Hello from the Bluegrass State!!!

First, I would like to give a big thank you to Eric and the NC bunch for putting on an amazing 2016 SWPBA meeting in Asheville!

Incredible as it sounds, it is already time to start talking about SWPBA 2017! It is my pleasure to announce that the 44th Annual Meeting will be held October 23-26 at Green Turtle Bay Resort in Grand Rivers, KY, the “Village Between the Lakes”. We are super excited about hosting SWPBA at this very laid- back venue and the local arrangements committee is hard at work putting together lots of fun activities for us! For detailed information go to the SWPBA website “Annual Meeting” page.

To help us bring you a fantastic SWPBA 2017, we ask that you please fill out the short member survey at the link below. We put this survey together to gather some input on some of our ideas for workshops, field trips, special topics and speakers, as well get your ideas about the format of this year’s SWPBA newsletter.

SWPBA member survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XYYJCKB

If you haven’t visited the SWPBA website it in a while, check it out. You’ll be happy to know that many of the presentations from the 2016 meeting are available on the “Historical” page. Also, while you are on that page you might notice there are a number of broken links. After a hiccup in the website continuity this winter some of the linked documents were lost. If you have T shirt pics, past newsletters, or past meeting agendas, please send those to me and we can get those back up!

One more item of business. As always we try to keep up to date with the member list but we need your help. If you have new staff or staff that have moved on, please send those changes to me and I will do my best to get these emails to the right people. The website has the Excel contact list, so if you would like to use that to make updates then that would be great!

Finally, on behalf of the Kentucky crew I would like to say that we can’t wait to see you all in October to discuss, problem-solve, argue, commiserate, learn, hypothesize, recklessly speculate, ponder, and wonder. As you do your field, lab, and office work the next few months I hope you will pause now and then to think about your colleagues across the region who are doing similar things, innovating to meet similar challenges, solving similar conundrums. Then in the Fall, come to Kentucky and we’ll sit by the lake and talk about it!

Until then, safe travels!


Lara Panayotoff

SWPBA President 2017