April 13, 2006

9:05 am to 3:15pm (SAC and Academic Planning Meeting)

CPWTC Room 304

Attending: Ron Bekey, Linda Bruss, Vicky Charlston, Diana Ellis, Karen Jolly, Barb Kaufman, Barbara Lave, Pat Lewis, Marilyn Nelson, Andrea Pace, Michael Passalacqua, Zita Podany, Kelly Peden, Verna Reardon, Art Schneider.

Also attending: Carol Squire, Marty Murray, Chris Chairsell, Barb VanAmerongen, Scott Huff and Reine Thomas



2.Approval of Minutes January 25, 2006 SAC Meetings:

Minutes were read and approved.


a.Prerequisite change for OS 245 Office Systems and Procedures was approved by Curriculum Committee. CAS 216 and OS 120 are now prerequisites for this class.

b.Course Description change for CAS 170 & 171 was approved by Curriculum Committee.

c.SAC Approved course substitutions:

Rose Huynh: Substitute BT 216 and BT 170 taken in 1996 for CAS 216 and CAS 170. She is currently taking CAS 217, CAS 171 and CAS 246 at PCC. She is working toward her AAS Administrative Assistant—Office Management degree. Submitted by Kelly Peden.

Latrease Walker: Substitute CAS 175 for CAS 133 as part of her Administrative Assistant—Office Management degree. Submitted by Verna Reardon.

Amy Brinkley: Substitute Acctg 212 taken at PSU for BA 211 in the Office Management degree. Submitted by Art Schneider.


1.Follow up on Computer Literacy Survey: Art & Kelly

This has not been completed. Art will send the list to Linda and she will forward on to other campuses.

2.Certificates and Degrees Committee Meeting: Changes to the certificate and degrees were approved by the Curriculum Committee.Ron gave a recap:

a.General Education to 4 credits was accepted with minor adjustments.

b.CAS 133 – 3-4 credits

c.WR 121 – 3-4 credits

d.MTH 30 – Still there and will count toward certificate but not the degrees

Five SAC members attended the committee meeting, which was very helpful to CAS/OS.

3.Certificates and Degrees Committee Meeting: 6Certificates of Completion were approved. Certificates included: Basic Computer Literacy, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Office Assistant, Web Assistant I, Web Assistant II

Art presented Handout: Proposed CAS/OS Certificates of Completion (requirements):


a.Add footnote: Keyboarding is required.

b.Program requirements have and continued to read: “Keyboard by touch or CAS 121 required”.

c.“Pending State Approval” will appear in the catalog for the new Certificate Programs. The new programs will be listed first in the catalog.

d.Overview of the handout with new and current Certificate of Completion programs.

e.Please read handout to view changes and additions.

4.Business Math Course: What are other colleges doing?

Karen talked with other college members and spoke with Frank Goulard (Math Department Chair, PCC).


Employees in the Business Professions need to have skills in Business Math, with the focus being business math. This cannot be a 100 level course. Possibly MTH 30, with Business and Office Machine focus. Will not be a CAS course, may possibly be a BA course. If it is a BA course, CAS/OS SAC will need to approach the BA SAC.

Motion (Art):

A representative from the CAS SAC will be placed on BA SAC agenda at their next meeting with the following question: Will they offer a 100+ level BA course, with a Business Math focus to the students?

Voted and Passed. Kelly is the representative. She will talk with Bill Bruno (BA SAC Chair) to have him add CAS to the agenda for their next meeting.

5.Pathways Update: Art & Verna

Pathway to Success students most likely come from the recent workforce and need to update their skills. This is a two-term program.

Beginning skill level will be determined by a challenge assessment. A pilot will be set up by Art at the Sylvania campus. Art will meet with Laurie Chadwick.

6.Two Year web degree update: Ron

This is not an urgent project, but does need to be completed by Fall Term. Ron will meet with Amy Alday-Murray and will then send the revised tentative degree by e-mail to the SAC. Related-instruction issues need to be resolved.

