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1. / Welcome and Apologies
Marlene welcomed everyone to the meeting and confirmed that the first 30 minutes would deal with the matters from the previous meeting and the remaining part of the meeting would review the current status and the way forward including membership of the Group.
Introductions were then made and apologies noted. Attention was drawn to some members that would no longer be on the Group and these will be removed.
2. / Minute of the Last Meeting
Minute of the Last Meeting held on 3rd August was noted and due to most of the attendees being absent from this meeting, it was agreed that the minute be circulated as approved, pending any issues being raised by those that had been in attendance at the meeting.
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3. / Matters Arising from the Minute of the Last Meeting 3rd August 2016
Ø  ‘Porn Zombie’ Information
Due to Rachel not being in attendance it was agreed that this be deferred until the October meeting as she was looking into this further.
ACTION: Deferred to October meeting.
Ø  Named Person
Sue made reference to the recent supreme court ruling which suggested that for the Named Person scheme to be fully implemented the Scottish Government would need to review its proposed data sharing procedures - communication from the Scottish Government thereafter was that the named person was still be implemented and 'business was as usual' but they recognised that theywill need to revise some of their processes.
Ø  Baby think it Over
Marlene advised that an evaluation had been undertaken on this prior to the programme becoming mainstreamed into secondary schools. All the infant simulators and equipment had been dispatched to schools that had been undertaking the programme.
Louise suggested contacting the QIOs within education services to establish what was happening with this programme. James said that he would do this.
ACTION: James will contact QIOs to ascertain the current status.
Ø  Pregnancy & Parenthood in Young People Strategy
Lisa attended the HOAG to outline the new Planned Parenthood and Young Person's Strategy which is a 10 year strategy aimed at reducing the early pregnancy in young people. As an MCN, Lisa outlined that were assisting with an assessment of need across Sexual Health which would hopefully allow CPPs to identify gaps in service provision. CPPs are expected to take a strategic lead for this new strategy which helps young people, in some circumstance, up to the age of 26 as per the Children and Young People's Act 2014. Lisa also made reference to other national strategy - Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Framework which the MCN has accountability for.
There was a need to identify one person to lead on this and the ICS Board had indicated that it should be the role of the HAOG to identify the lead and take to the ICS for ratification. She explained that there was clarity required for the role of the lead and that there was no additional funding for this.
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(Cont’d) / Ø  Mapping of Services (PPYP)
Lisa said that it had been agreed that Jacqueline Bell would collate the information and feedback to the appropriate group, with the HAOG being identified as best placed. Lisa asked that support be given to Jacqueline in enabling her to collate this information. It was noted that it will be useful to know what was happening in the Shire and Moray.
The NHSG Cross System Children’s Group will be giving guidance. There is a Child Health 2020 Group which Simon Hilton chairs. The NHS 2020 Child Health Strategy encompasses all activities that contribute to child health, from education and early prevention through to tertiary healthcare services.
Lisa confirmed that there was a need for a PPYP plan to be in place by April 2017 and as such advised that the mapping would be available by end of October.
Following discussion it was suggested that the Chair of the HAOG could lead on this initially and could be revisited at a later stage. A paper will be submitted to the next ICS Board Meeting on 31st October regarding this. Lisa advised that Felicity Sung was the National Lead and she will be visiting Grampian in October. Tracy Gervaise was the lead for Moray. Lisa and Sue will update at the November meeting on the information gathered from the mapping exercise.
James drew attention to the localities and the geographics around these with regard to the reporting structures and, as Louise pointed out, will highlight multi-agency working.
ACTION: Paper to be prepared and submitted to the ICS Board meeting on 31st October suggesting the HAOG Chair acts as Lead.
Ø  Mental Health Innovation Fund
Graham Donald was no longer involved in this. Cecilia fedback that they would be retaining the funds for the meantime and outlined what had been done to date. They would anticipate honouring what had been agreed regarding the spend to date. She pointed out that £2,500 along with £22,000 had been committed by the Innovation Group.
Cecilia clarified the Innovation Fund for the benefit of Louise and confirmed that the funding was received on the basis of a bid submitted to the Scottish Government.
