the undersigned, registered, and mandatory fee-paying students of the University of Colorado Denverrequest that the following question be placed on the UCD election ballot in the Election of ______(term & year):
(Text of Yes/No Question):______?
6.2The Petition for Referendum Form shall include spaces for petition signatures. One petition signature shallbe comprised of the printed name, signature, and last four (4) digits of the student identification number of the supporting UCD student body member. Signatures and printed names must include both first and last names. The printed name and the last 4 digits of the student identification number must be legible. At least five (5) percent of the UCD student body population must sign the petition for each referendum question to be placed on the ballot.
6.3All requests for referendum must be presented to the Election Commission in the form in which they shall appear on the ballot no later than three (3) weeks before the election.
Article IV - Section Seven (7) – Verification of Petitions
7.1The Election Commissionshall verify and validate all petition signatures from Petition of Candidacy Forms or Petition for Referendum Forms through the Office of Student Life within one (1) week of submission.
7.2The Election Commission is granted the ability to disqualify any candidate if the candidate neglects to fill out any or all areas of the Candidate Application Packet. The Election Commission is granted the ability to disqualify any particular petition signature(s) for the following reasons:
- If the signatures are not in ink.
- If the printed name and/or student ID number is illegible, and thus not capable of being verified.
- If, upon verification, it is found that any Petition of Candidacy and/or Petition for Referendum forms lack sufficient fee paying signatures of UCD student body members, the Election Commission shall grant an extension to the candidate(s)/referendum questionpetitioner to collect the remaining signatures. The length of the extension shall not exceed twenty-four (24) hours from the time that notification is given to the candidate(s)/referendum question petitioner. If the candidate(s)/referendum questionpetitioner fails to collect the remaining signatures by the end of the extension, the candidate(s)/referendum questionshall be disqualified and his/her name or referendum question shall not appear on the election ballot.
- If any student signs the same candidate’s petition or referendum petition more than once, that students signature shall only be counted once.
- The ElectionCommission shall announce all official candidates during the week prior to the start of the election. In acase where a special election is held, announcements will be made within forty-eight (48) hours prior to the start of the election.
Article IV - Section Eight (8) – Alternative Process for Referendums
8.1The UCDSGA Executive Council may place referendum questions on the ballot by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote approval of the Executive Council members, and thereforeis notrequiredto collect petition signatures. The Executive Council must abide by the timeline established in this Code.