7.Course content update for CAS 133. Follow up on level of difficulty for beginner. Are we following the COG? Verna


  • CCOG for CAS 133 needs to be followed.
  • Are there changes to the curriculum affecting this?
  • Art has spoken with his faculty, reminding them to follow the CCOG.
  • Possibly remove portions of the course curriculum if they do not follow the CCOG or leave it as is and assign extra credit for the work that is done.
  • Students report CAS 133 as being a very difficult course. Perhaps it is being taught in too much depth for a true beginning student. The non-beginners can pursue information further in the book.
  • CAS 133 is not being taught the same campus to campus; nor are they using the same textbook.
  • During Spring Term, there will be one representative from each campus gather together to combine teaching methods and skills for CAS 133. Andrea, Pat, Art, Verna and Todd Koonz will form the committee. Report back in the Fall.

8.Textbook Task Force followup from EAC. How to lower textbook costs for students: Karen.


  • Bundling – this works under most circumstances.
  • Negotiate cost with the publisher – not usually a good option for PCC.
  • Putting textbooks on reserve at the Library – request more textbooks from publisher for this reason.
  • Typical book costs are $600 per term.
  • Perks that publishers give instructors for ordering their books – is this ethical?
  • Actually, classes and workshops are of value to faculty as it provides training for new software, etc. that is needed in teaching the class.
  • Faculty who have attended these conferences can speak with EAC.
  • It is a partnership; not a “perk”.
  • It is against PCC policy to ever sell used (or unused) textbooks to a vendor.

Short Discussion: Prep for DOI visit: Ideas for discussion:

  • CIS/CAS overlap of class content.
  • Work collaboratively with DOI’s to solve issues and create solutions.
  • Present accomplishments from CAS SAC.
  • Share what CAS SAC is moving toward; accomplishments.
  • Possibly discuss DL class size limits.


1.Presentation of Academic Planning Process by DOI’s. Karen introduced Chris Chairsell

Presentation: introduction from Chris

She (and DOI’s) appreciate the Certificate Programs offered through CAS/OS as it helps students with life and growth development. Compliments on great service to students. Any questions?

Linda: Introduction and opening with presentation of Academic Planning Process

Scott: The purpose of these meetings is to create a more open process between DOI’s and SACs. This is to discuss future programs and get all people involved.

Five SACs have already met with DOI’s and eventually each will have met.

Questions from DOI’s:

  • What is working well in the CAS/OS SAC?
  • Are there any areas that need improvement?
  • How do you coordinate scheduling of DL and non-credit courses; Assessment of Learning.
  • How do you introduce software and hardware; within SAC and district-wide. Specifically, is there a district-wide prioritization?
  • Do you predict your needs a year in advance?

Dialog with SACC and DOI’s:

  • SAC: Each campus has different, separate budgets and the issues of software/hardware are an ongoing discussion and focus.
  • SAC: Needs are predicted about every two years. The software used currently is fairly new but there will be new upgrades in 2007.
  • SAC: It takes a great deal of work when certain software comes about as some require hardware adjustments on the computers.
  • SAC: Considerations are the number of Full Time faculty available to develop new courses. This involves release time, pay, etc.
  • DOI: According to IIP, release time will be granted only if all campuses are working in unison on a project.
  • SAC: Computer hardware is not really a big issue now because there is cooperation between campuses.
  • DOI: As a group; prioritize your list of hardware and software needs. This should be more formalized and instructors should get support from the SAC level.
  • SAC: Leasing of computers is done by three year contract programs. Coordination campus to campus can be difficult do to this.
  • DOI: Should standardize the lease rotation.
  • SAC: Can software monies be allocated district-wide rather than by campus? Example: Dreamweaver has been upgraded, yet PCC still has the older version. Students have the newer version (at home) but cannot use it with their studies at PCC.
  • DOI: This issue needs to be addressed constantly; not just at problem times. Can we move the course offerings campus to campus to keep this running smoother?
  • SAC: This becomes an issue when we are counting on campus-based FTE.
  • DOI: Instructors need to rely on their Division Deans to look at CAS computer labs and move toward one upgrade district wide, all at the same time. This has not happened thus far.
  • DOI: Be aware of your curriculum demands in advance. Be thinking about the future of the computer labs; types of equipment. Will the labs consist of laptops, wireless, etc., equipment. DOI’s look at CIS and CAS as leaders in this direction.
  • SAC: CAS teaches computer application. Classes such as keyboarding are not conducive to Laptops.
  • DOI: ITS is going toward a specific Buyer. This will help with pricing and costs. The goal will be better support to the new technology for the software that individual departments are buying.
  • DOI: SAC should invite an ITS person to the meetings so they can learn of upgrades, changes and information for future software plans.

