Health and Physical Education Teacher Education Block Assistant

Position Number: EDUC25

Tax Category: RT/TA


Tuition waiver of no more than 12 credit hours per term and 30 credit hours per twelve month period; $2500 stipend per semester for 20 hours of supervised work per week; Fall and Spring semester; Summer possible contingent on funding.


Ms. Lisa Simpson. 276 Cordts PE Center, 301-687-4473 or 301-687-7017


Assigned to the department of Health and Physical Education as a Teaching Assistant, to assist the Health and Physical Education Teacher Education major block classes in the Professional Development Schools.

. observe PE/Health education undergraduates student teachers in local schools;

. assist student teachers with lesson plan development, classroom management and operation;

. mentor undergraduate PE/Health student teachers and interns;

. other duties as assigned;

. cover class as needed.


· must have a 3.0 GPA or higher in an undergraduate degree program in teacher education, preferably Health and Physical Education.

· must have a strong knowledge of the Maryland State Department of Education health and physical education standards.

· students, in order to be eligible for this assistantship position, must be fully admitted to a Frostburg State University graduate program.

The main responsibilities of this position are: (If more than one category applies please assign a percentage of workload to each category).

o Administrative ___10_____% Workload

o Research ______% Workload

n Teaching Assistant ___90_____% Workload

This position is classified as Research/Teaching Assistant and is exempt from tax.

My supervisor has reviewed the above position responsibilities and I understand that I will be evaluated each semester on the above job description. I also understand that this position is classified as Administrative and that I will be taxed on the tuition remission provided as part of this award.

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

Supervisor Signature: ______

Date: ______

Supervisor reviewed______GA reviewed_____x______Graduate Services reviewed__x_____ Revised: 10/20/12