HEFT Redeployee Frequently Asked Questions – Disestablished posts
Due to changes and challenges in our economy the NHS is undergoing a huge nationwide transformation. The Trust at the same time is committed to continually improving our services ensuring those we provide continually meet the requirements of our local community.
Effective management of change is crucial to both the short term efficient provision and management of services provided and also the long term viability and success of the Trust. The need for transformation within the NHS is widely recognised within an environment of ever increasing modification which means altering the services we offer and the way in which we need to provide them.
Some changes will prove very challenging as services and departments will be required to transform and sometimes even restructure which means that some staff could enter Consultation and be placed ‘At Risk’. However other services may grow or even merge with other organisations resulting in new opportunities and roles becoming available within the trust and also across the region.
Our goal is to work together and support all staff throughout this transitional stage. Your HEFT Manager will support throughout this difficult period of transformation and should always be your first point of contact for any questions or queries that you may have.
1. What does Consultation mean?
A meeting is held with HR Consultancy and a Trade Union Representative will also be present in order to make staff aware of the issues and the proposed changes. Discussions will take place in order to understand the issues and why they have come about. Your manager will seek feedback from you during the consultation period as certain alternatives and solutions may have been overlooked which could change or help shape the outcome. The consultation period is usually thirty (30) days but will be confirmed to you in the consultation meeting by HR Consultancy.
2. What happens after the consultation period?
You may be advised that you can be ‘slotted in’ to an alternative post or remain in your existing post, meaning no change to you, or you may be advised that your role has been disestablished and be required to enter a competitive interview process or you may be advised that you are ‘At Risk’.
3. What does ‘At Risk’ mean?
‘At Risk’ means you have been advised that your post has been disestablished and that you are officially ‘At Risk’ of redundancy.
4. What happens if I am identified as ‘At Risk’?
Every possible effort will be made to avoid compulsory redundancies. Employees who are displaced will be offered the following help and assistance;
· Redeployment to a suitable vacant post within the trust, with protection of salary or wage (if appropriate), in accordance with the trust protection arrangements - We will keep you informed of all recruitment activity being conducted on your behalf. As you have been identified as ‘At Risk’ you may be required to attend an interview/meeting with the hiring manager, however you will always be given priority over external or internal candidates who are not ‘At Risk’
· Retraining where appropriate for vacant posts within the trust
· Access to staff counseling (via Work and Wellbeing Department)
Where a suitable post is not found the individual may be made redundant – for further information please refer to the Management of Change Policy and Procedure
5. What happens if I am on Annual Leave whilst within the Redeployment process ?
It is imperative that you notify Recruitment Services of your contact details whilst you are on Annual leave prior to going onto leave so that we can ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunities which become available whilst you are away.
6. What happens if a suitable role is not found whilst within the Redeployment process ?
If suitable alternative employment cannot be found you may be made redundant
7. What does ‘suitable alternative employment’ mean?
Suitable alternative employment should be determined by reference to Part 3: Employment Rights Act 1996. When considering whether a post constitutes suitable alternative employment we the Trust consider factors such as;
· Similar Grade/Earnings – If we a ‘suitable’ alternative post but at a lower grade we may pay protect you
· Job Content – Taking into account your transferable skills and experience
· Location
· Working Hours
8. What is pay protection?
If you transfer to a lower graded post through service needs/or organizational change you will be entitled to receive your total earning for a period of two years. During this time you will not be entitled to receive annual pay awards and if you change post voluntarily during the two year period, the terms and conditions of the new post will apply.
9. What are my obligations whilst placed within the Redeployment Pool ?
Employees identified as ‘At Risk’ agree to pursue all reasonable employment opportunities. This includes the requirement to actively participate in all recruitment and redeployment processes, including registering with NHS jobs (unless the individual has agreed early retirement, voluntary redundancy or unless they are resigning from their post).
Employees will need to be as flexible as reasonably possible in relation to job role, work locations and developing new skills and be open and honest with employers and potential employers, providing all relevant information in a timely manner as and when requested.
10. What happens if the Service/Department I work in transfers to another provider?
Staff identified as providing a service which is due to transfer to a new provider may also transfer to the new provider and, if so, will automatically be protected by the Transfer of Undertaking Regulations 2006 (TUPE). This means that your employment rights and liabilities will transfer to your new employer with you on the date of transfer. Please note that full ‘consultation’ will always take place. Only if there is an economic, technical or organisational (ETO) reason e.g. fewer staff are required, will TUPE not happen in which case redundancy would be considered.
11. What happens if I am advised of redundancy?
All employees who are advised of redundancy will be fully briefed by their manager on their individual redundancy payment and the method of calculation used, along with formal notice of redundancy and pensionable options/calculations at the earliest opportunity.
Not less than the notice period required by an individual’s contract or the minimum notice period (whichever is the greater) will apply. You may be required to work such notice period or you may be paid in lieu of notice dependent upon the service requirement.
12. How is Redundancy Managed ?
Redundancy will be managed in line with Section 16 of the NHS Terms and Conditions Handbook and any local Trust Policies – please see HEFT Management of Change Policy and Procedure.