Discussion DOI & SAC: Metering software.

  • CRC’s will be using metering by Fall Term. Metering is now more consistent campus to campus.

Art: Non-Credit vs Credit; Laurie Chadwick and Pathways to Success.

  • Students will transition into CAS programs. Challenge exams/assessment will be given to the Pathways students upon entry, which will provide direction on which class(es) to start in. Assessment Committee is researching “Credit for Prior Learning” or “Non-Traditional Credit”.

Reine: Determine the top 3 or 4 challenges of non-credit courses.

Are they being addressed?

Discussion followed:

1)Depth of mastery

2)How students are assessed

3)What is the next (future) direction CAS/CIS will be moving in?

  • National tests (CLEP, etc); portfolio (which industry will determine).
  • Two-Year web degree; multi discipline.
  • CAS/CIS combining Multimedia and Art.
  • CAS is continually looking at how to serve the public and community. SAC is consistent between campuses and keeps newest information available.

DOI: What is the balance between CAS and OS?

  • CAS: Both are valuable; with OS being the smallest portion of the two, yet necessary. OS is offered on- line and on campus, teaching the necessary “soft skills” for running an office and business. OS is valuable for the workforce needing to upgrade skills for promotions in the work force.

DOI: Demographics are changing for PCC. We are actually moving toward an older working population that may need to take one or two classes to upgrade.

SAC: Office job openings will increase due to retirement of the workforce, etc.

  • Regarding FTE; we need to continue working toward the district as a whole, in order to stop competition among campuses.
  • Separate the FTE for DL courses out of the overall count. Given the choice, DL is often more popular with students than on-campus courses.

DOI: Allow students to migrate between on-campus and DL online; combine the two styles, giving the student choice.


  • This would be like teaching two separate classes. What if the course style is not being offered at a certain campus at that time? Does the student migrate from campus to campus and which campus will earn the FTE?
  • This particular SAC, due to the classes being taught, are in the realm of constant change. Instructors are learning new software on an ongoing basis; each class has prep, in-class time, and constant new learning to keep up with industry.

Reine: Computer, Technical Literacy Survey:

  • SAC: Programs expect computer literacy as a pre-req or taken with their programs. The goal of the survey is to educate program directors on CAS curriculum and coordinate/mould/adapt CAS curriculum learning into a particular program that will meet their particular needs.

Reine: Any other issues?

  • CAS: DL. Web CIS/CAS overlap and web prefix. Example: HTML/Javascript: CAS taught the courses because CIS did not want to take it on. Now, CIS wants ownership of the courses.
  • CAS is very proactive in solving issues and is interested in developing CIS and CAS to best meet the needs of students.


  • Faculty needs support from the leaders. There has been so much turnover; this is a detriment to staff and students.
  • It is good to have DOI’s on the agenda. Let’s continue this.
  • There are 90 SAC’s, so DOI’s can get to meetings about once every two years. If CAS SAC needs to have them meet sooner, please invite us.

New Business continues after lunch break.

Re-Cap of meeting with DOI’s:


  • Positive, non threatening, good motives
  • Send an e-mail to DOI with CAS SAC discussion regarding the use of initiative money to hire a full time instructor for S.E.Center.
  • Give consistencies.

2. Class Limits on DL Classes: Michael Dembrow Letter (Hand Out)


Teaching on-line is much more time consuming for the instructor


  • All communication is written
  • Students are more likely (perhaps more comfortable) asking questions on-line.
  • An instructor will receive the same question, asked 5 different ways, by 5 different students. It takes time to answer each individual question.
  • Students often e-mail “Help Me” with a problem. This can take days to come to a solution back and forth with e-mails.
  • An overall demonstration to the whole class is much quicker than individual e-mail discussions.
  • By policy, SAC has the right to request/recommend class limit sizes.
  • Three or four years ago, CAS SAC did recommend class size limits and it was approved.
  • By contract, standard DL class size is 25 students.

