Title / Applied medicine and pharmacology
Code / PP344
Level / 6
Credit rating / 20 cats points
Pre-requisites / Completion of all level 5 modules
Type of module / Extensive over two semesters
Aims /
  1. To enable the student to evaluate critically the effects of systemic disease
  2. To enable the students to evaluate critically the pharmacological management of common system disorders
  3. To enable the student to adopt a biopsychosocial approach to practice

Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module the student will be able to:
  • evaluate critically the progression and effects of common systemic diseases.
  • evaluate critically the signs and symptoms of common systemic diseases
  • appraise critically the selection and justification of pharmacologic agents used in the management of common systemic diseases.
  • appraise critically the effects of pharmacological agents used in the management of common systemic disease.
  • further develop evaluative skills from investigations tests and diagnostic tests.
  • Analyse the essence of care in the context of clinical governance and patient-centredness.

Content / Emphasis will be placed upon application of medicine relevant to podiatric practice.This also includes the classification, aetiology, presenting features, investigations, medical and pharmacological management of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and rheumatological disorders; tissue complications; cardiovascular disease , neurological disease musculo-skeletal disorders and dermatological disease. Other conditions will also be discussed. These include
respiratory diseases, renal, liver and gastrointestinal disorders.
Teaching and learning strategies / The students will be provided with all of the powerpoint presentations to aid revision. Keynote lectures, cased-based approach, small group work and review of key papers.
Learning support / Module team and personal tutor.Learning resources available within the University of brighton and other medical establishments. Clinical placement both within and out of the University. Online learning resources including student central.
Module reading list:
BALLINGER A 2000. Saunder’s pocket essentials of Clinical medicine
RANG HP, DALE MM RITTER JM 1999. Pharmacology 4th edition Churchill Livingstone
DAVIDSON’S 1999 Principles and Practice of Medicine. Churchill Livingstone
DRURY P GATLING W 2005 Your Questions answered Diabetes. Churchill Livingstone
BUXTON PK ABC of Dermatology. BMA publications, London
KUMAR PJ & CLARK 1998 Clinical Medicine 4ed edition WB Saunders
DAWBER RPR, BRISTOW I, MOONEY J 1996 The Foot: Problems in Podiatry and Dermatology. Medical Pocketbooks Martin Dunitz
JOSEPH W.S 2002 Handbook of lower extremity infections. Elsevier
MORGAN R, JOHNSON M RAE M 2000 Pharmacology for Podiatrists. Blackwell Science
DRENNAN J 1992 The Child’s Foot and Ankle. Blackwell Science
DOCKERY G CRAWFORD M 1996 Cutaneous Disorders of the Lower Extremity. Elsevier
MANDEL S, WILLIS JS 2000 Handbook of Lower Extremity Neurology. Churchill Livingstone
Baillieres Clinical Rheumatology
The Foot
Foot and Ankle
Journal of Wound Care
British Medical Bulletin
British Medical Journal
Medicine International
New Scientist
The Diabetic Foot
The Lancet

Web sites

Assessment tasks / The assessment for this module includes two components:
  1. a multiple choice questionnaire on applied pharmacology (90 minute examination)
  1. three hour cased based written examination.
Both assessment tasks are marked with a 40% pass mark and 30% threshold, according to GEAR
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module focuses on the common systemic diseases that impact on the foot. The general medicine and pharmacology of common systemic disease is discussed in relation to podiatric practice.
Area examination board to which module relates / Podiatry
Module team/authors/coordinator / A McInnes/S Otter
Semester offered, where appropriate / Semester 1 and 2
Site where delivered / Eastbourne
Date of approval of this version / November 2011
Version number / 2
Replacement for previous module / PP305
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Podiatry
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / BSc (Hons) Podiatry: mandatory
School home / School of Health Professions
External examiner / Mr Paula Frowen
Dr Alan Borthwick