Please note that employees shall not be entitled `to redundancy payments or early retirement on grounds of redundancy if:
· They are dismissed for reasons of misconduct, with or without notice
· At the date of the termination of the contract have obtained, without a break or with a break, not exceeding four weeks, suitable alternative employment with the same or another NHS employer
· Unreasonably refuse to accept or apply for suitable alternative employment with the same or another NHS employer
· Leave their employment before expiry of notice, except if they are being released early
· They are offered a renewal of contract (with the substitution of the new employer for the previous NHS employer)
· Where their employment is transferred to another public service employer who is not an NHS employer
13. How am I supported by HEFT and who do I contact?
Your manager is your first point of contact and will support you throughout this challenging time. HR Consultancy will be present at all consultation meetings and will also meet with you in the event you become ‘At Risk’, in order to discuss your options and also to complete a Skills Assessment with you so we can support you in sourcing suitable alternative employment for you.
Recruitment will also support you whilst you are in the Redeployment process. You will be telephoned regularly by HEFT Recruitment Team in order for us to help source suitable alternative employment for you and keep you updated. Recruitment will add an ‘At Risk’ account for you on NHS jobs and advise you of how to complete the set up of your NHS Jobs Account in order that you can be emailed directly with any suitable vacancies. For further information please contact Recruitment Services or access www.jobs.nhs.uk
Recruitment Services can offer you advice and support to assist you with CV and interview preparation. You will also find instructions and support and various useful Internet links on the HR Intranet under Redeployment Support
HR Consultancy and Recruitment Services are contactable at Lyndon Place, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, please call extension 48993 and use the following options;
Option 4 – Recruitment Services
Option 6 – HR Advice Line
14. What support is available to me throughout this stressful time ?
HEFT Work and Wellbeing Department offer a completely private and confidential Counseling Service. Counseling is a talking therapy which enables individuals to discuss any areas of their life which is causing discomfort or distress in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental setting. It can prove help for anybody for any reason which may be making you feel stressed, anxious or uncomfortable. You can access the services via your Manager or via referral from an Occupational Health Advisor or you can self refer directly and confidentially by calling the Counseling Service at any of our hospital sites
· Birmingham Heartlands 0121-424-0610
· Good Hope 0121-424-7952
· Solihull 0121-424-5113.
We recognise that staff may not wish to discuss their concerns with anybody at work , Htherefore HEFT have also commissioned the services of PPC online. PPC offers an Employee Assistance Programme giving staff the opportunity to access free and confidential advice and support covering a wide range of issues influencing their personal life or work life which may also be having an impact on their health and wellbeing. If you feel you need support or advice, please contact the Employee Assistance Programme by clicking on the link ppconline. The Username is Heart and Password is England or you can telephone PPC directly on 0800-282-193.
15. Where can I access other external useful information?
We have detailed below useful and informative websites which we hope will help to support your individual needs and requirements;
1. For up to date access to HEFT Internal unrestricted vacancies (vacancies not held by HEFT for Redeployment). Please access the Trust Intranet/J/job Vacancies
2. For up to date access to vacancies within Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (including restricted jobs which are being held for Redeployment purposes) and across the NHS locally, regionally and even nationally please access www.jobs.nhs.uk. Once you are registered upon www.jobs.nhs.uk you are able to perform bespoke job searches for vacancies that specifically match your skills, requirements and needs. You can sign yourself up to receive daily job alerts by email which will detail newly posted vacancies that match your requirements and you can even apply for jobs immediately online. For more information regarding how to access NHS jobs please access HEFT HR Intranet Redeployment Support to access the ‘Restricted Jobs Guide for Employees’ document or for further help or information please telephone the HEFT Recruitment team on Extension 48993 / Option 4.
3. Embracing Change is an evolving NHS West Midlands resource, developed in partnership with other local NHS organisations in the West Midlands to support NHS staff and healthcare graduates in the region who may be faced with personal and professional challenges due to NHS organisational restructuring. It includes information about how to deal with change, advice on personal development, information regarding your rights, help with career planning, how to embrace new opportunities, and maximise your prospects plus CV and interview preparation skills. It has also been designed to help you understand your rights and entitlements, has advice on retirement, stress management, how to maintain health and wellbeing during change and links to lots of other useful sources of information. Please visit www.nhslocal.nhs.uk/workforce/embracing-change/support-self
4. For easy to follow techniques plus top ten do’s and don’ts when writing your CV please visit www.jobsite.co.uk/cgi-bin/bulletin_search.cgi?act=da&aid=3356. There is a link to a free on-line CV checking service and even a link to a professional CV writing service via CV Checker
5. To help you feel confident and to help you prepare answers to questions which you may be asked at an interview visit www.jobsite.co.uk/bemyinterviewer. You can practice and perfect your interview technique with the help of leading industry professionals from multi disciplines by using interactive videos. This is a great tool to prepare you for the toughest questions and interview scenarios you are ever likely to face. This will help you feel calmer, more collected and in control to enable you to be in a stronger position to win over any potential interviewer.
6. The Government has set up a confidential free, clear, unbiased monetary advice service which is fully funded by the levy placed upon the financial services industry. The Monetary Advice Service can give you unbiased information regarding loans, mortgages, savings, tax and even pensions. For information please go online at www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk or you can telephone them on 0300-500-5000 Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm.
7. To access up to date information and services which are available to you from various government departments and agencies please visit www.direct.gov.uk
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