Healthy Housing Grassroots Advocacy Network Application

Questions and Answers

Q: Please confirm whether the completed application can be emailed.

A: There was conflicting language in the application. In one place it says “Email or mail 1 copy of your application and attachments to the National Center for Healthy Housing (see address on the first page or by email to: ).” In another place it says

“please don't send via express mail, UPS, Federal Express or ask for a return receipt. Faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted.” The application has been corrected to reflect that email submissions are accepted and encouraged.

Q: My organization is a project of a larger organization. Are we eligible to apply?

A: See #17 in the grant application, "if your organization is a chapter or subgroup of a larger entity with income or expenses over $1 million, explain why your finances are autonomous." If your organization has a separate budget and organizational structure you would need to explain that to be eligible to apply.

Q: My organization’s 501(c)(3) status is pending. Are we eligible to apply?

A: We are sorry but only organization’s with an approved 501(c)(3) status are eligible to apply.

Q: Are Capital Costs (e.g. a Building Build-out) acceptable uses of grant funds?

A: We are sorry but expenditures for capital costs are not eligible for this grant fund. The funds are intended to be used for grassroots organizing efforts.

Q: For references, do you need a letter from the reference or just contact information?

A: We just require the contact information.