Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your child has expressed interest in attending the Independent District Trials for10-12yrAustralian Rules Football.

Selection standards to represent at District, Regional and State levels are high and only those students who display the necessary level of commitment can be considered. All costs in relation to trials (travel and uniforms) are the responsibility of the student.

Please ensure you are aware of the following obligations:

  1. District Trial: 1st March, 2018,Matthew Flinders Anglican College, 4.00pm – 5.30pm approx.
  2. All students to wear school sport attire and wear appropriate footwear.
  3. Bring: Sports equipment (including shin pads and mouth guards), water bottle, hat and sunblock.

Should your child be selected in the Independent District Team they will be expected to meet the following commitments:

  1. Training Day: Further detail to be provided at the trials.
  2. Regional Trial: 27th-28th March, 2018. Moreton Bay sports Complex. You are responsible for your own transport.
  3. If selected in the Sunshine Coast Regional Team - State Championship is to be held in Sherwoon7th-10th June 2018.

Students selected for the Independent District Team will be advised at the District Trials and the Independent District Team Manager will provide further detail including team paperwork.



Name: Year Level/House:

I give permission for my son/daughter to compete in the (sport)

Independent District Trial and accept the obligations in regard to training and participation.

Please list any medical conditions team officials need to be aware of

Media Consent.Whilst participating at representative School Sport events. (This includes District, Regional, State and National Trials and Championships) I give permission for the name/image of the above student to be published or communicated in any form, including newsletters and other print media, television and the Internet. Y / N(Please circle)

Parent Signature: Name:

Student’s Date of Birth: Home Phone: Mobile:
