Having a Field Day Rubric
Criteria / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0Performance Level Effectiveness: Does the solution meet the client’s needs? / Shareable or reusable. The tool not only works for the immediate solution, but it would be easy for others to modify and use in similar situations. The solution goes above and beyond meeting the immediate needs of the client. / Requires only minor editing. The product is nearly ready for the client to use. It may still need a few small modifications, additions, or refinements. / Requires major extensions or refinements. The product is a good start toward meeting the client’s needs, but a lot more work is needed to respond to all of the issues. / Requires redirection. The product is on the wrong track. Working longer or harder with this approach will not work. The students may need additional feedback from the teacher.
Math Content: Does the student show mastery of the standard? / ALL bars show correct data. Bars are equal widths and equally spaced apart. Title gives information and makes sense for the data. ALL labels are present and correct. ALL lines and labels are straight. ALL labels are neat. Bar graph is very neat overall. / ALL bars show correct data. Bars do not touch. MOST intervals are equal. Title makes sense for the data. ALL labels are present and mostly correct.ALL lines are straight. ALL labels are clearly written. Bar graph is neat. / MOST bars show correct data. Title makes sense for the data. MOST labels are present and/or correct. MOST lines are straight. MOST labels are clearly written.Bar graph is not very neat. / Only SOME bars show correct data.Title doesn’t make sense. FEW labels are present or correct. Only SOME lines are straight. Bar graph is sloppy overall.
ELA Content: Does the student show mastery of the standard? / The student clearly explained the procedure used to the intended audience for determining ranking in correct letter format. / The student explained the procedure for determining ranking but it may be unclear or in an incorrect format. / The student explained the procedure for determining ranking but it is not clear. / The student did not explain the procedure for determining ranking.