Hello Families,
Happy summer! We hope this email finds you relaxing and enjoying long days, summer activities, and family time. We are very excited about the new school year AND THE NEW SCHOOL! It is beautiful! Walking into our new classroom is breathtaking! It will be such a memorable year!
This email contains a variety of information, so kindly wade through it and let us know if you have any additional questions.
Trips: There are two big trips each year in the 3-4 learning center. This year for our experiential fall trip we will travel to Denver to study Colorado History. We usually study Native Americans one year and move onto western expansion and statehood the next. Colorado history is a state standard and we try to approach this topic through a variety of lenses to make it interesting and meaningful.
● Denver Trip : October 6th to October 9th
○cost is around $290 - we will let you know when finalized
● Annual Canyonlands backpacking trip will be in May - more on that later
Supplies: We purchase all classroom supplies through your student fees (paid to Cindy) except a writer's notebook.
●The writer's notebook will be a special place for students to record their writing in our writer's workshop. Notebooks should be at least 6" x 8" with lined paper. Many students like to pick out their own individual notebooks. Sturdy moleskin varieties hold up well, they use them all year. Please do not send in spiral notebooks, as these tend to fall apart.
You do not need to send in any other extra materials. We have it covered. We encourage the use of community supplies in the classroom, and discourage individual supplies from home (i.e. writing utensils) as we work together as a group.
Community snack: Families sign up for a snack week and provide healthy community snacks 1 week a year (some families volunteer for 2, or we take on some, it works out). You can sign up while your child is here for his/her assessment time.
Lunch: Children bring in their own daily lunch unless we have an El Tioga. We ask that you send in a healthy variety including protein and fruits and veggies. It really helps mental and physical energy. Kids enjoy an occasional treat sent, but please avoid the total junk and candy. We do not have a microwave or refrigerator.
Summer reading and math practice: We imagine your children have enjoyed some terrific books this summer. We know we have! We cannot wait to hear about the books! Please have your child bring any logs or letters to us on the 1st day of school. There will be an ice cream social for all k-4 students who met the book challenge. We hope it was a huge success!
We also look forward to starting off math strong with the practice your child has continued through the summer! Fourth graders will have benefited from consistent multiplication practice (bring in summer log) and third graders from the review of concepts through the online program.
Before school reading assessments: Please sign your child up for a reading assessment time with Cindy August 24th - 26th. A session will last about one hour. These appointments provide us with valuable information about your child. If you have any questions about your child's progress please contact us after the beginning of the school year.
Recess: Please send your child with anything s/he needs for recess (for example: sunscreen, sunhat, sunglasses, light-weight jacket, a change of shoes, water bottle). These items will be kept in student cubbies.
ACS will have a new website and blog up and running very soon. If you need to contact us via email, kindly email all three teachers so we all know what is going on with your child. This helps our team communication.
Upcoming dates:
●August 24th - 26th, reading assessment appointments
●Monday, August 31st: first day of school for K-4
●Monday, September 7th: No school - Labor Day
●Wednesday, September 9th: K-4 Back To School Night
●Friday, September 18th: All school barbecue
●Tuesday, October 6th: leave for Denver trip
We welcome parent volunteers in the classroom, behind the scenes, and on our field trips (especially Canyonlands). Look for more information about ways to contribute to the success of the classroom in a separate email.
We cannot wait to get to know this group! See you all soon!
MichelleBassi, AlliOeding,Cory Bluemling
3-4 Teachers
Aspen Community School