JANUARY 13, 2017

ATTENDING: Robert Kappelman, Caryn Mickelson, Laura Williams, KaarenReiche, Sierra Spencer, Wendy Spencer, Jessica Lloyd-Rogers, Jerry Schneider, Bittin Duggan, Jennifer Stephens, Kurt B. Smith, Deidrie Lindsey, Renee` Menkens, Rock Rakosi, Tracy Herning, Kirk McAmis, Shannon Durkee, Jill Vandehey, Katrinka McReynolds, Steve Shirtcliff, Greg Dalton, Hannah Dalton, Curt Benner, Erin Larson, Char Luther

Two videos were shown for introducing the subject of Dependence on opioids. Shannon suggests that we wait for a bit to decide what to use as a standard introduction to the program.

Breakout groups representing 4 categories – Youth, Seniors, Child Services, Professional Community -- worked to develop a plan for to gather up to 3 Focus Groups for the purpose of understanding opiate abuse: the knowledge level of each sector about heroin/opiate issue; how do they deal with pain and prescribed drugs. Or to simply gauge the community’s knowledge about Heroin/Opiate issue.

YOUTH: Tim Edingfield, Sierra Spencer (Coos Bay Schools, Youth Move) Hannah Dalton (North Bend School), Laura Williams

Main Goal: determine what youth understand – use interactive activity
Ages: Represent all ages 0-18; create diverse focus groups
Outcomes: Determine what they know about opiates and heroin --- decide on best medium to communicate with youth

Questions for focus group:

What would be the best way to educate youth about opiate and heroin use?

What is addiction? impact of? Is it harmful? Who is at risk of becoming addicted?

 What are opiates? What are they used for? Are they addictive?

What are the risks of using high level opiates?

It is ever ok to share medications with friends?

Why do people start using drugs?

How easy is it to get heroin or opiates in our community?

Does anyone know about the Good Samaritan Law?

Doe people know what Naloxone or Narcan is? (injected or intranasal)

Next Steps:

Recruit more subcommittee members

Meet again to finalize

Set up times for Focus Groups

Next Subcommittee Meeting – FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 3:30PM at Kaffe 101

SENIORS: Jerry Schneider, Kurt B. Smith (541.217.5239), KaarenReiche, Kirk McAmis (541.751.5479), Char Luther (temporarily)

Discussion prior to question forming – Medical marijuana *is it effective? * how does edible work? *where to acquire it? *is it an available alternative to opioids? *what other alternatives are available for seniors with chronic pain?

Questions for focus group:

What is an opioid? What do you know about opioid addiction?

What can be done to wean patients from pain meds when pain is reduced?

What impact will result when legislation mandates reduction in opioid prescription level?

What do you know about alternatives to pain medications?

How do you work with your doctor about pain & alternatives?

How do you dispose of unused/expired meds?

Next Steps: Create a brochure or flyer for focus group invitation. New Community Coalition will print whatever is needed.

Distribution possibilities:

  • Coos Bay and North Bend Senior Centers
  • Area Agency on Aging
  • Senior & Disabled Services
  • Books by the Bay
  • Senior Computer Club

Child Services: Jennifer Stephens, Greg Dalton, Wendy Spencer, Steve Shirtcliff, Katrinka McReynolds (filling in for Cynthia Edwards)

Who to ask—Child Welfare, CASA, Schools (teaching staff and counselors), Mental Health (Coastal Center, KAIROS), Oregon Youth Authority, Foster Parent Assn, Belloni Ranch staff-- Independent Living Program, Bryan Baird Juvenile Justice, COASTLINE, Public Defenders/DA Office, Kid’s Hope, Young Life, Kaffe 101, faith-based mentors

Need preplanned event to be able to reach out to these folks.





What do you understand about opiate addiction?

What have you seen as an opiate problem in our community?

How does it impact your life?

What do you know about pain meds?

What is best medium of communication?

Where do you get information?

What is your experience with opiate epidemic addiction in our community?

How have you seen the effects of opiate use in the children you work with?

What resources would you like to have available?

How do you currently address this issue?

Who are your program partners around this situation?

Notes from “Professionals” Focus Group


3 focus groups by the end of March

choose diversity within groups

find funding for incentives

Specific questions to “gauge the community's knowledge”

Three sections of Questions.


  1. Are you in pain?
  2. Have you or a friend or relative been prescribed medication for pain?


  1. Is it okay to share your medications with other people?
  2. Do you know how to dispose of unused or outdated medications?
  3. Do you know how to store and secure your medications?
  4. Do you know the difference between opiate and non-opiate medications?

3.a. For example, do you know the difference between opiate and non-opiate medications?

  1. If you go to the doctor with pain, what do you expect to happen?
  2. Do you know that you can ask your doctor for non-opiate pain medication?
  3. Do you understand the potential risks of opiate use?
  4. Do you know what to do if you or someone you know is addicted?
  5. Did you know if you call for help for someone who has overdosed, the law protects you?
  6. Do you know what naloxone (Narcan) is?
  7. There has been a lot of news about the opiate problem locally. How does that affect you? How does that affect the community?
  8. Can you explain the connection between opiate medications and heroin?


  1. Is there anything else you would like to share about the opiate problem?

Next Steps

  1. Our group will make a date for at least one more meeting prior to the February 17 main meeting. We will use Doodle Poll to set this meeting. Chief Kappelman will send out.
  2. Identify a Diverse group of people for the three focus group meetings. We need at least 24 people (8 for each meeting).
  3. We will set the location and time for each of the three meetings.
  4. We will choose a facilitator for each meeting.
  5. We will choose a recorder for each meeting or make arrangements to record the meetings.