HeWhānau Manaaki Kindergartens have the following expectations:

  • All permanently employed teachers and long term relievers are required to engage in the appraisal process
  • Opportunities for The Professional Standards for Teachers could be maintained through the Appraisal process
  • You will engage in an Annual Appraisal Meeting in term 3 each year. Your meeting date will be set by your appraiser. For new employees a meeting will occur within the first term of your employment with your appraiser to discuss appraisal goal that you will work on until the new WMK Annual Appraisal cycle begins.
  • You will engage in the Yearly Appraisal process (please see the third page).

Principles of Appraisal:

Thinking about appraisal has shifted from a ‘done to’ model to a shared responsibility between the appraiser and appraisee.

Appraisal should be:

Aspirational:provides additional motivation and challenge to stimulate thinking and innovation

Relevant: relate to your daily practice and support the strategic direction of the Association

Simple: a straightforward process that makes sense

Reflective and evaluative to promote change:provide formal opportunities to reflect, evaluate, challenge, extend and improve knowledge, understanding and practice

Centred on strengths and development: acknowledge what you are doing well and assist you to further develop your knowledge, understanding andpractice

Promote leadership: support you to use your strengths to build your capability as a leaderwithin and beyond your setting

Promote enquiry: it should provide opportunities for you to research or enquire into aspects of teaching and learning to support, knowledge, understanding and practice

Promote positive outcomes for children: support you to focus on and enhance learning for all children

Annual Appraisal Meeting

An annual Appraisal meeting will take place between you and your appraiser by the29.08.2018 (as shown in the Curriculum Framework). The final appraisal meeting, review of portfolio and new goal settingwill need to be completed by 31 August 2018.

Prior to this meeting,you will have given your appraiser your Appraisal Portfolio for the previous cycle, and your appraiser will have completed the initial section of the Annual Appraisal Meeting Report the meeting will be used to:

  • Discuss the evidence you have collected and how this shows that you have met all the Standards for the Teaching Profession and Tātaiako Cultural Competencies
  • Discuss your appraisal mahi (perhaps using questions in the Annual Appraisal Report)
  • At this meeting, your appraiser will also sign your Attestationform that indicates whether or not you have provided sufficient evidence of how you continue to meet each of the Standards for the Teaching Profession and Tātaiako.
  • Identify, discuss and agree onone goalfor the following 12 month period

This one goalcould be based on the following;

  • a reflectionof the professional growth that you require to achieve one of the Action Plans from your kindergarten’s Strategic Teaching and Learning Plan (STLP)
  • an individual professional goal that will stretch and challenge youto focus on lifting your performance and/or developing your practice, knowledge and understanding in an identified area
  • your previous appraisal, the Association Strategic Plan, personal/professional interests, Internal Evaluation, or the Standards for the Teaching Profession
  • documents such as Kindergarten ERO Report, Tātaiako, Ka Hikitia, Te Whāriki, Te Manawa

If you are a leader (HT/SHT/AHT/VT) the goal should reflect a leadership lens

Please note:to complete a taskis not an appropriate appraisal goal

(E.g.“To make a transition booklet for parents” is a task,rather than a goal to improve practice. Making a transition booklet could be one of your strategies if your goal is for example: “To increase my capability in supporting children and whānau in a positive transitionto school”).

Appraisal: Yearly Processand Action Plans

Yearly Process:

A minimum of one week prior to your Annual Appraisal Meeting, give your appraiser your Appraisal Portfolio and any other relevant documentation

Consider areas of practice or professional knowledge that you are seeking to develop or grow further and come prepared to discuss these and a potential goal at your Annual Appraisal Meeting

Schedule regular non-contact time to engage in appraisal activities is a necessary strategy to support you to meet your goal

Relevant observations* of practice - this could be by team members (e.g. working in pairs) or a Senior Teacher (ST)

Taking and using Professional time (in term breaks) or PLD Leave

Regular meetings (see Curriculum framework for expectations) will be a key aspect of appraisal and will provide an opportunity to discuss progress of your appraisal goal, any observations, the Standards for Teaching Profession, Tātaiako cultural competencies, and supportive evidence from your appraiser.

