Clemson Fencers
I.Code of Behavior
A.Appropriate Language and Behavior
Behavior and language found to be inappropriate, derogatory, or harassing in nature can lead to disciplinary action defined by section I.C.
B. Fencing Etiquette
Fencers are expected to fence according to the most current USFA rulebook, which is currently revision C, when applicable. Basic fencing courtesy is expected from members as defined in section t.87 of the USFA rulebook revision C. If inappropriate, vindictive, and/or unsportsmanlike actions are taken during a bout or practice, the officers have the right and responsibility to escort the fencer out of the room and discuss the situation. Actions may be taken as described in I.C.
C.Disciplinary Actions
All disciplinary action shall be decided and discussed upon by the Executive Committee. Minor disciplinary action shall be determined by a majority vote by the Executive Committee. Suspension of privileges or suspension from the club shall be determined by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee. Expulsion shall be determined by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee.
II.Club Dues
A. Semester Dues
Dues shall be $50 for each semester. These dues shall cover use of the equipment by paid members for club practice and events. By paying these dues, the person shall be conferred member status.
B. Tournament Fees
Any fencer that agrees to go to a class A or B tournament (see section V.) and does not cancel within at least 2 weeks of the event will be held liable for payment regardless if they go. In the case of a family emergency, serious injury, or other unexpected event, an exception may be made as decided by the Executive Committee.
III. Club Equipment
Club equipment is purchased and kept up with by the club and with club funds. Club
equipment is only to be used with the purpose of fencing, whether in practice or at
tournaments. Misuse resulting in damage or breakage will result in the offending
person paying the club enough to fix or replace the weapon.
A. Tournament Use
Club equipment used at Class A tournaments do not need to be checked out.
Club equipment used at Class B tournaments need to be checked out . Club
equipment used for class C tournaments need to be checked out in the
presence of an officer. Club equipment for Class C tournaments require a
deposit check for the approximate cost of the equipment being checked out
which will be returned to the person checking the equipment out upon the safe
return of all equipment checked out.
B. Practice Use
Equipment used in practice that is broken or damaged via normal practice of
the sport shall be salvaged for parts and replaced by the club if necessary. If
the equipment is broken or damaged by unsportsmanlike, vindictive or
irresponsible actions or other general mistreatment shall be paid for by the
person who was responsible for the damage.
IV.Club Meetings
A. Member's Meetings
The meetings shall be conducted by the president, or by the vice-president is the president is unable to do so. If a member has anything to discuss with the club, this shall be the time to present new ideas, questions, comments, or even problems. The president may call emergency meetings, and all members shall be given 24 hours notice of any such meeting. Minutes shall be taken by the Secretary or by the Treasurer if the Secretary is unable to do so. Meetings shall be held before practice on any day necessary.
B.Officer's Meetings
These meetings shall be closed meeting for the Executive Committee, and shall be held by the President only. These meetings shall be held regularly before every first and third Monday practices each month.
V.Tournament Definitions
A. Class A Tournament
Class A Tournaments are tournaments that are of high priority to the Club. They are generally of collegiate, team, or otherwise national in nature. For a tournament to be Class A, the Travel Coordinator must fill out a Travel Roster and Trip Planning form to the Club Sports Office. A fencer that attends a Class A Tournament is expected to wear Clemson Fencers warm ups if possible on the days he or she is competing. In the case of men and women competing on separate days, it is expected of the sex not fencing to be dressed in business casual style clothing unless otherwise specified by the President. Disregarding these guidelines can lead to disciplinary action as described in Section I.C.
B.Class B Tournament
Class B Tournaments are tournaments that are of medium priority to the Club. They are generally USFA tournaments on the local, regional, or sectional level. For a tournament to be Class B, the Travel Coordinator must fill out a Travel Roster and Trip Planning form to the Club Sports Office. A fencer that attends a Class B Tournament is expected to wear the Clemson Fencers warm ups if possible on the days he or she is competing. Disregarding these guidelines can lead to disciplinary action as described in Section I.C.
C.Class C Tournament
Class C Tournaments are tournaments that are of low priority to the Club. Class C Tournaments are not attended by the Club as a group. Individuals may attend if they wish and are able. No forms are turned in to the Club Sports Office.
VI.Officer Amendments
A. Travel Coordinator
The Travel Coordinator is a position elected as per Article IV.3 of the Constitution with duties that include but are not limited to the following:
completing and submitting Travel Rosters and Trip Planning Forms to the Club Sports Office
planning out a trip itinerary that includes but is not limited to when and where the trip will begin and end, methods and details of travel, and details of overnight stays if applicable
finding the best deals when applicable for rental cars, airline tickets, hotels, etc.
handling details involved in securing use of University Vehicles when necessary
coordinating with the Treasurer to receive payments from club members attending the event for the costs of travel when necessary
acting as a contact person when a trip is in progress that people can talk to in case of emergencies. If the Travel Coordinator is unable to travel, a backup contact person shall be appointed by the Coordinator.
B.Voting Offices
Voting Offices shall be the the Travel Coordinator and Training Manager as well as the offices defined in Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution.
C.Additional Officer Duties
1.Vice President
In addition to the duties defined in Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution, the Vice President has the duty of being in charge of the Public Relations and related duties for the Club.
D.Outside Club Sports Bank Account
- President/Vice President and Treasurer
In addition to the duties of the officers defined in the 2012–13 Club Sports Manual, both the Treasurer and either the President or Vice President shall be required to be on the account.
The consequences for any individual that is caught stealing from the Club shall be as followed:
- The individual shall be required to pay back the amount stolen, in full, in addition to 20% of the principle in interest immediately.
- The individual shall be banned outright from the club.
- Legal action will be taken as necessary with the help of Clemson University and the Clemson University Club Sports Department.
Audits will be conducted every two years or as seen fit by the Officers with the help of a person recommended by Club Sports.
Approved by a vote of __5__ (for) to __0__ (against) on ____April 19___, 2013
Signed Nichole Eddings______Tess Stahl______
President Vice-President
Hannah Kimbrell______Alex Young______
Treasurer Equipment Mgr.
Derrick Wiseman______
Secretary /Risk Control Officer