Instructor Guide

LENGTH: / Approximately 55 Minutes
RESOURCES: / One LCD projector and screen
White Board or rip chart and markers
One general meeting room - capacity 20 - 30
OBJECTIVES: / Assist new Members in selecting a Chapter
Identify the importance of a chapter orientation
Identify the differences in meetings, events, and gatherings
Discuss various ways for a new member to get involved in GWRRA
INTRODUCTION: / Most new members have the opportunity to attend a couple of chapter gatherings before making the decision to join our great organization. These new members have already made one very important decision regarding the chapter they wish to participate with. There may be other new members who decide to join prior to any kind of chapter involvement. This seminar will be more helpful to this second group of new members; however, the information presented is intended to make every new member’s transition into chapter life easier, and to provide guidance in what they should be looking for in a chapter. Welcome to GWRRA and possibly your first training seminar!
Slide 1:
Title Slide / Introduce yourself and welcome the participants to the MEP seminar. Let them know that questions can be asked at any time during the presentation for clarification.
Slide 2:
•Assist New Members in selecting a Chapter
•Identify the importance of a Chapter Orientation
•Identify the difference between Meetings, Events and Gatherings
•Discuss various ways for a New Member to get involved / The objectives of this seminar are to:
Assist New Members in Selecting a Chapter
Identify the Importance of a Chapter Orientation
Identify the Difference Between Meetings, Events and Gatherings
Discuss Various Ways for a New Member to Get Involved
Slide 3:
•Where you fit in the big picture
•Selecting the right Chapter
•Getting oriented
•Meetings, events and gatherings
•Getting involved
•The more you know, the better it gets / To accomplish the seminar objectives we will discuss:
Where you and the Chapter fit in the GWRRA organization big picture.
We'll give you some tips on selecting the right Chapter
Its important to become oriented with a new Chapter so we'll talk about how to do that and the responsibilities of both the Member and Chapter
Meetings, events and gatherings are all distinct types of Chapter get-togethers and we'll discuss their differences
How can you get involved with your new Chapter
The more you know about GWRRA and your Chapter, the more fun and enjoyment you'll have.
Slide 4:
Where You Fit in the Big Picture
GWRRA Structure Chart / Describe the GWRRA organizational structure. Stress that each level is there to provide support for the level below with the ultimate goal of fulfilling the needs and wants of the members.
Slide 5:
Selecting the Right Chapter
•You joined the Association, not a Chapter
•Not all Chapters are the same
–Varying visions and goals
•Determine what fits your needs
•Determine your level of involvement
•Have FUN with it / Stress the point that members are joining the Association, not a Chapter. Members can participate with as many or as few Chapters as the want.
Identify any differences you (instructor) have observed in various Chapters visited. Point out the positive aspects of the differences identified. Ask others for their input.
Participation and involvement will vary – each member has personal priorities.
Encourage participation and having FUN regardless of Chapter selected
Slide 6:
Getting Oriented
•Should receive a Chapter orientation
–Orientation booklet or pamphlet
–New member sponsor
•GWRRA Website
–Membership references
–Fun activities
–Online New Member’s Guide / Explain the importance of a Chapter orientation booklets and the importance of having a Chapter Sponsor for new members – someone who will 'show them the ropes' and answer questions.
Anyone can access this website
Tabs Membership references such as Couple of the Year, Chapter of the Year, Fun Activities, Online New Member’s Guide, Insight Newsletter, etc.
Also mention that they check the Chapter, District and Region websites
Slide 7:
•Ask questions
–Who does what in the Chapter
–What is expected of you
–What kind of fun things does the Chapter do
•Get involved / Review some questions that new members need to ask to aid them in their Chapter selection.
Identify some ways that a new member can get involved with their new Chapter such as becoming a Door Greeter in order to get to know the members; Participation in Chapter rides; Visiting other Chapters; Volunteer to assist with various Chapter activities
Slide 8:
Meetings, Events and Gatherings
•What are they and what’s the difference?
•A Meeting is:
–Generally administrative in nature
–No set interval / frequency
–Business of running the Chapter
–Usually not a socializing type activity
–Appear in the form of team meetings and business meetings / The next 3 slides are self explanatory. Spend some time expounding on each bullet. These are new members – don’t assume they know anything about their Chapter or GWRRA.
Ask the participants some questions to help clarify listed activities
Slide 9:
Meetings, Events and Gatherings
•An Event is:
–A convention or mini-convention
–An open house
–A fundraiser
–A mall show
–A poker run
–A camp out / Events can take on many personalities. The can generate funds to operate the Chapter or they may be informational to make the public aware of out efforts to promote safety and safe riding.
The event can involve just the Chapter participants but they are always more fun if other Chapters are invited.
Slide 10:
Meetings, Events and Gatherings
•A Gathering is:
–A monthly Chapter social
–Very little business is conducted - only fun activities
–Eating is very often involved
–Information dissemination
–Socializing and having fun is the main focus / The monthly gathering is the heartbeat of the Chapter. Chapter participants get together to share stories, enjoy fellowship, and usually food.
The main focus of the monthly gathering is to focus on the next month’s activities so all the participants are informed.
Past activities may be reviewed for the benefit of those who were unable to participate.
There may be drawings for door prizes, 50/50, or other items.
The next gathering time and location is announced and visitors and guests are thanked for their attendance and participation.
Slide 11:
Getting Involved
•Participate as often as possible
•Share new ideas with ChapterDirector
•Volunteer to assist at Chapterevents
•Visit other Chapters
–Meet new friends
–Collect Chapter visitation bars
•Attend District or Region conventions
•Have Fun! / Review and clarify the bullet items. Add some of your own ideas and activities that can be helpful in getting a member involved. Ask participants for their input.
Slide 12:
The More You Know The Better It Gets
•Attend Rider Education classes
–CPR, First Aid, Riding Courses
•Attend Training Seminars
–Learn more about our organization
–Learn how you can make it better
•Share your expertise
–We learn from each other / There are a lot of other ways to get involved and increase your knowledge and skills. In addition to classroom and on-bike training, Rider Education offers courses in First Aid and CPR.
Seminars to help members learn more about our organization and how to make it better. Training is also offered to improve skills used in personal and professional life.
Be willing to share your expertise as we all learn from each other.
Slide 13:
•The big picture
•Not all Chapters are the same
•Get an orientation
•Meetings, events and gatherings
•The more involved you are, the more fun it will be
•Knowledge is the key / To summarize:
We have shown where Chapters and individual members fit in the big picture of GWRRA structure
Selecting the right Chapter; they have differences in their activities and “personalities”
Providing for an orientation and having a 'sponsor' member is important
We defined the differences between meetings, events and gatherings
The more you participate, the more fun it will be
The more you know, the better it gets. A well informed member is a happy member.
Slide 14:
Questions / Answer questions to the best of your knowledge and if you do not know the answer, DO NOT MAKE ONE UP!!! Refer back to the Officer Guidebook or give them the information to ask someone who may have the right answer.
Revision History
Prepared by:
Updated by: / Dave Aikens (4/15/07)
Revised by: / Jack Wagner (1/25/12)
Formatted and Edited by / Ed Nahl (1/31/12)
Revised by: / Tommy Wilson (12/19/13)

Version 12.13 1

Copyright Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2007