Engagement in an Appraisal Portfolioto include reflections, artefacts and annotated evidence to show your progress towards meeting your goal and your professional responsibilities to the Standards of Teaching Profession and Tātaiako Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners

You could include a section entitled Significant Other Practice in your Appraisal Portfoliofor any additional evidence that shows how you are meeting other Standards of the Teaching Profession

Maintain responsibility for keeping your Appraisal Portfolioup to date with examples of how you are working towards meeting your goal

Ensure your portfolio is set up in a way that makes it easy for your appraiser to review, yourAppraisal Portfolio must brought to each ‘Check-in’ meeting and be available at other times when requested e.g. Annual Review

A final evaluation of how effectively you have achieved your goal, including how this has impacted on positive outcomes for children (use your indicators as a prompt to make judgements about how effectively you have met the goal)

Setting up your Appraisal Goal Action Plan:

Confirm your chosen goal (for additional information on writing goals refer to the Storypark Teachers Toolbox: Smart Goals) and write a rationale to say why this is important to you

Develop a plan that identifies 2-4 clear indicators of what your practice will look like when you have achieved this goal

Develop practical strategies that will support you to achieve the indicator. This should include identifying any relevant professional learning (courses/readings etc.) that will support you

Use Our Code/Our Standards, Tātaiako Indicators and Reflective Evidence Guide, Te Manawa or the Annual Review document for examples of indicators and relevant strategies

When Appraisal Goal Action Plan is completed give a copy to your SHT/HT


Observations* are seen as very effective component of gathering information about your professional practice. Therefore, a strategy for meeting a goal could include an observation by a member of your team or by a ST, this evidence may enhance teaching and learning practices and could be documented.


Appraiser: / Date:
Appraiser comments on previous goals: (this should include commentary on how effectively the evidence provided in the Appraisal Portfolio demonstrates that the teacher has met their goals and each of the PTC)
Appraiser comments on Appraisal Meeting: / Questions to guide the discussion:
Over the year, share with me your progression with your appraisal goals?
What have been your celebrations?
Why were they celebrations?
What have you learnt from these?
What were your challenges?
Why were they challenges?
What have you learnt from these?
Agreed Appraisal goal for next cycle or area of practice :
Appraisee comments on Appraisal Meeting:



Practising Teaching Criteria Attestation Form (2017/2018)

For:……………………………………………………..………………….(teachers name)

The appraiser attests that the appraisee has provided evidence that they meet each of the Practising Teacher Criteria (PTC) as expected for their practising certificate status (Provisional/Subject to confirmation/Full)




Appraisal Goal: Action Plan (2018/2019)

