ReQuest Question Formation Exercise: Dealing with Bullying

1. Write two “on the surface” questions about the assigned reading. In other words, come up with two factual recall questions that can be located in specific paragraphs within the reading. Make sure your questions focus on major ideas rather than on small and relatively unimportant details. Include the intended answer and the specific location of this information within the reading.

Sample question: What is the difference between teasing and bullying?



2. Write two “below the surface” questions about the assigned reading. In other words, come up with two questions that require reading between the lines rather than on the lines. These two questions should encourage critical thinking and analysis rather than just getting the gist or basic ideas of the reading. Include what you consider to be a thoughtful response to these questions.

Sample question: What kinds of students tend to be targets of school bullies?



3. Write one experience-based question. In other words, come up with one

interesting question that encourages your classmates to think about their own

relevant life experiences or those of someone they know personally.

Sample question: What should be the consequences for bullying at our school?


(Kate Kinsella, 2009)