Where Do You Stand

Where Do You Stand

“Where Do You Stand?”

John 6:67-71

INTRO.Jesus had just delivered His great discourse on the Bread of life. He had told them that He was the Living Bread. And without Him they would all perish. Unless they were willing to "eat His flesh and drink His blood," they could not have eternal life. Eating and drinking here is not literally eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus Christ; these words have nothing to do with the LORD'S SUPPER. "The flesh and blood of the Son of man" simply means the sacrifice of His body, the shedding of His blood on the Cross when He died for the sins of the world. (1). This was Passover season. Many of those who heard Jesus' words on that day were on their way to the city of Jerusalem to attend the Passover, and in passing through Capernaum they heard Jesus speaking of the bread of life. Their minds no doubt were on the Passover, and how suitable then for Jesus, through this discourse, to direct their minds to Himself, their true Passover, their true sacrifice for sin. (2)

Eating and drinking here is with the heart, with the soul and spirit, by faith, not physically. The flesh and blood of Jesus means the vicarious sacrifice of His body on the cross. All who are saved MUST by faith lay hold on the cardinal truth of Salvation-the death of Jesus on the Cross; and except we by faith lay hold on His sacrifice (His body and His blood) there is no hope of salvation, for there can be no eternal life apart from His broken body and His shed blood. (3)

Many of the multitude who had been following Him, after hearing His soul-stirring message, turned back and followed Him no more (v66). They said His message was a "hard saying" (v60). Our English word hard would lead us to believe that Jesus' message was "difficult to understand," but the Greek indicates that it did not have so much to do with the understanding, but with the fact that it was "hard to their feelings." His words offended them. Jesus asked His disciples, "Will ye also go away?" (v67). This is a question that still can be asked of us today!

(1)A Pending Question

John 6:67--"Will ye also go away?"

*Jesus did not ask this question to find out what the disciples would do. He already knew their hearts and minds. He asked it so that they might prove their faith and confess Him before men.

*Many times troublesome circumstances arise in our Christian faith, and it is during these times that Jesus asks, "Will ye also go away?"

A.When Issues become controversial.

B.When church trouble arises.

C.When men you had faith in turn sour.

D.When it seems everything is going wrong.

E.When everyone else leaves, will you leave the LORD'S cause also

*When troubling circumstances arise, remember God is counting on you. He has given you a ministry and desires you to serve Him in it and stand true to Him!

2 Cors. 4:1-2

(2) Undependable Disciples

John 6:68-69

A.When the question was asked, they swore to stay, but when the chips were down some were missing...

1.All fell asleep while He prayed in the Garden (Matt. 26:36-46).

2.Judas was missing. He had gone to betray the LORD.

3.Peter was missing. At the trial, he denied him three times

4.Thomas was missing, when Jesus appeared again after the resurrection, and the reason was that he doubted He was alive.

B.All of these mentioned were faithful and loyal disciples, but in their weakness they were undependable. It is in difficult circumstances that our weaknesses show through. It is during these times that we must rest in God's grace and let Him strengthen us (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

C.Where do you stand in the service of Jesus, the One who went all the way for you? "Will ye also go away?" God doesn't want us during trying circumstances to give up, call in the dogs, or throw in the towel; He wants us to stand strong in our faith of Him (1 Corinthians 16:13).

(3) A Dependable Savior

John 6:70-71

A.Jesus knew their hearts, even those who would betray Him.

B.Jesus prayed for each one who denied, doubted, and left Him to suffer alone.

C.Jesus also knew then, how you would react this very day.

1.He came to earth.

2.He suffered.

3.He died and rose again.

4.He is on the right hand of God the Father today, interceding for you. He loves you and He knows you and He is praying for you that ye might stand true to Him in the difficult and trying times that lie ahead.

CLOSING:Will you stand true to Him, or Will ye also go away?

NOTES:1. Oliver B. Greene. The Gospel According To John. Volume 1. Pg. 371.

2. Greene. Pg. 373.

3. Greene. Pg. 373.