

EXIT PROCESS / 03-1602 / 2 OF 2




6Hx7-3.19 Resignation / July 29, 2014


The purpose of this section is to outline the procedure to be followed in the exit process for employees terminating employment with the College.


A.  Florida State College at Jacksonville considers it necessary for all employees to notify their immediate supervisor with reasonable advance notice of a planned resignation date in order to minimize the interruption of College services. Employees are expected to submit their letter of resignation and separation form to their supervising administrator, campus president or vice president.

B.  Minimum/reasonable notice is considered to be:

Administrative/Professional/Instructional 30 days

Career Employees 2 weeks

Part-time Employees 1 week

C.  The employee is responsible for submitting a letter of resignation and a completed Separation Form to the supervising administrator. The supervising administrator is responsible for forwarding the employee’s letter of resignation and completed Separation Form to the Office of Human Resources as soon as reasonably possible.

D. The supervising administrator must also forward a completed Clearance Form to the Office of Human Resources on the employee’s final workday. A completed clearance form must be received prior to issuance of the final paycheck. During the clearance process, the employee shall make available to their supervisor, a complete inventory of College equipment and other property assigned to the employee in the performance of their duties with the College, together with all official College records and documents in the custody and/or control of the exiting employee.

E.  The Office of Human Resources is responsible for offering to provide an exit meeting with a Human Resources staff member if the resignation is received ten (10) workdays prior to the last day of employment.

F.  The exit meeting will advise the employee regarding final pay and insurance continuation/conversion rights.

G.  If notice of resignation is received nine (9) or fewer days prior to the last day of employment, notification of insurance continuation/conversion rights will be mailed to the employee's home address.

H.  If the employee is being terminated it is recognized that the employee may be unwilling to complete and sign the necessary forms. The supervising administrator shall complete the Separation Form and Clearance Form with a notation to the Office of Human Resources that the employee refused to complete and/or sign the forms. The supervisor should make every attempt to secure the employee’s signature.

I.  The Office of Human Resources is responsible for authorizing terminal pay for all full-time employees following the receipt of the completed and approved Clearance Form and the final calculation of leave used, if applicable. Full-time personnel resigning from the College will not be paid for the holiday(s) unless the effective date of the resignation is at the close of the workday following the holiday(s).

J.  Refer to the Property Management Procedures section on the Property Management webpage for instructions for any individual who is a custodian of College property at the time of departure. Employees are expected to satisfy all outstanding debts and to return all college property and official college records to their supervisor at the time of departure from the College. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the withholding of the employee’s final pay check and may include any other official action deemed by the College to be appropriate.

REFERENCES: F.S. 1001.64, 1001.65, SBE Rule 6A-14.0261

Adopted Date: November 2, 1987

Revision Date: April 15, 2014, July 29, 2014