Heart for Africa
Summer 2017 Internship Application
Mission of Heart For Africa: Heart for Africa is a faith-based, non-profit 501(c)3 public charity. Through Project Canaan and working alongside churches in Swaziland, we are providing care and hope for the future for children and families in this small African nation. Through short-term service trips, child sponsorship, and large fundraising programs, we are working to deliver quality care, shelter, food, water, clothing, healthcare, and education to the orphaned and vulnerable children of Swaziland.
Over the past ten years more than 5,500 people have traveled to Africa as part of our program. These volunteers have seen for themselves the challenges and have made a commitment to make a difference in the lives of those they have encountered.
Our Core Values:
- To bring glory to God in all we do.
- To be culturally sensitive in the countries we serve.
- To be the hands and feet of Jesus in Africa.
- To treat each and every person with respect and love regardless of faith, color or nationality.
- To work with excellence in everything that we do.
- To partner with organizations with similar values and goals.
Scriptural Compass:
- “Religion that God our Father considers pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”James 1:27
- “Whenever you did one of those things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me – you did it to me.”Matthew 25:40
- “So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5
- “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Project Canaan: Project Canaan is a 2,500 acre large–scale land development project that has been designed by business people to come alongside Swazi citizens and bring expertise, resources and heart together to find a holistic solution to a complex set of issues. It is providing training and employment, growing food to stimulate the local economy and supporting orphans and vulnerable children on the property and across the nation. There are two sides to this development project, the first is the farm side and the second is the children side.
The Project Canaan Farm has multiple approaches to agriculture utilizing both outdoor and greenhouse crop projection, dairy farming, the raising of chickens and goats, and the production of fruit wherever possible on the land. The proceeds from farming are being used to help Project Canaan become a sustainable community.
Education and training are vitally important in teaching Swazi adults the skills needed to gain employment to provide for their families. The Kufundza Learning Center and Khutsala Artisans Shop exist to help us accomplish this goal.The El Rofi Medical Center is operational and is helping us care for the children, caregivers and workers on Project Canaan.
The Project Canaan Children program is providing a safe haven for many orphans and vulnerable children left in the wake of the AIDS pandemic. The EL Roi Baby Home is designed to be a safe-haven and home for babies who have been abandoned by their mothers, often young teenage girls who have been impregnated against their will, are hopeless and have no way to care for them. These babies are currently being found in pit latrines, on the roadside or left at doorsteps and often are too sick to live. The El Roi Baby Home exists to provide unconditional love, nurturing guidance, spiritual discipleship, and care for their physical needs.
The Children’s homes have been operational since February 2012 and include: Kuthula Place, the El Roi Baby Home, Labakhetsiwe Toddler Home and Emseni Campus. The children attend either the Sisekelo Preschool or the Project Canaan Academy. Future children’s homes and schools will continue to be constructed to provide for the ever-growing number of orphans in need of care. This will provide them a chance to live and grow, as well as be educated to help break the cycle of ignorance and poverty in their generation.
Heart for Africa is looking for eight interns to serve with us in Swaziland for the summer of 2017. Students will be living atthe Lodge on Project Canaan. The Lodge is comprised of five individual rooms, two dorm rooms and a shared kitchen area. Interns will reside in the dorm rooms. There will be adult supervision, and safety will be of utmost importance to us. Our Long-term Volunteer, Chris Cheek, will be your supervisor. Each student will be expected to shop for and cook their own food, do their own laundry and be able to walk to and from their assigned work location (no more than a 20 minute walk).
While we have specific positions to fill, each student must be completely committed to serving wherever and whenever they are needed. That may mean packing lunches, washing vehicles or playing with children. The days are long, work is never ending, and schedules change, so each student must be flexible and also be a team player. You will work five days per week in your specific role, have Saturday’s with the children and Sunday as your day of rest (church, laundry etc).
This year there are specific roles for which you can apply. We ask you to list the position you are applying for in order of your preference. Those positions are:
- One young egg farmer to work alongside our egg barn team.
- Two property management “fix-it” people who have basic skills and know- how or who are willing to learn how to do basic building repair, landscaping, moving stuff and anything else that is needed. These people would work with Denis Musoyka.
- One person to help with basic computer training (Excel, Word, internet) to help teach our senior staff the basics of computer skills and email.
- One Special Education person who will work with our special needs children in school. No formal education is needed, but a desire to help special children is required. This person will work directly with Amber VanWinkle.
- One administrative person who loves organizing files, working in an office environment and has computer skills. This person will work with our front office staff and Ian Maxwell.
- One hospitality oriented person who will help with volunteers coming and going from Swaziland. This person will work with Chris Cheek. During the trips they will stay at the hotel where the teams are staying and between trips they will stay at Project Canaan. During the trips, the day starts at 5:00 AM and doesn’t end until 11:00 PM. These students must be good at multi-tasking, remain calm under pressure, and be really good with people. They will be required to do whatever is needed by the leader, some of which would include loading vans, packing lunches, selling merchandise or collecting passports.
- One person who will focus on community research. This includes visiting our 31 church partners with members of the Project Canaan team to interview and complete a survey to see how we can better assist with the orphaned and vulnerable children in the community.
Students who apply must have the following qualifications:
Christian, believer and follower of Jesus Christ.
Be 18 years of age or older prior to the travel date (June 10, 2017).
Be willing/able to leave from the US on June 10th and return back to the US on July 25th (exceptions will be considered on an individual basis).
Be willing/able to raise your own travel funds. The ground cost is $2,766USD and includes lodging, ground transportation and food. For Canadian travelers, the relevant exchange rate will be used to determine the final costs. You can book your own flights or we can book them for you. Flight costs will be determined based on your city of departure at time of booking.
Provide your own medical insurance.
Serving as a volunteer must be your primary purpose while you are in Swaziland. You will be accountable to the leadership of Heart for Africa with adherence to the signed terms and conditions of volunteering in Swaziland at all times. Breach of any of the signed terms and conditions will result in possible termination of one’s volunteer position with Heart for Africa.
Acceptance: You will receive an official letter via email to inform you that you have been accepted. Therefore, we ask that you not make concrete plans or make this public until you have received final confirmation from Heart for Africa.
Heart for Africa
Summer 2017 Internship Application
Name: Date of Birth: Gender:
Mailing Address:
City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code:
Phone: E-mail:
Name of church you attend:
How did you hear about this internship program?
Current employment status: Full-time Part-time Not employed
Current or most recent paid position held:
Are you currently a student? Full-time Part-time Not currently in school
If Yes, please indicate the school and areas of study:
Level: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Student
List any other languages you speak:
List the computer skills/software used:
Do you have any other special skills or talents that may be helpful at Project Canaan? (e.g agriculture, teaching,construction, etc.)?
Have you ever traveled with Heart for Africa? Yes No
If yes, what year and where did you serve?
Why are you interested in an internship with Heart for Africa?
Please list areas of service that you have participated in (through mission trips, church or volunteerism, etc.):
List the countries where you have served:
Share your testimony of when and why you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and what your faith means to you today.
What specific experience would you like to gain through this internship?
Please list the top 3 positions you would like to apply for in order of preference:
1. Name: Relationship: Email address: Phone#:
2. Name: Relationship: Email address: Phone#:
3. Name: Relationship: Email address: Phone#:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes No
If yes, please explain:
I give Heart for Africa the right to investigate all references and to secure additional information about me, if job related. By signing this application, I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to an internship assignment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application may result in my release.
I have read and accept the contents detailed above.
Print Name: Date:
Please email completed application or mail to:
Summer Intern 2017 Program
Heart for Africa
PO Box 1308
Roswell, GA 30077