1. Log on to

2. Click on Sign Up Now.

3. Choose FREE License Agreement

4. Fill out the fields

5. Make sure you give a real email and a password you will not forget.

6. Check out the tutorials and tips for helpful hints

7. If you can access the videos, check them out as well.

8. Then click on “Start/Create Your NEW Prezi Now.”

9. Top left of home screen click “New Prezi.”

10. Give your Prezi a title of Life_Budget.

11. Make sure to save frequently by clicking SAVE on the TOP.

12. In the TOP LEFT corner is the menu wheel

13. Choose the circle that says Colors and Fonts

14. Choose the Theme Wizard

15. Follow the steps to create your color theme (the prompts will ask you to pick colors for titles, fonts, background, etc.)

16. First, type in the name of your career and set it as Title I

17. Using body text type in the gross yearly salary and also the net monthly pay

18. Change the direction and the size of the heading and text using the wheel on top of the text

19. From the menu Wheel, click on frame and frame the above information with the frame of your choice.

20. Find a picture of money or a dollar sign and save it to your MyPictures folder on your H drive

21. Be sure to wash this picture out (hint: use power point and then resave the picture)

22. From your Menu wheel, select Insert and Load File and navigate the picture your just saved. Place it BEHIND the title of the career and money amounts (on the outside wheel, there is a plus sign. Click there and you can move your text forward or picture backward.) By right clicking and choosing “send it back.”

23. Now find another image (from Google images) of the car that you can afford on your budget and save it to your My Pictures folder and then insert it into your Prezi

24. Next add the following text right below your car image:

a. Using Title II type in MY CAR

b. Using body text type in

i. the Make and Model of the car

ii. the price

iii. the cost of the monthly payment

25. go back to frames and Put the bracket of your choice around this information

26. Using the Menu wheel create a path that goes from the title of your career to the car information.

27. Next, find a spot near your car information to add

a. your monthly insurance cost

b. the size of your gas tank

c. the price to fill it each month

d. Where you will be getting your oil changed and the price of the oil change

28. Continue your path and link from the picture of your car to the insurance, gas, and repairs information.

29. Upload the picture of your apartment

30. Using Title II - type in My Apartment

31. Using body text

a. add the location of your apartment

b. the monthly cost of your apartment

32. Create a frame for the apartment information and continue your path

33. Using body text add the cost of the furniture and a graphic representation

34. Place a frame around your furniture image and information

35. Continue your path

36. Next, you will be adding a picture and text representing your monthly food budget.

37. Be sure to add a frame around this information and also continue your path to connect these new additions.

38. Next you will add text about your monthly utility bill.

39. Create a frame around this information and continue your path

40. Next, you will need pictures of your

a. cell phone

b. phone service provider

c. logo of cable and internet service

d. text under each picture describing the monthly cost of each item.

41. You may use one frame for all of the information, or you may use separate frames for each (phone, cable, TV)

42. Be sure you continue your path

43. Now add graphic and text for gifts and monthly amount and continue your path

44. Next add text and graphic for entertainment using your monthly average to be spent on entertainment

45. Be sure to connect the path

46. Add a graphic that represents your vacation and text describing where you are going, how long you are staying, and how much it will cost you each month to save for this vacation.

47. Open your Life Budget

48. Open your Declining Balance page

49. Select ALL of the information on this page, including your graph

50. Choose copy

51. Using File>New>Blank Workbook, start a new Excel Workbook.

52. File>Save As>Declining Balance

53. Using Page Layout create .5 left and .5 right margins

54. Change the Orientation to Landscape

55. Paste your Declining Balance information onto this page and save

56. Choose File>Save As and Save the page as type: PDF

57. Go back to your Prezi and choose Insert from the editing wheel.

58. Choose file and navigate to the PDF file you just created

59. Add this PDF file to your Prezi and create a frame around it

60. This will be the last item in your path.

Mrs. Speiser/McAdams Prezi Directions Spring 2011 Page 3