PoplarRoadElementary School

Title I School Wide Plan


Schoolwide Title I Plan


Poplar Road Elementary School

2925 Poplar Road

Sharpsburg, Georgia 30277

Lesley Goodwin, Principal

Bonita Flounnory, Asst. Principal

Lutricia Jones, Counselor

Revised August 25, 2014

This Plan is subject to the school improvement provisions of section 1116.



A comprehensive needs assessment for the entire school is conducted annually using various instruments as a way to collect data and have input from all stakeholders. The needs assessment also provide information as to the strengths and weaknesses of the programs at Poplar Road Elementary School (PRES). Certified staff members review the compiled data and then use this data to drive the educational programs that impact the learning environment at PRES. Data includes but is not limited to grade level benchmark information, standardized state assessments, surveys and discipline data. The table below is representative of all of the compiled data along with the specific needs that were identified from the information.

Data Instrument / Needs Revealed
2013-2014 Criterion Reference Competency Tests (CRCT), 3rd – 5th Grades / Reading and English/Language Arts
  • Reading and English/Language Arts Achievement for Economically Disadvantaged students is lower than state target (+3 percentage point discrepancy).
  • Math Achievement for All Students was 80.8%
  • Math Achievement for Black Students and Economically Disadvantaged students is below state target.
Science and Social Studies
  • Science and Social Studies Achievement is below state targets for Black (4-10 percentage point discrepancy).

2013-2014 Title I Annual Parent Survey / Parents were given a survey via hard copy sent home with student, via email distribution and through the school webpage. They stated that the following topics were of the greatest interest:
  • Behavior/Discipline
  • Memory & Thinking Skills (highest interest, 15 votes)
  • Writing Skills
The majority of parents noted that the best time to attend meetings or conferences is between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (primarily during school day).
2013-2014 Fifth Grade Writing Test / There were 86% of 5th Grade students who met and/or exceeded standards on the Georgia Grade 5 Writing Assessment.
2013-2014 First and Second Grade Benchmarks (April, 2014) / First Grade - meets and exceeds
95% or above in Reading/ELA
98% Math
Second Grade – meets and exceeds
88.8% or above in Reading/ELA
92.9% Math
2013-2014 Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) / Overall, our students performed at 77% or better to show strengths in the areas of speaking/listening, counting/cardinality, measurement/data, and curiosity/initiative. Student showed areas of need to be mostly in writing, numbers and operation in base 10, attention and engagement.
Free & Reduced Lunch Data / Currently the number of students who quality for free and/or reduced lunch at Poplar Road fluctuates between 40-42%.
CCRPI Data (Spring 2014) / School Score: 72.3
o Achievement Points: 48.6
o Progress Points: 16.1
o Achievement Gap: 4
o Challenge Points: 3.6
Poplar Road Discipline Data (2013-2014 school year) / 295 total referrals from 114 Students

Georgia Assessment of Performance Standards (GAPSS)

The faculty and staff at Poplar Road Elementary continue to have the commitment of serving every student as the primary focus. Poplar Road has a diverse student population and we must the instructional needs of each student. As we continue to excel in the areas of commendation from our last GAPSS visit, we embrace the opportunity to grow in the areas of weakness as we target our needs as a faculty and staff. The GAPSS process is cyclical and as it returns to Poplar Road, we fully anticipate gains having been made in the areas indicated when visited. The staff is committed to continuous improvement as we implement ideas and programs that address our educational and/or instructional targeted areas. Listed below are the areas that were identified for areas of improvement. We continue to work diligently through efforts in the Title I plan to meet the needs in the targeted areas.

Targeted Needs:

  • Provide opportunities for teachers to review research to make informed instructional decisions.
  • Implement long-term professional development for classroom practices with clear expectations by providing rubrics.
  • Re-examine the school vision and mission to ensure that it drives the work of the school, is relevant to current practices, and has the buy-in of all staff. Revisit often.
  • Monitor the implementation and impact of school improvement strategies often.
  • Provide more access to technology (adding where lacking and updating where out of date).
  • Increase the involvement of teachers in data collection and analysis.
  • Focus on the overall mission, priorities, and long-range goals.
  • Use the school improvement plan to clearly guide the process of continuous improvement.
  • Use a variety of delivery modes (modeling, small group, whole group, one-on-one instruction, etc.). Vary instructional activities throughout the lessons.
  • Use higher-level questioning and performance tasks.
  • Differentiate according to content, process, product or learning environment; Use a variety of delivery methods.
  • Explain or interpret learning in different situations. Use materials other than worksheets as a source for practice and assessment.
  • Use technology to provide real-world application and differentiate instruction.

