Health Sciences I

Course Number 7240- 1 Unit Credit


Course Description

Thiscoursefocusesonhumananatomy,physiology and human body diseases anddisorders,andbiomedicaltherapies. Students will learn abouthealth care careers within the context of human body systems. Projects, teamwork, and demonstrationsserveasinstructionalstrategiesthatreinforce the curriculum content. Englishlanguageartsandsciencearereinforcedinthiscourse. Apprenticeshipandcooperativeeducationare not available forthiscourse. HealthOccupationsStudentsofAmerica(HOSA)competitive events, community service, and leadershipactivitiesprovidetheopportunityto apply essential standards and workplacereadinessskillsthroughauthentic experiences. Biologyisrecommendedasgood preparation for this course.Successful completion of Health Sciences Iand Health Sciences 2 is a prerequisite for Nursing Fundamentals.

Course Blueprint

Unit A Human Body’s Support, Movement, and Use of Nutrients

1.00 Understand the body’s systems of support & movement

1.01 Remember the structural organization

1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system

1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

1.04 Remember the structures of the muscular system

1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

2.00 Understand the body’s use of nutrients

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

2.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the circulatory system

2.03 Remember the structures of the lymphatic system

2.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the lymphatic system

2.05 Remember the structures of the respiratory system

2.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the respiratory system

2.07 Remember the structures of the digestive system

2.08 Understand the functions and disorders of the digestive system

Unit B Human Body’s Communication & Hormone Control Systems

3.00 Understand the body’s communication systems

3.01 Remember the structures of the nervous system

3.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the nervous system

3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system

3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system

3.05 Remember the structures of the integumentary system

3.06 Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

4.00Understands the body’s systems of hormone control

4.01 Remember the structures of the urinary system

4.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the urinary system

4.03 Remember the structures of the endocrine system

4.04Understand the functions and disorders of the endocrine system

4.05 Remember the structures of the reproductive system

4.06Understand the functions and disorders of the reproductive system

Methods of Instruction

Different teaching methods will be used, such as lectures, group discussions, teamwork, and hands-on activities teaching methods.

Continued on page 2

Required Text

Textbook- Body Structure & Function 10th edition

Course Requirement & Grading

Homework/Class Participation 25%

Quizzes/Labs/Skills 35%

Tests/Projects 40%

Exams- VoCATs Quarterly Exam & NC State VoCATs Final Exam each counting 25% of quarter or semester grade.

Tests will be administered at the completion of each body system.

Plagiarism and cheating have no place in an education community. Haveconfidence in yourself to give your original best.

This is all that is required.

Late work will be accepted 1 day late for 25 points off!!

After the 2nd day past the due date you will receive a 0!!

Attendance & Make-Up Work

Absences are recognized for the following reasons:

1. Absences to participate in approved school related activities.

2. Absences for family or personal emergencies.

3. Absences for medical reasons.

You are required to bring TWO notes (one for the Career Center and one for your Home school) on the FIRST day you return to school following an absence.

If you miss class, make arrangements with me as soon as possible to arrange time for your make-up assignments. You are RESPONSIBLEfor getting class notes from a classmate. Make-up quizzes & tests are due by the end of the third class following the missed class as stated in the WSFCS Student Handbook.


Plastic Cover Spiral Notebook- 5 subject- College rule (An 8 ½ x 11 page will fit on a college rule page BUT will not fit on a wide rule notebook; please take this form with you to ensure this sheet will fit inside the Spiral Notebook

Glue stick

Self-adhesive index tabs

Refer to Interactive Notebook Guidelines for additional information
