Anaheim Housing & Community Development Commission Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2007

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AUGUST 15, 2007



PRESENT: Donald Yvaska, Steve Rosco, Constantine Proussalis, Seferino Garcia, Margaret Patino, Darlene Powell

ABSENT: Bobby McDonald

STAFF: Housing Programs Manager Grace Stepter

Project Manager Andy Nogal

Principal Planner Jonathan Borrego

Senior Secretary Jan Jensen



Vice Chairman Yvaska called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.

Vice Chairman Yvaska announced that Commissioner McDonald was returning from Atlanta and that he had a scheduled interview with KOCE at 4:00 p.m. for an upcoming Banquet.


Commissioner Proussalis moved to approve the minutes of May 2, 2007 with corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Patino. MOTION CARRIED 6-0-1. Chairman McDonald was absent.




Andy Nogal, Project Manager, requested that item number two on the agenda be heard first.

2. Appointment to the Housing Element Ad Hoc Committee

(Donald Yvaska)

Mr. Nogal stated City staff is recommending the formation of a 12-member Housing Element Ad Hoc Committee. The City Council adopted the formation of the Housing Element Ad Hoc Committee on July 31, 2007. City staff is recommending that the Planning and Housing and Community Development Commissions each appoint one representative to the committee. The committee will be responsible for: 1) attending and participating in committee meetings; 2) providing recommendations on Housing Element goals and policies; and 3) reviewing draft Housing Element documents.

Mr. Borrego explained that the City is required by California State law to update its Housing Element for the 2006-2014 planning period by June 30, 2008. He stated that the Ad Hoc Committee will meet approximately six to eight times during the process of updating the Housing Element. Meetings will take place at the Sunkist Library on the first Thursday of the month.

Commissioner Powell inquired about other appointees to the Ad Hoc Committee. She asked for clarification why some of the appointees live outside of the City of Anaheim.

Mr. Nogal and Mr. Borrego explained that the Ad Hoc Committee would be a mix of residents and outside stakeholders who are advocates and have an interest in the City of Anaheim. Mr. Borrego clarified that seven of the committee members will be City of Anaheim residents.

Commissioner Powell inquired if the Housing Element would be available on-line. Mr. Borrego stated that once completed it would be available. The existing Housing Element is currently available on-line.

Vice Chairman Yvaska moved that Chairman McDonald be appointed to the Housing Element Ad Hoc Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Garcia. MOTION CARRIED 6-0-1. Chairman McDonald was absent.

1.  EIV Security Policy (Grace Stepter)

Grace Stepter, Housing Programs Manager, stated that the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allowed the Anaheim Housing Authority access to a national system called Enterprise Income Verification (EIV). The EIV system allows Housing Authorities access to information from the Social Security Administration and the State Wage and Information Collecting Agencies (SWICAs). She explained that the EIV system offers two benefits: 1) more accurate income information; and 2) on-demand access to information. The EIV system has greatly improved the income verification process by eliminating the need to mail or fax requests to third parties, thereby eliminating the need for tracking and follow-up related to verifications, and increasing the reliability of the income information used to determine rental assistance provided to families. She further explained HUD requires all Housing Authorities to have an EIV security system in place. The Anaheim Housing Authority (AHA) policy includes requirements needed to safeguard tenant files and prevent unauthorized use of HUD’s EIV system. Only authorized personnel will be able to access files.

Commissioner Rosco moved that the Housing and Community Development Commission recommend to the Governing Board of the Anaheim Housing Authority (AHA), approval of the EIV Security Policy and procedures in order to ensure continued access to the EIV system offered by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Seconded by Commissioner Patino. MOTION CARRIED 6-0-1. Chairman McDonald was absent.

Commissioner Yvaska inquired about the Hope V revitalization. Ms. Stepter explained it is not a Section 8 program; it is used for public housing. A brief discussion took place regarding Section 8, Public Housing and Affordable Housing.

Vice Chairman Yvaska stated that unfortunately, there are some residents who live next to Section 8 housing that are experiencing some problems. He asked what could be done. Ms. Stepter explained they can speak with the management and see if there is some validity to the complaint. In addition, they can contact the Anaheim Police Department. They will verify the activity and provide surveillance to help build a case. She suggested contacting supervisor Olga Tamayo at (714) 765-4320, ext. 4878.

Commissioner Powell inquired about the status on the Lincoln Inn.

Mr. Nogal explained they are planning a phased closure. As the motel units become vacant, staff is proposing that no further tenants be permitted to stay in the vacated units. Relocation benefits will be provided to residents where applicable. Once the motel is vacant, the building will be demolished to prepare for the construction of an affordable multi-family housing project.

Commissioner Powell stated she hoped they would focus on the disabled population.

Vice Chairman Yvaska inquired about the status on the 5 Freeway and Glenoaks site. Mr. Nogal stated he would get the information for him.




1.  Commission Training

Mr. Nogal requested this item be deferred to a future meeting.


Commissioner Powell stated that she and Commissioner Garcia viewed some of the listings for Anaheim vacancies for Section 8. She assists individuals in the community on a daily basis.

Commissioner Patino stated she enjoyed the 12th Annual Taste of Anaheim, held on Thursday, June 28, 2007 from 5:30 – 10:30 p.m. at The Grove of Anaheim.

Commissioner Proussalis expressed his gratitude regarding his reappointment to the Commission for another four years.

Commissioner Garcia suggested that Terry Lowe, Community Services Director, be invited to a future meeting to update the Commission on the Ross Park project.

He announced that Senator Lou Correa and Assemblyman Jose Solorio will be in attendance at the Anti-Gang conference scheduled for August 31, 2007 at Santa Ana College. He suggested that a future conference be held in Anaheim. In addition, he is representing Anaheim and he is a key facilitator at the round table.

Vice Chairman Yvaska inquired about the Commission’s request regarding a list of affordable housing projects. Mr. Nogal stated that it is in the process of being finalized.

Commissioner Powell stated the Orange County Housing Authority has an on-line affordable housing list. She thought this would be a good tool for City of Anaheim residents.

Commissioner Rosco stated he would like a map of the area and elevation drawings when a project comes before the Commission when appropriate. He explained it helps them with making their recommendations. Mr. Nogal will follow up on his request.

Vice Chairman Yvaska provided an update on our sister City, Mito, Japan. After 30 years we now have “Mito Walk.” In addition to the Anaheim Shores 30th Birthday and in conjunction with the Anaheim 150th Anniversary, a celebration was held in their honor.

He commented that the City of Los Angeles implemented a program to keep pigeons from procreating. He thought that something similar could be done here in Anaheim.

Vice Chairman Yaska asked about the status of a letter to Bill Sell, Code Enforcement Manager, regarding the proliferation of shopping carts. After a brief discussion, the Commission concluded that a letter should be sent from Bertha Chavoya, Housing Services Manager, to Sheri Vander Dussen, Planning Director.


Commissioner Yvaska adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Jensen, Secretary

Anaheim Housing & Community Development Commission