Overview of the Glow Meet interface

What a user can see and do in Glow meet depends on the role they have in the meeting room. This in turn is determined by the permissions they have in the Glow group where the Glow Meet room is situated. In addition the person who has the role of host in the meeting room can assign different permissions to attendees during the meeting.


There are three possible roles in a Glow meeting room, participant, presenter and host. Each of these roles will see a slightly different view of the meeting room and will have a different level of control over the components.

Permission in Glow Group / Role in Glow Meet Room
Reader / Participant
Reader with Discussions / Participant
Contributor / Presenter
Web Designer / Presenter
Administrator / Host

Participant view

Presenter view

Host View


The meeting window will contain a selection of small windows called ‘pods’ each of which provides a certain function in the meeting. The actual pods attendees will see, and the control they have over them, will depend on how the host has set up the room.During the meeting different activities will take place in each of the pods.

The default pods on the Collaboration layout are Whiteboard, Camera and Voice, Attendee List and Chat. The Host, can turn on or off Move and Resize Pods on the bottom toolbar. This applies only to his view of the room and does not prevent attendees from maximising the pods.


Each meeting room has three default layouts, Sharing, Discussion and Collaboration, which contain different assortments of pods for different purposes. The meeting host may lead attendees to one of these other layouts during the meeting.

Status options
During the meeting attendees can use the Status Options menu at the bottom left of the window to change their status. You may select Raise Hand to request speaking rights, Agree, Disagree, Laughter or Applause. You can also ask the presenter to Speak Louder, Speak Softer, Speed Up or Slow Down. If you need to leave your computer temporarily but you want to remain at the meeting you can set your status to Step Away. Click Step In to return to the meeting.


Depending on their role in the room, attendees may seethe Talk button beside the Status Options icon. Click this if you wish to speak during the meeting. Click the small padlock to have Talk on all the time. It is likely that in a meeting with a large number of attendees that the presenter or host may switch off attendees’ microphones until it’s their turn to speak. This is to prevent feedback and echoes on the audio.

Leaving Glow Meet
When the host ends the meeting attendees will automatically exit from the room. If you want to leave the room at any time select Exit Connect Pro option under the meeting menu or by closing the window in which the meeting is running. Note that if you log off from Glow whilst taking part in a meeting you will still be in the meeting room. You need to quit Connect Pro separately.

Author: Glow TeamPage 1 of 4Ref: GC701