CP Advisory Committee Meeting
1/24/17Hennepin Technical College/Conference Call
Attending: Chair Susan Long, Mike Mondor, Cory Kissling, Mark Weiberg, Luke Meyers, Jenny Kirtchner, Jennifer, Murphree, Ann Majerus, Kai Hjermstad, Jarod Oskerson, Peter Tanghe, Jason Eblen, Becky White, Tia Radant, Pete Carlson, Dave Johnson, Jeff Morgan.
Minutes approved. Motion by Hjermstad, 2nd by Murphree.
Gillquist to make sure minutes are posted on website in an easy to find way.
Physicians work group. Tanghe update - is at NAEMSP with Wilcox. Had discussion there about CP. New curriculum updates will be released soon. Other big initiative is trying to connect with other physicians who have role in CP work.
SOPs – met in Sep. tried to collect. Gillquist will f/u with Wilcox for what exists and build a template for others. If you have info to share please send to Gillquist who will then send to Wilcox.
Data collection and analysis – Brown has been leading. Carlson will assist and connect with Brown. Gillquist to post data from Brown. CMS quality of life survey as an example. The MDH Tool Kit may solve this problem. UCLA just came out with a report on their program with outcomes. Very clear.
Training and education – CP conference planned for 2018. Gillquist gave an update on plans. Looking at sites and dates. Great work group. Please forward ideas for speakers, CE etc.
Morgan – numbers are down in CP and regular medic/EMT. 3 colleges offering at different levels and hope to make more consistent. Nothing around community EMT at this time,
Hjermstad – have 22 students in current class. Text book out Feb 1 through AAOS/Jones & Bartlett. Community EMT certification has passed. Objectives were put together for DHS for billing purposes. Submitted license to EMSRB to run program. Hope to offer all on line at some point (with clinicals). 24 didactic, 16 clinical hours.
Info/resource/definition of CP – add articles. Gillquist will add the one Pete Carlson sent today. Intention is to have resources on the website. Gillquist to link the Tool Kit. Please send to Gillquist.
Funding & reimbursement -Gillquist will be meeting with Buck on Thu and will update if anything new. Radant asked if there’s any info – proposed change to nomenclature re from community EMT to community health responder. Carlson stated it’s still being determined. Will this allow non EMTs to fulfill this role?
2017 objectives –
CP conference in place
Tanghe/Edwards – 3rd party payers. Carlson, North continued relationship with Blue Cross/pilot. To aggregate all data will be good. Labor intensive. Continue to have dialogue with payers. Wilcox has 3-year contract with Scott Co jail, 5days/week.
Increase members – have added more. Gillquist gave an update on the CP operations. Carlson and Murphree shared their thoughts and feel that the two committees work well together but are quite different
Site updates were provided.
Upcoming: National next month. International round table.
Meeting adjourn
Next meeting – April 25, 2017.