PAT Meeting

October 11, 2007

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President’s Advisory Team Members in attendance:

Alice Bahr, Dean, Libraries and Instructional Resources

Edwin Cowell, Dean of Students

Betty Crockett, representing Human Resources

Richard Culver, Director, Media Relations

Elizabeth Curtin, President, Faculty Senate

Jason Curtin, Director, Alumni Relations & Annual Giving

Janet Dudley-Eshbach, President

Michael Folkoff, Interim Dean, Henson School of Science and Technology

Lisa Gray, Chair, Staff Senate

Roz Hamlett, Assistant to the President for Government and Community Relations

Amy Hasson, Assistant to the President

Steven Hetzler, Chair, University Forum

Richard Hoffman, Interim Dean, Perdue School of Business

Tom Jones, Provost

Paul Land, Director, Auxiliary Services

Ed Lashley, Chief, Salisbury University Police

Ellen Neufeldt, Vice President, Student Affairs

Connie Richards, Interim Dean, Fulton School of Liberal Arts

Lili Afkhami for Matthew Ng, President, Student Government Association
Dennis Pataniczek, Dean, Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies

Brian Stiegler, Interim Director, Center for International Education

Robert Tardiff representing Analysis, Reporting and Assessment

Rosemary Thomas, Vice President, University Advancement

Jerry Waldron, Chief Information Officer

Special Guest: Sue Eagle, Director of Marketing

1.  Welcome - President Dudley-Eshbach:

President Dudley-Eshbach welcomed everyone. On October 10, Dean Pataniczek and Interim Dean Michael Folkoff held a conference to discuss the importance of STEM. This is a system wide endeavor to recruit more students into critical shortage areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Chancellor William Kirwan was in attendance. On October 10, Salisbury University hosted Governor Martin O’Malley’s town hall meeting to discuss his upcoming budget proposals. The Governor was pleased with the amount of student participation in the event and remarked several times that SU was indeed A Maryland University of National Distinction.

2.  University Governance:

Student Government Association - Lili Afkhami

i.  The SGA is participating actively with this year’s Homecoming events. There will be events every day for students to participate in from October 15 through October 19, including a Wing eating contest, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader quiz contest (using real 5th graders), a Pep Rally, and the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen.

ii. The SGA recently held a productive dinner meeting with two members of the Salisbury City Council, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate communication between SU students and the Salisbury City Council. Future dinner meetings will be held with Council members Shanie Shields, Gary Comegys, and Council President Louise Smith. There are also plans to have a dinner meeting with the Eastern Shore Delegation of the Maryland General Assembly.

iii.  In the near future the SGA will hold a Faculty/Staff Appreciation dinner. Campus community members will be able to invite someone who has had a positive impact on student life at SU.

o  Faculty Senate - Elizabeth Curtin

i.  One of the main focuses for this academic year for the Faculty Senate will be on curriculum change.

ii. Another high priority will be looking at ways to get more faculty members to become more involved in service to the University, particularly on committees or becoming officers.

o  Staff Senate - Lisa Gray

i.  The next meeting of the Staff Senate will be centered on a discussion of Staff Senate goals where they will be reviewed, revised, and incorporated for the upcoming year.

University Forum - Steven Hetzler

i.  The next meeting of the University Forum will be held Tuesday, November 6, 2007 from 3:30 to 5 pm. The discussion will center on campus-wide participation in university governance and committees. Dr. Steve Hetzler will again be the chair for the upcoming year.

3.  Mental Health Task Force - Ellen Neufeldt

o  Student Affairs and Counseling Services have created a task force that will examine current policies and procedures concerning behavior incentives that involve mental health issues. The task force examination will begin at the admission process and end with matriculation. The goal is to best serve everyone without infringing on individual rights.

4.  Advancement - General Updates - Rosemary Thomas

o  Sea Gull Century was a tremendous success again this year with 54,000 riders. The event raised $250,000 that will be used towards student services, auxiliary services, and student activities. The Advancement Office thanked everyone that was involved, particularly student groups who came out to help in record numbers. There was an economic impact on the local economy of approximately $2.5 million over the course of the Sea Gull Century weekend, according to a Perdue School of Business study.

o  Homecoming will take place from October 18 through October 21. There are many class and affinity reunions planned including the Classes of 1957, 1962/67, 1972/1977, 1982/1987, and 1992. Affinity reunions include Phi Mu Sorority, RA reunion, ROTC reunion, and the Lambda Society Rainbow Reunion. For more information please check out the Homecoming page on the SU Web site at

5.  Marketing Report - Sue Eagle:

o  An update was given on the status of the integrated marketing campaign created to enhance student recruitment, increased donor support, and to solidify legislative support. The key message of promoting Salisbury University as A Maryland University of National Distinction will center on the core values of academic excellence, affordability, quality faculty and facilities, and diversity. Being utilized are a variety of standard and unique media outlets, such as high-visibility Web advertising; low-cost, small-space, weekly newspaper ads; advertising in high-profile periodicals such as U.S. Airways Magazine and high traffic area transit cards in key metropolitan areas.

Recorder: Tracy Hajir