Hello My Friend,
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit."
It is apparent that we see the spirit of Christ in the restoration of America. However, it is also apparent we see the enemy hard at work effectively confusing and dividing the body. "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand."
Due to the continued request for information, this email is being sent concerning a variety of issues and presently the only one answering is Dr. Sam Kennedy via "Take No Prisoners" on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Verification or identifying the truth is difficult however here is the best/only information available. Sam continues to maintain the largest listening audience calling for unity and support. May our Fathers truth be fully embraced!
In identifying disunity and division we are identifying fear, secrecy, manipulation and control. The author of unity is Christ, while the author of division is Satan. God did not give us a sprit of fear but a spirit of truth, power, love and a sound mind. Secrets hidden, darkness prevails. There is a difference between secrecy and being private. Secrecy under the guise of security is questionable; who is our faith in if it is not Christ the Messiah? If God be with us who can be against us?
Dr. Sam Kennedy has shared: "There are many questions not answered and that which is done in the dark is business as usual or commerce identifying fear and secrecy. Calls for unity have been ignored while being met with todays version of the Crusades with locked down meetings, barred questions/discussion with dissent exhibiting incivility towards one another. With almost precision intimidation along with bogus threats continue while the majority are scared into silence. It is sad to see the joy of victory being robbed from so many. Despite all of the incivility, I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO CELEBRATE SUCH A REMEDY except that, in two short weeks, more than 100 patriots, the best freedom-loving men and women among us, have been callously barred from the remedy without a lick of concern for their welfare or their families. I find this repugnant to everything we stand for. A restricted remedy which is available only to members of a secret cabal is not a remedy at all, but a communist-style takeover; a mere shuffling of the politicians so the political patronage winds up a bit closer to home. I expect many among you find this unacceptable."
Control and manipulation are also characteristics of Satan. Being in one accord, doesn't mean we all agree. It simply means we all have the same goal not to be incumbered by the task.
"If God be with us who can be against us." It is time to look at ourselves before we condemn and accuse others, and fix what is wrong in us before attacking anyone. There are many supporting the cause freedom, liberty and sovereignty that may not be in the group and it is the division; we are dividing ourselves which are issues of control. True leaders are able to separate their pride from being proud along with their petty, personal issues and there is a difference.
"Take No Prisoners" hosted by Dr. Sam Kennedy is the only worldwide venue for truth concerning the millions seeking freedom today and may be heard every Sunday night at 8 PM EST at: or you may listen via phone by calling: 712-432-0075 Pin: 118466#. You may listen on various FM stations nationwide and shortwave around the world. You may also listen on Shoutcast on the Internet or by using the free Shoutcast application on iPhones and other handhelds.

Now identify the Christ/Messiah spirit; which is the spirit of love and forgiveness, 70x7 you may recall and if any offence has been caused please embrace the principle of forgiveness.
While watching the Glen Beck Founders Fridays show, the truth became crystal clear and you may want to take a look for yourself.
Sunday night call (5-2-10) with Dr Sam Kennedy Pt 1 & 2 ~ sent by friends of Liberty and Freedom!

Sunday night call (5-9-10) with Dr Sam Kennedy Pt 1 & 2 ~ sent by friends of Liberty and Freedom!

Charlie Miller call (3-8-10) referenced by Dr. Sam Kennedy ~ sent by friends of Liberty and Freedom!

That Truth may be Known...
St. John 8:32