Approved November 1, 2012

October 18, 2012

5:41:08 PM5:30 P.M. ~ Work Meeting (Open to the Public)

6:30 P.M. ~ Training


7:10:57 PM7:00 P.M. ~ Regular Planning Commission Meeting


Planning Commission Members:

Jessica Morton

Clint Smith

Leslie Mascaro
Dave Burrows

Robyn Shakespear

Wade Thompson

Wayne Hill

  • City Staff:Gordon Haight; Assistant City Manager

Bryn McCarty; Planning Supervisor

Heather Upshaw; Planner III

Brett Wood; City Manager

  • Guests:Please see the attendance sign in sheet.


1.1Pledge of Allegiance: Monte Johnson

1.2Reverence / Thought: Gordon Haight

1.3Roll call: Full Quorum, Blayde Hamilton isexcused from tonight’s meeting.

7:12:51 PM1.4Approval of the electronic minutes for: September 20, 2012

Commissioner Clint Smith MOVES to approve the electronic minutes for

September 20, 2012.

CommissionerRobyn Shakespear SECONDED the motion.

ChairHill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

1.5Citizen Comments:None


7:13:22 PM2.132C12– Digis – 4795 W Mount Ogden Peak Dr – Conditional use to construct a roof mounted antenna – Zone: R-2-15–Acres: 5

Citizen Comments:Dennis Watt

Commissioner David BurrowsMOVES to approve the conditional use to construct a roof mounted antenna with requirements outlined by Staff and no closer than 5’ to the roof parapet and the top of the antenna be no higher than 8’ from the top of the roof.

Commissioner Jessica MortonSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

7:30:18 PM2.207C04-06 – Herriman Springs Developers – 6601 W 14800 S Conditional use amendment to remove property from the approved open space - Zone: FR-1

Acres: 46.15 (Continued from September 20, 2012 meeting)

Citizen Comments:None

Commissioner Clint SmithMOVES to continue the request to the November 1st PC meeting due to applicant’s request.

CommissionerWade ThompsonSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

7:31:13 PM2.322C02-04– Strasser – 4520 W 12600 S – Conditional use amendment to remove property from the approved open space – Zone: C-2Acres: 0.98

Citizen Comments:Jack Young

John Knotwell

Shaun Anderson

Collin Strasser

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearMOVES to continue the request to the November 1st PC meeting due to applicant’s request.

CommissionerClint SmithSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

7:43:48 PM2.430C12–Dansie – 13334 S 7300 W – Conditional use approval to add open storage of recreational vehicles as an accessory use – Zone: C-1 Acres: 2.48 (Continued from September 20, 2012 meeting)

Citizen Comments:Justin Dansie

Commissioner Clint SmithMOVES to approve the conditional use to add open storage of recreational vehicles as an accessory use with Staff requirements.

Commissioner Wade Thompson SECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

7:46:18 PM2.534C12–Nielsen – 7360 W Highway U111 – Conditional use for soil composting, manufacture, and sales – Zone: A-1 – Acres: 7.06

Citizen Comments:Brad Nielsen

Justin Dansie

Commissioner Dave BurrowsMOVES to continue this item for additional information including a site plan and a list of equipment used and stored in order to make an informed decision.

Commissioner Clint SmithSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

8:13:34 PM2.618Z12– HerrimanCity – Text change to add “Open Storage for Recreational Vehicles Only” to the C-1 zone (Public hearing was held September 20, 2012)

Item 2.6 withdrawn by applicant.

8:13:42 PM2.733C12–HerrimanCity – 4800 W 15000 S – Conditional use for a gun range (public use)Zone: R-1-15 – Acres: 50

Citizen Comments:Lewis Adams

Aaron Ashby

Commissioner Clint SmithMOVES to approve the conditional use for a gun range with requirements outlined by Staff in addition compliance with all City, State and Federal regulations, item #6 change to Staff writing an ordinance for hours of operation for gun range, conform to submitted site plan and submit an emergency response plan.

Commissioner Jessica Morton SECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsNo

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.


9:23:10 PM3.115S12– Rosecrest – 4700 W 14600 S – Subdivide large parcels into parcels consistent with the proposed SAA boundaries – Zone: Multiple Acres: 526.5

Chair Hillopens the public hearing and calls for any citizen who wishes to speak to come to the podium and address the Planning Commission members.

Citizen Comments:Matt Watson

Commissioner Leslie MascaroMOVES to approve the subdivision.

Commissioner Wade ThompsonSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

9:26:13 PM3.216S12– Green –14289 S Knapper Way– Subdivision amendment to consolidate two lots into one – Zone: A-.25–Acres: .81 – Units: 1

Chair Hill opens the public hearing and calls for any citizen who wishes to speak to come to the podium and address the Planning Commission members.

Citizen Comments:None

Commissioner Clint SmithMOVES to approve the subdivision amendment with Staff requirements.

Commissioner Leslie MascaroSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

9:29:12 PM3.321Z12– HerrimanCity – Text change to add fencing to office, commercial, and manufacturing zones

Chair Hill opens the public hearing and calls for any citizen who wishes to speak to come to the podium and address the Planning Commission members.

Citizen Comments:None

Commissioner Leslie MascaroMOVES to continue this item.

Commissioner Jessica MortonSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.

9:30:50 PM3.422Z12– HerrimanCity – Text change to Chapter 11-8-3, grounds for vacation or changing plat

Chair Hill opens the public hearing and calls for any citizen who wishes to speak to come to the podium and address the Planning Commission members.

Citizen Comments:None

Commissioner David Burrows MOVES to continue this item.

Commissioner Clint SmithSECONDED the motion.

Chair Hill asks for a vote. The vote is as follows:

Commissioner Leslie MascaroYes

Commissioner Jessica MortonYes

Commissioner Robyn ShakespearYes

Commissioner Clint SmithYes

Commissioner Dave BurrowsYes

Commissioner Wade ThompsonYes

Vote passed.

Motion carried.



5.1City Council Meeting - Thursday, October 25, 2012 @ 7:30 PM

5.2Planning Commission Meeting - Thursday, November 1, 2012 @ 7:00 PM


CommissionerSmith moves to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at9:31:55 PM

I, Heather Upshaw,Planner of Herriman City hereby certify that the foregoing minutes, along with the digital recording, represent a true, accurate, and complete record of the meeting held on October 18, 2012. This document along with the digital recording constitutes the official minutes for the HerrimanCity Planning Commission Meeting.


Heather Upshaw,Planner

This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes for the

Herriman Planning Commission Meeting held on October 18, 2012.

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