Hearts of Teddlothian FC

General Meeting – date 19thOctober 2016


Present: - Jat Mistry, Rich McHardy, Gemma, Rob Rainey, Julie Syers, Luke Arthur, Neil McCullagh, Richard McHardy, Andy Pollard, Adam Crossley, Fraser Brook, Nick Livesey, Raj Sandhu, Mike Cotton, Dave Bates, James Dean, Liam Roberts, Dave Bannister, Craig Taylor, David Prasher, Phillip Keers, Ian Dutnall, Sam Price, Gemma Ali, Adrian Sandy, Erik Welch, Sheba Sogol, Roger Chidwick
Apologies: - Andrew Trovalusci, Mike Danzey, Jean Paul Misso, Nick Steel, Nigel Taylor, Neil Sinclair, Matt Ellis, Simon Brook, Jon Cook, Paul Trowles, Tom Louvre, Phil Brown, Paul Craig, Mike Danzey, Richard Scicula, Neil Syers, Ray McGrath, Mark Gaughan, Michael Thwaite, Tom Louvre, John Webster, Vince Purton, Simon Wallis, Duncan Welford, Darryl Welford, Peter Greenwood, David Morrison, Paul Trowles, Duncan McCreddie, Terry Williams
No response: - Chris Myers, Andrew Leyland, Paul Laffin, Francis Mugford, Paul Shakespere, Mark Taylor, Tim Richardson, Mark Endemano, Toby Baker, Mike Larby, Steve Parr, Mike Smith,JoeKackson, Hamid Alawiye
Welcome back message from Jat
Minutes: - Jat explained the format for this season meeting – condensed to three meeting for the 2016-17 season. Thanked everyone for coming.
Hearts of Teddlothian FC - Constitution
Minutes: - Jat continues as Chairman, Roger as Vice, introduce Julie as club secretary, PaulTrowles as equipment and training, Duncan as fixture secretary, Simon as referee secretary, Jon Cook as Treasurer, Neil Sinclair as Welfare Officer and Mike Cotton as website manager.
No objections raised & therefore committee agreed.
Club Status
Minutes: - We lost last season two U18’s, U17’s, U16’s, U13’s and general players leaving. I believe Hearts lost in the region of 60+ players last season. The club currently stands at 499 players down from 530 last season. Feedback from parents is positive about our all-inclusive policy and players are enjoying themselves. Probably 3 new teams to be entered into EBFA in January.
Players Fee’s – we are still collecting fees at this stage. Jat has mentioned the players are not insured. Jat wants this resolved ASAP. 30/40 players remain unpaid as of today. Consent forms have to be completed in order to be insured from injury.
Minutes: -
Rule changes – coaches please be aware of about 20 rule changes for this season.
Action: Jat to ask Simon to make sure referees are up to date with rule changes. Any issues that coaches have with referees should be passed to Simon.
Cancelling games
Action: Roger to circulate info about the strict rules regarding cancelling games as points can be taken by the opposition.
International Players – registering players is taking a long time so please pre-warn parents that it is a difficult ride.
Issues should not be addressed to Ian Niall directly, please raise them with Roger or Jat first.
Jat mentioned he will soon be doing a check to see the player registered on pitchero to EBFA (gotfootball)
Middlesex FA - HealthCheck
Minutes: - Jat mentioned we have passed the initial Healthcheck however there is a lot of work that needs to be done to pass the next one, which is due very soon. All coaches as a minimum standard have to have CRC, Safeguarding and First Aid. When we start playing league games one person has to have an FA L1. Middlesex FA requirement, they are becoming more and more stringent. Note all courses are paid for by the club.
If not completed or due to expire, please book asap.
Andy & Rob gave a brief description of the FA Level 1 course to the meeting.
Jat confirmed that the club will support FA Level 2 training for any coaches wanting to complete it.
If 10/12 coaches wish to complete their FA Level 1 we can look to organise a club specific course.
Pitch Allocation
Minutes: - Duncan – mention to everyone to check referee e-mails
Coaches please check the weekly email if you have a pitch allocation and let Duncan know if you don’t need it as you are playing away. This will ensure a referee is not booked.
Current pitches – St Marys Training (opposite Lensbury), Broom Road, Langdon Park, Carlisle Park, Feltham, Buckingham Road, Waldegrave School(girls), Whitton
These pitches are booked for Hearts use from 8.30am – 12.30pm on a Saturday morning. Langdon Park after 12.30pm belongs to Teddington Athletic.
