Appendix A

Hawai‘i Pacific University

Institutional Review Board

Project Application

Please complete and submit the form to the IRB chair via email: to

Study title:



(Please check one)

Faculty Student Outside Investigator



Sponsoring HPU Faculty Member:

(if Investigator is not an HPU faculty member)

Please attach a brief summary of the project. This should include an explicit statement of methods, data collection, and how confidentially of subjects/data will be protected including consent form.

Category for Review:

Check one level of review (Exempt, Expedited, Full) for which you believe the project qualifies, and each criterion that your project meets.

____ Exempt from review (nil or minimal risk study, or already reviewed by an IRB)

____ Research involves ONLY investigation into or comparison of normal instructional strategies.

____ Tests, interviews, and surveys are unlikely to elicit emotion or place subjects at risk of civil/criminal liability or damage to their reputation, financial standing, employability, etc. AND information will not be recorded in such a way that subjects can be identified.

____ Research involves only the study or analysis of existing data, documents, records, or specimens that are publicly available or recorded in such a way that subjects cannot be identified.

____ If study involves ingestion of food: only wholesome food without additives in excess of USDA recommended levels is consumed.

____ Brief informed consent will be done (except in the case of existing data, etc.).

____ No use of vulnerable subjects (children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally ill, etc.).

____ Has already been approved by IRB at ______.

(Include copy of signed IRB approval form.)

____ Expedited review (minor risk study)

____ Research and data collection methods are unlikely to elicit strong emotion and deception is not involved.

____ Research involves only noninvasive, painless, and non-disfiguring collection of physical samples, such as hair, sweat, excreta.

____ No use of vulnerable subjects (children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally ill, disabled, etc.).

____ Data are recorded using noninvasive, painless, and non-disfiguring sensors or equipment, such as EKG, weighing scales, voice/video recording.

____ Research involves only moderate levels of exercise in healthy volunteers.

____ Research does not involve ingestion of drugs or use of hazardous devices.

____ If existing data, documents, records, or specimens with identifiers are used, procedures are in place to ensure confidentiality.

____ Informed consent process will be done (attach copy of informed consent form).

____ Data will be kept confidential and not reported in identifiable fashion.

____ Full review required (more than minor risk)

Attach a statement that describes the use of vulnerable subjects or the study procedures and conditions that place subjects at risk. Describe the precautions that will be taken to minimize these risks. Attach a copy of the informed consent form that will be used.

Certification by Principal Investigator: The above represents a fair estimate of risks to human subjects.


Name/ Title/ Date




Certification by IRB Chair: I have read this application and believe this research qualifies as:

____ Exempt from IRB review

____ Appropriate for expedited review, and

____ approved

____ disapproved

____ Appropriate for review by the full IRB


IRB Chair Date