Why should class limits be lowered for DL classes?

  • To better serve students.
  • For instructor to be able to provide a more personal approach.
  • To lessen student complaints (such as: “I have not heard from my instructor in days, etc.”)
  • Better retention for on-line students (?)
  • Are attrition rates better for DL or on-line courses
  1. Time Limits on Courses accepted for substitutions and substitution requests using old software: Karen
  • Think about high schools that articulate into PCC as their software is very outdated.
  • Maybe look at versions (generations) rather than a precise year; current software.
  • Maybe look individual by individual, rather than a hard-fast rule as there are only 4 or 5 per year.
  1. Prerequisite Discussions: Karen

This discussion will continue in the Fall meeting.

The next SAC meeting is September 20th at Sylvania; approximately 1:00 to 4:00pm.

  1. Virtual Assistant Degree Possibilities from WBITE: Karen

CVA (Certified Virtual Assistant) and AVA (Administrative Virtual Assistant)

This is defined as an administrative assistant who works on-line exclusively. PCC should take a look at this.

Ideas & Discussion:

  1. SAC will research this possibility; will look at a possible Certificate of Completion and/or 2 year degree.
  2. Possibly offer a 1 credit course that would explain CVA and AVA.
  3. This is exciting; something for PCC to look closely at.
  4. Verna, Zita, Karen, Andrea, and BarbK. will research this more and report back to the SAC as to their findings.
  1. Confirm BA 131 automatic substitution for CAS 133.

Yes, this is confirmed.

  1. COG Updates needed for:

CAS 103 – Art with part time faculty

CAS 109 - Art with part time faculty

CAS 105, 210, 211 – Call TBCC & Columbia before inactivating

CAS 123 – Barb K with part time faculty

CAS 140 - Barb K with part time faculty

CAS 170 – Michael, Karen, Linda

CAS 170A - Michael, Karen, Linda

CAS 171 - Michael, Karen, Linda

CAS 175 – Zita with part time faculty (SY)

CAS 216 – Verna, Kelly

CAS 216A – Verna, Kelly

CAS 217 – Verna, Kelly

CAS 280W - Ron

OS 120 - Verna

OS 245 – Kelly, Vicky

OS 280A - Inactivate

OS 280B - Inactivate

New COG (Computer Survival – Mastering your PC) - Michael

Fix 213 on the website.

CAS 113 is inactive.

Bring revisions to fall meeting.

  1. Course Technology Conference update: Art

Art attended the Annual Technology Conference in San Francisco.

  • Microsoft Office will have a new version in 2007. This will be quite different.
  • Windows VISTA will be graphic 3D oriented, marketed toward the 18-28 age group.
  • This will require hardware upgrades before it can be taught.
  • May offer an “Open Office” class (Open Office is a free download)
  • In-Design: Zita and Barb K. will look at CAS 230. Change the title and description?
  1. New Course Proposals:

Michael Passalacqua: Presented a new course called “Computer Survival: Mastering your PC” A committee was formed to create a CCOG. Michael and Zita. Karen will be available as a resource.

  • Michael and Zita will form a committee. Karen (course approvals), someone from Columbia Gorge.
  • Michael will create a CCOG.

Ron Bekey: PHP Class and Content Management Class

  • Ron’s new course idea: CMS (Content Management System)
  • Editing a website and storing data.
  • Many are freeware. This would fit well into the Virtual Assisting program.
  1. Advisory Committee Meeting: What do we want to discuss?

Decided Date: June 2 Luncheon

Agenda Ideas:

  • Software to be used?
  • Track applicants; Where are they getting skills?
  • What are new trends that everyone is seeing?
  • Thoughts on Open Source/Lynx
  • Certificates of Completion
  • Virtual Assistant Degree
  • What web-related skills do you expect employees to know?
  • New course proposals
  • Content Management System

Meeting ended at 3:10 pm

SAC Inservice Minutes—4/13/061 of 6