HDFS Program Meeting
October 5, 2016
1:30-3 PM

Attending: Lynda Martin, Lisa Mize, Hyunsook Kang, Lynsey Cortines, Jennifer Newquist, Rachel Jumper, Flora Farago

Meeting Began at 1:45PM

  1. Previous topics:
  2. Spring Schedules
  3. Drs. Farago & Kang discussed changing dates for teaching, but after conversation with Dr. Martin, it was decided to leave it the way it was.
  4. Dr. Martin advised that we should consider our students, our colleagues, and ourselves (in that order) when we were thinking about schedules.
  5. If courses are needed, we will find a way to teach them (adjuncts, new faculty, etc.)
  6. We can teach classes in any modality, but it is important for us to consider the access that online teaching provides. It allows students who would not otherwise have access to quality instruction to take our classes.
  7. General Scheduling Questions
  8. Overloads are permissible, but not preferred and must be justified.
  9. 601 courses are courses in development. They are hybrids but only are required to meet face to face one time. They have not been approved by OIT.
  10. Dr. Martin gave each of us a copy of the workload policy from the website.
  11. Possible changes to Spring Schedule
  12. Lisa will take both Dr. Newquist’s 203 sections
  13. Jennifer will take 336 sections
  14. ACTION: Lisa will follow up on if this is possible with Lynda
  1. New Discussion Items:
  2. HMS 236 ($1 donation for bonus points or book)
  3. Discussion regarding having students collect money for a donation to receive extra credit.
  4. Final decision was that we will NOT do this. Classes may decide willingly to participate in Thanksgiving Homebound, or other service projects, but not for extra credit.
  5. Head Start
  6. Family Fun Night
  7. Dr. Farago & Dr. Kang indicated they have about 22 students planning to participate.
  8. Time is 4:30-5:30 set up; 5:30-7:30 event
  9. Faculty discussion resulted in several questions
  10. ACTION: Dr. Farago will follow up with Head Start to find out how many volunteers they need and we will proceed from there.
  11. Resource Fair
  12. October 7th is the Resource Fair
  13. We will plan to attend as we are able
  14. Advisory Board
  15. Meets in the Spring, but will need a Fall meeting b/c no meeting Spring 16.
  16. Discussion to add someone from a field specializing in gerontology
  17. We would like to grow the number of people on the board
  18. ACTION: Dr. Kang will find someone from a gerontology field
  19. ACTION: Dr. Jumper will contact Kevin Clayton at Boys & Girls Club
  20. ACTION: Dr. Newquist will contact the Family Crisis Center
  21. Upcoming Events:
  22. HMS 100: Oct 6 – Talk with Dr. Shepherd’s class about HMS; Dr. Kang has PowerPoint and will present, Dr. Newquist will discuss JCFR
  23. Next program meeting: October 10th (there will be no meeting October 12th)
  24. HMS Faculty meeting October 14th

Meeting adjourned 3:00pm