To be completed by the Module Leader and submitted to the School/Programme Administrator/Secretary of the Board of Studiesor relevant Committee in the case of proposals for:
- Introduction of a new module as part of existing programmes
- Introduction of Standalone/Dual modules/modes (Part B must be completed)
- Introduction ofE-Learning/Distance Learning/Distance E-Learning/Blended Learning modules/modes (Part C must be completed)
- Revision to an existing module
- Suspension of a module
- Withdrawal of a module
For guidance in the completion of the form contact your Faculty Learning and Teaching Team – please see the end of the document for contact details.
Part A:
SchoolModule Status: / New/Revised/Suspension/Withdrawn – delete as appropriate
Module Code:
Module Title:
Total Credits / Sem 1 Credits / Sem 2 Credits / Sem 3 Credits
Stand Alone Availability / Not available/Stand Alone Only/Dual Mode – delete as appropriate
Delivery Category / Standard/E-Learning/Distance Learning/Distance E-Learning/ Blended Learning– delete as appropriate
If new module(s) are directly replacing existing module(s) whichare to be withdrawn please give the code(s) and title(s) of the module(s) to be withdrawn:
Module Code:
Module Title:
Date to be withdrawn:
Rationale for introduction/revision/suspension/withdrawal:
For revisions pleasespecify each change proposed, indicate which fields on the MOF have been changed and provide a clear rationale.
Degree programmes affected (School/codes, or titles for new programmes for which a code has not yet been assigned):
Date from which to be effective:
Internal consultation:Please list who has been consulted (e.g. BoS, evidence of consultation with the Library, DPDs and School Administrators) and attach email evidence confirming that they support the rationale for this module. NOTE - other programmes taking this module must be consulted and evidence provided.
External consultation:Please list who has been consulted (e.g. External Examiners or representatives of PSBs)
Part B: Only complete this section if the module is being submitted for initial approval to run in Standalone/Dual Mode. (Do not complete this section if the module is being revised).
Module Information/Handbook (see CATS Reg C5). Describe how standalone students will be provided with information about the module, particularly in relation to assessment.Entry Requirements (see CATS Reg C6). Describe how for standalone students educational fitness to study will be determined? What criteria will be applied? Will the decision be made by the Head of School or by a nominee? If the latter, please name and state role in module.
Evidence of Demand: Please outline the type of students (target audience) who are likely to be attracted to this module in standalone mode
Frequency of delivery of the module. How often will the module be delivered each academic year? If more than once please provide details/dates.
Cohort Size: What is the expected student number for the module (per cohort). If dual mode please specify both figures.
Financial Information: Provide details of the standalone student fee, the overall cost of running the module and the net profit.
External Examiner (see CATS reg E7). Has an external examiner agreed to consider assessments for this module on a standalone basis? If so please provide name and programme currently examined.
Board of Examiners (see CATS Reg E18). Does an existing Board of Examiners meet after the assessment cycle for this module? If not, describe how the requirement to hold a Board after each assessment cycle will be met.
Quality Assurance. Describe the mechanisms to ensure the quality assurance and enhancement of the module in standalone mode?
Part C: Only complete this section if the module is being submitted for initial approval to be delivered in E-Learning/Distance Learning/Distance E-Learning/Blended Learning mode. (Do not complete this section if the module is being revised).
Delivery platform. Describe the VLE or electronic learning environment by which the module will be delivered.Duration of study. What will be the maximum length of time that a student can take to complete the module at first attempt?
Resources. What assessment has been made of the resources needed to develop, deliver and update the module materials?
Student Experience. What broader resources, facilities, services and support will be available to support the students?
Security: What steps have been put in place to verify student identity and ensure the security of assessments?
Part D:
Authorisation:Assessment Tariff Check / Name: / Date:
Approved by Chair of BoS / Name: / Date:
Approved by BoS in MOFs / Name: / Date:
At this stage if the module does not require FLTSEC approval please upload the module in MOFs and file the documentation in the School. If the module requires FLTSEC approval please forward the signed MAF and PDF version of the MOF to your Faculty QualityTeam.
Approved by Chair of FLTSEC / Name: / Date:
Approved, uploaded and locked by FLTSEC in MOFs / Name: / Date:
If this proposal affects any set of programme regulations, then such regulations should be revised (using track changes) and submitted to your Faculty Quality Team for FLTSEC approval.
Deadlines for the submission of such changes are available from your Faculty Quality Team.
HaSS / Christine O’Hara() Ext.83942 /
MedSci / Lynn Oakes
() Ext. 85595 /
SAgE / Laura Johnson
() Ext.88516 /
Cross-Faculty / Janice Trewick () Ext.86811 /