School Improvement Planning, Title I School Wide Plan

PoplarRoadElementary School is committed to continued improvement by involving all staff and stakeholders in creating our School Improvement Plan each year. We have a comprehensive plan that begins with summer work sessions to include the School Based Leadership Team (SBLT) and parent representatives working collaboratively to discuss school operations, funding and school data. Our final plan is created each fall by first analyzing testing and demographic data, and then using our comprehensive needs assessment to pinpoint areas of need. The plan is reviewed by the School Building Leadership Team, then Grade levels that they represent, and finally by parents and community leaders (School Council).



Included earlier in this notebook is the Poplar Road Elementary School Improvement Plan. As a staff, we used our comprehensive needs assessment information, GAPSS target areas, testing data as well as staff and parent feedback to determine areas that warrant improvement. The school improvement plan includes the targeted areas along with research-based strategies and detailed information for how the plan will be completed. We also listed action steps and necessary resources to accomplish our goals.

When reviewing assessment data from the 2013-2014 schoolyear,it is apparent that there continues to be a strong need for additional math support throughout our grade levels, but most profoundly in grades 3 through 5. In order to meet the instructional needs of all students, we will continue with the implementation and expansion ofskills groups in grades first through fifth. Additional staff members to include support staff, administration and paraprofessionals provide extra support in the classroom in order to reduce the student to teacher ratio. Continuous assessments being given allow for the groups to remain fluid. As assessments identify the various student levels, students who are identified as having difficulty with specific skills are placed in small groups in order to provide intense focus to these students’ needs. Students who have been identified as needing specific math skills are also provided the opportunity to participate in morning math sessions in the computer lab.

Our ReadingLearning Community continues to be instrumental in providing guidance as to what programs can be implemented at the school level to address and focus on reading fluency. The quarterly Reading Blitz that was established by this Community continues to have its focus on identifying students who are not reading on grade level or progressing as they should with reading fluency. A team of assessors schedule classroom visits in order to conduct running reading records for students as they read a timed grade level passage. Scoring indicates the students’ level of fluency for the grade level. This data provides teachers with a clear view of students’ current reading progress.

To encourage reading fluency and reading for pleasure, our school participates in a motivational reading program. Students have the opportunity to compete against classrooms and grade levels by reading books and documenting what has been read. Students are rewarded with prizes and celebrations throughout the school year. In addition, we ensure that students read books that will continue to encourage growth by using the Lexile measurement system. Students in second through fifth also have the opportunity to participate in Accelerated Reader while students in lower grades participate in Reading Eggs and Reading A-Z. All of these programs encourage independent reading and comprehension.

Another strategy that Poplar Road has focused on and continues to focus on is Differentiated Instruction. With the professional learning that has been provided, teachers continue to show growth in pedagogical practices that meet the needs of all students at every level. All classrooms are equipped with a Promethean Board in their classroom which has been instrumental in the differentiation process. These interactive boards provide students and teachers with an engaging educational experience.

Additional Strategies:

Skills Groups

With the use of various types of student data, students who struggle in reading and/or math have been identified for small group instruction. The students who are identified are appropriately placed, by subject, in specific small group instruction that targets the specific needs of those students. Highly qualified teachers, with the assistance of highly trained teacher assistants, will teach small groups of students during the school day when it is appropriate according to the student’s schedule. Effectiveness of this strategy will be measured by standardized testing achievement (GMAP or SLO)

Reading Assessments

Students in grades one through five will be administered Reading Fluency Tests three times during the school year, specifically in August, December, and May. These tests are designed to provide a benchmark assessment and then assess the progress that the individual students have made throughout the school year. For at risk readers, we also utilize Dibels to assess if students have acquired the early literacy and reading skills. The Dibels programs helps to provide the support needed to assist the struggling reader to gain the skills needed for reading. Accelerated Reader will be used in grades 2 through 5 to motivate reading and increase reading fluency and comprehension. Effectiveness will be measured by standardized testing achievement (GMAP or SLO) as well as activity reports of Accelerated Reader usage.

Extended Day Tutoring

Poplar Road continues to expand its extended day tutoring program. Students in Third, Fourth and Fifth grades have the opportunity to participate in after school tutoring that targets students math and reading skills. This extended day tutoring assists students in continuing to develop skills for excelling in the classroom and ultimately provides students with additional math and reading help in preparation for the Spring administration of the GMAP. This tutoring will be offered from October until April. During this school year, we will also provide tutoring each Tuesday of the week for students in all grade levels who demonstrate a need for remediation as part of their pyramid of intervention.

Integration of Technology

Teachers at Poplar Road have increased the use of technology in the classroom by the student as well as for instructional purposes. The highly qualified teaching staff of Poplar continues to utilize a Standards Based Model Classroom consistently. In this model, a Promethean Board is provided for each classroom teacher for use with their students as a means to engage students in the instructional process. The students have shown high levels of engagement during these lessons that integrate technology with Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. The schools’ Parent Teacher Organization was instrumental in providing the funding to equip each classroom with a Promethean Board that allowed for the enhancement of the technology program throughout the school. Teachers continue to receive ongoing training from members of the technology Committee as well as from grade level peers who share information during meetings as part of the Poplar Road Professional Development Plan.

