ESPs / Contact Details / Sites
ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry – Partnership Broker / Trevar Chilver
Ph: 02 6283 5200
/ Deakin
Advance Personnel –
DES ESS / Karen Pennell
Ph: 02 6285 2466
/ Phillip, Belconnen
Advanced Personnel Management (APM) – DES DMS / Chris Hale
Ph: 02 6230 0350
/ Canberra, Greenway (Tuggeranong)
Anglicare – Youth Connections / Genevieve Lai
Ph: 02 6232 2431
/ Canberra
(youth at Risk & Ex-Offender) / Melanie Leake
Ph: 02 6215 7800
/ Belconnen, Woden, Tuggeranong
Campbell Page – JSA / Marcus Caldwell
Ph: 02 6250 2900
Mobile: 0427 467 259
/ Canberra, Belconnen, Greenway (Tuggeranong)
CRS Australia – DES DMS / Colleen Hanrahan
Ph: 02 6200 6855
/ Belconnen, Woden, Tuggeranong
Habitat Personnel – IEP Panel Member / Fran Garbutt – Operations Manager ACT
Ph: 02 6285 2422
Mobile: 0149 980 902
/ Phillip
LEAD – DES / Vanessa Attridge
Ph: 02 6257 7088
/ Canberra
Max Employment – JSA & DES ESS / Joanne Bryce
Ph: 02 6131 7000
/ Belconnen, Tuggeranong
Nexus Ostara Australia – DES DMS and ESS (Generalist and Mental Health) / Lisa McPherson-Sturt
Ph: 02 6247 3611
/ Braddon, Gungahlin
PVS – JSA / Jo Boyle
Ph: 02 6267 2333
/ Canberra, Gungahlin
Salvation Army EP – JSA / Gemma Bell
Ph: 02 6129 5000
/ Belconnen, Woden, Tuggeranong
Vision Australia – DES ESS / Amelia Ukovic
Ph: 039864 9386
Mobile: 0439 910 039
/ Canberra


DES / Disability Employment Service
DES ESS / Employment Support Service – for job seekers with permanent disability and with an assessed need for more long-term, regular support in the workplace
DES DMS / Disability Management Service – for job seekers with disability, injury or health condition who require the assistance of a disability employment service but are not expected to need long-term support in the workplace
IEP / The Indigenous Employment Program (IEP) aims to increase opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their communities and employers through employment, business support and economic development activities.
The program supports activities that:
  • encourage and help employers to provide sustainable employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • encourage and help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to take up training and employment opportunities, stay in jobs and improve their future employment prospects
  • help communities, industry bodies and groups of employers to develop strategies that support local and regional economic growth
  • help to develop sustainable businesses and job opportunities in urban and regional areas.

JSA / Job Services Australia - providers are a mix of large, medium and small, for-profit and not-for-profit organisations that are experienced in delivering services and support for job seekers and employers.
Job Services Australia providers offer personalised support to help job seekers to find a job. They also connect job seekers with a range of government initiatives, including training programs that help them gain the skills to get and keep a job.
Youth Connections / Youth Connections provides flexible and personal support to help young people engage with education and make positive life choices. Outreach activities support young people and offer better support for them in their local communities.
Your local Youth Connections provider can advise you about the support available for young people who are most at risk of leaving school, or who have already left. They can help young people to overcome the barriers and problems that make it difficult to stay in, or return to, school or training
Partnership Broker / The School Business Community Partnership Brokers (Partnership Brokers) program supports the view that young people’s learning and development is a collective responsibility and that partnerships can help young people to reach their full educational and social potential.
Partnership Brokers can assist potential partners to establish the partnership arrangements and agree on how they can work together to achieve their goals.
Your local Partnership Broker can help build partnerships in your community to support young people to reach their full educational and social potential. Partnership Brokers can assist partners to develop a partnership arrangement and agree on how they can work together to achieve a common goal.