Coaches refereescheques
Minutes: -a reminder if you are currently paying for referees fees you are entitled to have this refunded. Please send Simon Brooks an email with number of games with amount required for this season – the club will pay.
Monday / Tuesday Training
Minutes: -Just a reminder no training next week on Monday & Tuesday evenings as half term. U6’s will not be training on Saturday 22nd.
Congratulations to Paul for doing a fantastic job on organising training for a vast number of players. Coaches please give Paul regular feedback regarding what you would like your teams to cover in training.
Goalkeeper Training will be organised, as requested, for the next month.
Action:Info on timings to follow in an email from Jat.
U7’s coaches asked if there was any chance that they could make their Tuesday training session earlier.
Attendance for the 5-6pm training for the U10’s, which is currently at Whitton, is not well attended as parents can’t get them there for 5pm. Has the work at Hampton been completed?
Action :Jat to speak to Paul about possibility of moving training back to Hampton after half term.
Hearts Roles
Minutes: -These are key roles in the club that ensure the club keeps running. If people do not step forward then the club will struggle next season. The Chairman does not have the capacity to take on anymore roles.
Current roles available:
Referee secretary
Kit Manager
Social Secretary
Suggestion that we recruit 2 parents from each age group and run a team rep system similar to class rep system at schools.
Minutes: - Hearts Social for 2016/2017 season in Hampton Cricket Club.
Minutes: - Nothing major to report. Hearts have on-line banking so we will make payments faster going forward.
2015/2016 season – club broke even. Club costs are increasing – kit, coaches courses, venues, insurance, equipment.
Annual club fees discussed as to how we sit in regards to other local clubs. The concensus was that our fees are low compared to other teams.Jat reluctant to raise fees so that football is available to all.
Jat requested that coaches check their company policy regarding community cashback.
Some large companies will make a donation to Hearts for the volunteering hours.
Welfare Officer
Neil mentioned the following: -
"If an issue arises involving the opposition, be it management, players or parents, please do try to speak with someone from the opposition and get their name, and a description of the miscreant. No need to be hostile; I have found all clubs I have spoken with to be horrified and apologetic. However, it does help my opening conversation if I have good detail to run with".
Few people still missing CRC checks
Minutes: -no comments from the coaches.
Minutes: - Jat apologies for the state of the orders but the companies just don’t have the stock available. I will push hard to obtain everything in the next few weeks.
Note – there will have a new line of merchandise coming soon, polo shirts, shoulder bags, boot bags, baseball caps, umbrellas etc…
Sponsorship and new kit design
Minutes: - Jat urgently needs to find new sponsors. Please ask around. We have had a few people mention possibilities but we need things signed and sealed ASAP.
Rich McHardy happy to help out and work on sourcing sponsorships.
Question do we keep the design or do we look at something new?
International Players registration
Minutes: -Ian Dutnall to speak
Minutes: -Jat would like to mention the U6’s coaches – Rich McHardyNeil Syers, Rob Rainey, Luke Arthur,- this year have excelled and the feedback has been great. We have now set the bar high going forward.
Minutes: - Thanks to Mike we have changed the format of the website. We have paid for additional domain names to get Hearts of top of the list in the area. Great to see so many people using the website as I see weekly stats. I believe most people are using the communication tool as well as the player availability section. What we need no is match reports from parents/coaches.
Hearts of Teddlothian URL only has one L in it.
Action: Jat to purchase correct URL.
Petchy Award
Minutes: - Recognition for children 11+ who have done something exceptional.
Nominations are open now so please put any players forward for it.
Any awards should be spent on sport related activities
See JackPetchey Foundation website.
Any other business?
Minutes: -
Name change– discuss
General concensus from the meeting is to stick to the name Hearts of Teddlothian
Hearts Big Day 4 Tournament
This will need to be organised asap if we are to hold it for this season.
Action: Jat to find a suitable venue for May 2017 asap
Girls Football
New players registering all the time. Membership is looking healthy. Rotation system is working well. Hearts are aiming to be the local club to go to for girls football.
Relationship with Waldegrave School is successful.
U10’s is currently the youngest age group at the moment but we are happy to open it up to younger girls if we can get the numbers.
If girls are happy in the boys league they can now continue in a mixed team until 18.
Pool Party
U6’s – U12’sattend.
Date for 2017 is 3rd June. Please put it in diaries and let your teams know.