Ø  Mental Health Stretch Aim Development
Marlene explained that following further discussion, a list of proposed indicators had been drawn up for the identified themes as indicated in the paper tabled, and explained the rationale behind these. She felt that there was a need for some refining prior to being submitted to the ICS Board on 31st October and welcomed feedback. (See attached)
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(Cont’d) / James felt it was important in recognising how best to give support across multi-agencies and how these indicators identify that mental health issues are being addressed.
Dr Crofton said that Simon Hilton had undertaken work on the NHSG Child Health 2020 and Joy said she would not have the stats updated by the end of October. She did confirm that once the system being put in place was up and running it would prove very useful as it would be updated on a regular basis. ‘At a Glance’ Early Years Scorecard was updated on a 6 month basis. She asked for clarification on how often and the timescales for data/performance measures as she was meeting with Simon Hilton and could feed this back to him. She confirmed that her data was for up to 18 years, and it appeared that there may be a requirement for this to be to 26 years in certain circumstances. Joy confirmed that any feedback would be welcome.
Louise drew attention to the ‘draft’ Mental Health in Scotland Strategy, which was a 10 year vision and out for consultation to 16th September. She suggested that it should be entitled Mental Health and Wellbeing and pointed out that page 8 was too clinical. She would be submitting a response on behalf of Education and Children’s Services.
It was noted that Rachel Thomson had indicated at the previous meeting that the Strategy would be discussed at the Mental Health Improvement Group which was held in August.
It was suggested that the HAOG collate responses on the strategy from members and submit on behalf of this Group.
Louise asked if mental health could be included in the ICS Conference and James confirmed that SPARKS would be attending. All were in agreement how useful it was to build resilience and consider the terminology used.
Marlene confirmed that it had been challenging to identify the stretch aims and it will continue to be refined. It was felt that following the ICS Conference consideration could be given to having an event for mental health and young people.
ACTION: Mental Health in Scotland Strategy to be circulated to Group and responses collated and submitted.
4. / Self Evaluation / Review and Forward Planning
Ø  Role & Remit
There followed a discussion around the role and remit of the Group and James led on this.
Gaps in membership were identified as:
Parenting – Louise advised that she was looking at refreshing the Play Forum Policy over the next few months. She pointed out that the Play Forum were targeting areas that did not have green space areas.
Education – Lynn Scanlon to be approached regarding an appropriate member, possibly a QIO which could be rotated between those in post.
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(Cont’d) / Further Education - To be considered
Sports – Representative from Sport Aberdeen to be sought. It was noted that the ‘no ball games’ notices had all been removed from ACC green belt areas. Louise asked that she be notified if any member came across any that remained.
Outdoor spaces – It was noted that there was a gap for older children to access appropriate spaces outdoors.
Ø  Outcomes
Teenage Pregnancy & Parenthood was being mapped and identified as a measureable outcome.
Discussion took place around data and Joy pointed out that the Board was still looking at indicators, and she would make all relevant information available to the Group. She went on to explain the system being used and hoped that once indicators were developed these would be available to the appropriate people. Marlene felt that relevant data could be shared between organisations and drew attention to the Improvement Performance Group which should be a useful source for data and aid to the ICS Board.
James said that there was a need to recognise added value to what was already being done if that was deemed appropriate. He felt that Outcome Groups may be given topics to consider.
Ø  Future Priorities
It was suggested that mental health remain as core to the new plan as the overarching umbrella. Marlene suggested it would be useful to have communication across the Outcome Groups and circulate relevant information between all.
In the meantime, Marlene will create a summary plan for the remainder of the year, taking forward actions highlighted until the new plan is in place.
ACTIONS: Marlene to create a summary plan for the remainder of the year.
5. / A.O.C.B.
There was no other business discussed.
6. / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting and will take place in the format of a workshop.
Date: Wednesday 5th October 2016
Time: 1.30 pm until 3.30 pm
Venue: Seminar Room, Summerfield House

Dates of 2016 Meetings:-

Day / Date / Time / Venue
Wednesday / 02/11/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 07/12/16 / 1.30pm / Meetings Room 4, Summerfield House

Healthy & Active Outcomes Group Minute - 7.9.16 Page 1