Victorian Era Project

You will be assigned to a group of 4-5 students for this project.


Ø  To research a topic about the Victorian Era

Ø  To become an “expert” on this topic

Ø  To write a 1 to 1½ page summary on the topic (Double Spaced, Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt. font)

Ø  To develop a handout for your classmates

Ø  To teach your classmates about this specific topic


Each group will teach a 10 minute lesson on a Victorian Era topic. The topics for the project include: fashion, food, holiday traditions, architecture, toys and games, education, medicine/medical practices, poverty/child labor.

How (suggestions):

Powerpoint Overhead

Demonstration Other ideas approved by teacher


Interactive Class Discussion

Victorian Era Project



Summary of topic ______/30


1 page minimum

12 point Arial or Times New Roman

Double Spaced

Names of all group members and period

All group members actively participate in research and presentation (members will be graded individually) ______/10

Handout (Must be received by______in order for copies to be made)


10 minutes in length ______/10

Presentation Quality ______/30

Total points ______/100