The area of professional growth that I am going to work on:
My goal for 2018-2019 is to:
so that ākonga……….
I would like to work on this goal because:
This goal is informed by the expectations of the following Standards for the Teaching Profession/Tātaiako Cultural Competencies:
What will be evident in my practice when this goal is achieved?
(Please see the Standards/Tātaiako Indicators Matrix (p. 10), Te Manawa or the Annual Review document for examples of indicators)
Consider where observations of practice could support your work on an indicator
Indicator 1 (what will be happening when I have achieved my goal):
What will Ido to achieve this indicator (how)
My Strategies: I will…
Indicator 2 (what will be happening when I have achieved my goal):
What will I do to achieve this indicator (how)
My Strategies: I will…
Indicator 3 (what will be happening when I have achieved my goal):
What will I do to achieve this indicator (how)
My Strategies: I will…
Indicator 4 (what will be happening when I have achieved my goal):
What will I do to achieve this indicator (how)
My Strategies: I will…
(to be completed at end of Appraisal Cycle)
How effectively have I met this goal? (how do I know? Use your indicators to evaluate the improvements in your practice and link to your evidence. Include any positive outcomes for ākonga)
Appraisal ‘Check-in’ Meeting(Team- Term 4 and Term 2)
At the Termly Check-in Meeting
 Meet with team (as per Curriculum Framework). Discuss the work you have been undertaking to meet your goal.
 ST/HT/Team to provide feedback that is constructive, reflective, and fair and when necessary direct and will include feedback and feedforward critique that is documented on ‘Check-in’ form and filed in your Appraisal Portfolio.
Identifynext steps to progress/meet your goal
ST/HT to view the evidence gathered to meet appraisal goal and Professional Standards for Teaching
Feedback from Team:
Feedforward from Team:
Appraisal ‘Check-in’ Meeting(with your Appraiser – term 1)
At the Termly Check-in Meeting
 Meet with ST/HT (as per Curriculum Framework). Discuss the work you have been undertaking to meet your goal.
 ST/HT/Team to provide feedback that is constructive, reflective, and fair and when necessary direct and will include feedback and feedforward critique that is documented on ‘Check-in’ form and filed in your Appraisal Portfolio.
Identifynext steps to progress/meet your goal
ST/HT to view the evidence gathered to meet appraisal goal and Standards
Feedback from Appraiser:
Feedforward from Appraiser:
/ Matrix aligning Standards for the Teaching Profession with the Practising Teacher Criteria
Standards for the Teaching Profession
(Our Standards) / Practising Teacher Criteria (PTC) / Tātaiako: Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners
Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership
Demonstrate commitment to tangata whenuatanga and Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand. / PTC 3 Demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand
PTC 10 Work effectively within the bicultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand / Tangata whenuatanga
Place-based, socio-cultural awareness and knowledge
Professional learning
Use inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners. / PTC 12 Use critical inquiry and problem solving effectively in their professional practice
PTC 1 Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focussed on the learning and well-being of all ākonga
PTC 4 Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice
PTC 5 Show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning
PTC 11 Analyse and appropriately use assessment information which has been gathered formally and informally / Ako
Practice in the classroom and beyond
Relationships (children, whānau community) with high expectations
Robust dialogue focussed on Māori learners’ achievement
Professional relationships
Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and wellbeing of each learner. / PTC 3 Demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand
PTC 1 Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focussed on the learning and well-being of all ākonga
PTC 2 Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga
PTC 8 Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn
PTC 9 Respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences, and the varied strengths, interests and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga / Tangata whenuatanga
Place-based, socio-cultural awareness and knowledge
Practice in the classroom and beyond
Tangata whenuatanga
Place-based, socio-cultural awareness and knowledge
Relationships (children, whānau community) with high expectations
Learning-focused culture
Develop a culture that is focused on learning, and is characterised by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety. / PTC 2 Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga
PTC 7 Promote a collaborative inclusive and supportive learning environment
PTC 9 Respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences, and the varied strengths, interests and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga / Manaakitanga
Values – integrity, trust, sincerity, equity
Tangata whenuatanga
Place-based, socio-cultural awareness and knowledge
Design for learning
Design learning based on curriculum and pedagogical knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner’s strengths, interests, needs, identities, languages and cultures. / PTC 6 Conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme
PTC 8 Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn
PTC 10 Work effectively within the bicultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand
PTC 9 Respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences, and the varied strengths, interests and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga
PTC 11 Analyse and appropriately use assessment information which has been gathered formally and informally Use critical inquiry and problem solving effectively in their professional practice / Ako
Practice in the classroom and beyond
Tangata whenuatanga
Place-based, socio-cultural awareness and knowledge
Robust dialogue focussed on Māori learners’ achievement
Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace. / PTC 6 Conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme
PTC 8 Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn
PTC 11 Analyse and appropriately use assessment information which has been gathered formally and informally Use critical inquiry and problem solving effectively in their professional practice
PTC 4 Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice
PTC 12 Use critical inquiry and problem solving effectively in their professional practice / Ako
Practice in the classroom and beyond
Robust dialogue focussed on Māori learners’ achievement