With the purchase of wireless tablets, the administration will have better capability to conduct observation/walkthroughs and provide immediate feedback to teachers through the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES). This will give an opportunity for documentation that specifically identifies areas of strengths and weaknesses in the classroom. Wireless tablets will also allow for peer observations, easier access for counselor lessons and instructional coach classroom visitation.

Student responders, computer workstations and wireless tablets will allow teachers to put the technology into the hands of our students. Responders will allow teachers to quickly access their students and adjust lessons accordingly. The use of Apple TV also allows for teachers to enhance instruction with the use of technology as a way to engage the students with the use of classroom IPads. Teachers are also able to share information via Edmodo.

Poplar Road will continue with the innovative web-based program called Reading Kingdom by expanding it for students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. This program focuses on phonics instruction through exciting graphics and fun activities while also having a comprehension component. In addition, student in the lower grades will have access to participating in the web-based program called Reading A-Z while student in grades two through five will have access to the Accelerated Reader program. All of these web-based programs will have great impacts on reading fluency and comprehension. For math, Accelerated Math is used in grades 2 through 5. Accelerated Math allows teachers to assign objectives specific to the student’s learning needs.

Kindergarten will also pilot a phonics program called “Letters Alive.” Poplar Road’s GKIDS scores were particularly lower for the 2013-2014 school year. We are noticing more students coming in to kindergarten without any previous school/day care experience nor exposure to books. We will measure the effectiveness of this program through our 2014-2015 GKIDS scores.

Depending on the type of technology, effectiveness will be measured in a variety of ways. Student achievement on the GMAP, GRASP and SLOs will be analyzed. Additionally, all of the web based programs used have usage reports to ascertain student use.

Café Reading and Daily Five

Poplar Road teachers and staffcontinue to be provided with professional learning to implement Café and Daily 5 in the classroom. The research based strategies encompassed in Café are aligned with our Common Core standards as well as the Response to Interventions. The core of the program is to give teachers strategies to help students to gain reading skills. The expansion of our classroom libraries is a crucial component of successfully implementing Café. We also strive to provide more non-fiction works for our students. GMAP and SLOs should show the effectiveness of this strategy.

6+1 Writing Traits

Writing scores for our fifth grade have shown a slight decline for students in recent administrations of the Georgia Grade 5 Writing Assessment. The implementation of the state scoring rubric has identified key areas of weaknesses in the process of Ideas, Organization, Styles and Convention. Our Reading/Writing Learning Community continues to spearhead the initiative to provide a school wide writing program modeled after 6+1 Writing Traits. This writing program is aligned to the Georgia Writing Assessment and can have great impact on the writing program for the school.

Writing is also being encouraged by highlighting grade level student writing on a display in the front of the school. Teachers from each grade level will submit a student’s work that exemplifies good writing skills. This student work will have commentary from administrators and will be placed on a Writing Wall to be viewed by other students as well as faculty and staff. Effectiveness of this strategy will be measured by our 5th Grade Writing scores.

ROAR Program

Poplar Road has a school wide discipline program that follows the positive behavior support system. It is the goal of the school to provide an environment that is conducive to learning and allows for all staff and students feel safe while at school. The program is designed to help create a climate of cooperation, academic excellence, respect and safety. “R.O.A.R.” is based on four guiding principles: being Respectful, Obedient, Attentive, and Responsible. Teachers use the first two weeks of school to explain the plan along with its principles, rewards, consequences and conduct grading. We will measure the effectiveness of our policy by analyzing the discipline data at year’s end.

Additional Support:

  • Co-Teaching Instructional Model for Special Education, Early Intervention Program and Title I
  • Collaboration with University of WestGeorgia, Student Teachers and Block Students
  • GMAP Parent Night
  • Curriculum Nights

Title I Funds Support:

  • Salaries for Extended Day Tutoring
  • Salary for Instructional Coach



PoplarRoadElementary School employs highly qualified certified teachers for all of our children. All teachers and administrators have bachelor degrees from accredited colleges and universities and many have masters and specialist degrees. Also, certified personnel supervise all teacher assistants (kindergarten and special education) while they assist in the instruction of students. Many of our staff members are pursuing higher degrees.

Teaching Experience at PoplarRoadElementary School

  • 13of the Certified Staff hold Bachelor’s Degrees
  • 25of the Certified Staff hold Master’s Degrees
  • 7of the Certified Staff hold Specialist Degrees
  • Five Staff members hold a Teacher’s Support Specialist endorsement
  • Three Staff members hold a Gifted endorsement
  • Eight Staff members hold a Special Education Endorsement
  • All paraprofessionals hold a Georgia Paraprofessional Certificate

System and School measures to attract high quality, high qualified teachers: